Top 3 Things You Missed in the Avengers: Infinity War Trailer #2!

Avengers: Infinity War Trailer #2 has dropped – and there's lots more to see! Action. Adventure. Thanos taking on the Avengers. Witty banter between Chris Pratt and Robert Downey Jr. But most importantly: which Avenger will die in Infinity War? Captain America? Doctor Strange? Thor? This trailer may have some clues... In this Infinity War trailer breakdown, WatchMojo counts down 3 easter eggs from Avengers Infinity War trailer #2 that you might have missed.
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#3: Gamora's Homeworld
In what is definitely a flashback, this trailer shows us Thanos' original kidnapping of Gamora, who - as you may recall - is one of Thanos' adopted daughters. If you look closely, you can see troops belonging to Thanos keeping a mob of green-skinned aliens at bay. These are other people belonging to Gamora's race. It was already established in earlier films that Thanos wiped out the entirerace except Gamora, so don't expect things in this flashback to end well for the peaceful aliens. After all, they need to establish how evil and powerful Thanos is, and what better way to do that than by showing him wiping out an entire race?
#2: Ebony Maw
The last Infinity War trailer gave us our first look at Proxima Midnight, one of several members of Thanos' Black Order, which is a group of deadly aliens sworn to help Thanos on his genocidal crusade across the galaxy. This trailer brought us up close and personal with another one of the Order's members, Ebony Maw. Maw is the most brilliant of Thanos' followers, with intelligence rivalling that of Doctor Strange. And, in the comics, that fact has brought the two into deadly conflict. While the Marvel movies tell their own story separate form the comic books, they do draw from nuanced yet important plot points from time to time. Infinity War shows the MCU's Doctor Strange and Ebony Maw duking it out, and we're glad to see this rivalry made it to the big screen.
#1: An Avenger Will Probably Die... But Who?
In a recent interview with CinemaBlend, Infinity War co director Anthony Russo said the stakes in this story were high - 10 times higher than any of the previous movies. This latest trailer, like the one before it, strongly hints that the MCU is going to loose one or more key Avengers. We see lots of superhero peril, specifically Thanos' blinged up gauntlet looking like it’s going to smash cap, and a much darker shot of Thanos crushing Thor's skull. Based on shots form the previous trailer, we don't think Thor is going to bite the dust, so our money is on Cap - or more likely Vision, as this trailer makes a special point to remind us that one of the Infinity Stones in The Vision's head. Also, we know he isn't an Avenger but besides the scenes on the Asgardian ship, we don't see much Loki anywhere else...