Top 10 Random Celebrity Encounters

Sometimes, opportunities to rub elbows with the rich and famous come up in the oddest places. From running into John Mayer at Costco, to spotting Jim Carrey at Burger King, celebrity encounters can happen anywhere! WatchMojo is counting down the top 10 stories of fans meeting celebrities in unexpected places.
Special thanks to our user AdrianWatchMojo for suggesting this idea! Check out the voting page at WatchMojo.comsuggest/Top%2010%20Random%20Celebrity%20Encounters
#10: Amy Schumer
While it was unusual for it to be warm in February, it likely wasn’t unusual that people would be taking advantage of the rare weather to be out and about in New York City. The date of this lucky couple’s engagement photo session happened to land on this same day in 2016 – but that wasn’t the only thing lucky about it! While they were posing in Central Park, comedian and actress Amy Schumer was taking a stroll with her then-boyfriend Ben Hanisch and reportedly asked if they could join for a few snaps. This sweet memory was made all the more sweet considering the soon-to-be newlyweds had watched Schumer’s 2015 comedy “Trainwreck” on the day they’d gotten engaged!
#9: Janice Dickinson
Apparently legendary supermodels don’t exclusively shop at high end boutique retailers. On a Saturday evening in Somerville, Massachusetts, Janice Dickinson was spotted in Target of all places. When she and her family were approached, she revealed that she had just returned from Paris and they were on the hunt for flannels while in town visiting. Janice was all smiles and even posed with then-fiance Rocky Gerner for a photo. How delightfully down to earth! Apparently she even helped a fan pick out shirts, although he wasn't so into her choice of color.
#8: Ryan Gosling
Ryan Gosling shows up in the strangest of places. Sometimes, he’s breaking up fights in the middle of a New York City street, other times, he’s just living his wonderfully understated, unpretentious life, buying groceries from Ralph’s like an average Joe. According to Buzzfeed user StazzyBoo, she was doing some shopping in downtown L.A. when she bumped into the heartthrob. He was nice enough to take a photo with her, though, as she explains it, she was so nervous that photo came out pretty blurry. As for Gosling, he was apparently buying flowers, because of course he was, the charmer.
#7: Keith Urban
When you’re as successful as this country icon, you can probably afford to build yourself a private movie theater, but thankfully for this lucky fan, Urban still chooses to go to see movies on the big screen among us common folk. Apparently, he even lines up to buy snacks just like the rest of us! The handsome guitar-slinger and husband of Nicole Kidman was reportedly more than happy to take this photo with the starstruck fan. No word as to what movie he was going to see though.
#6: André 3000
Nobody is born with a set of perfect pearly whites - not even the children of celebrities. When this woman went to her orthodontist’s office one day, the staff was all abuzz. Why? Because one half of OutKast was in the building. That’s right, Mr. Andre 3000 was there taking his son in for some dental work. This fan couldn’t have picked a better day to get her braces off - the very first pic of her new smile was in the company of one of Atlanta’s greatest musicians and performers. Now those are two great smiles!
#5: John Mayer
We know that celebrities need to go shopping just like the rest of us, but who would’ve thought that this Grammy award-winning musician would be the sort of man to buy in bulk? John Mayer was spotted by a fan at a Costco in Montana. When approached by the woman, he graciously agreed to take a photo. So what was he buying that day? Shorts! Perhaps to go with the Hawaiian shirt he was wearing. According to the fan, he asked her to tell everyone he was “Ace Ventura”, which is delightfully odd. But seriously, Mayer seems to be really into Costco.
#4: Jim Carrey
This comedian, actor and master impressionist is known for his eccentric behavior, but not so for much his love of the Whopper. In 2013, this high school basketball team from Pella, Iowa got a bigger post-game treat than they expected when they stopped by Burger King. Because who else was there? The REAL Ace Ventura himself, Jim Carrey. Not only was Carrey happy to chat with the young athletes, but also it was reportedly him who suggested take this hilarious group photo on the buss. Pella had apparently gotten trounced at their game, so Carrey lifted their spirits by reportedly yelling "WHO ARE THE F-ING WINNERS NOW?"
#3: Rihanna
Working at a chain restaurant might not be a dream job, but for this lucky waiter, his gig at TGI Fridays resulted in an expected perk in 2008. When he started working at this location in Chicago, he was informed that Rihanna was actually somewhat of a regular there - allegedly popping in whenever she was in town. Far-fetched though it might sound, sure enough, one day this lucky college student came in for work and there she was. She apparently couldn’t have been nicer! Sounds like a good shift.
#2: Fabio
Another trip to the supermarket, another celebrity encounter for the ages. Fabio might not be the biggest name you could meet while doing groceries, but he’s definitely one of the most memorable. With his absurd good looks and willingness to poke fun at his male model ways, Fabio is a pop culture icon. When he bumped into this fan at a grocery store in Seattle (an organic one… of course), he not only smiled and posed for a photo, but was also willing to hold the fan’s infant in the pic too! What a good sport! And what a story.
#1: Tom Hanks
Seeing Tom Hanks in Central Park would already feel like a pretty big deal. But having him jog up to you while you’re taking your wedding photos? That’s the greatest story you’ll ever be able to tell. It’s already the happiest day of your life, and then you get this surreal encounter to take it to a whole other level. Not only did Hanks pose with this lucky couple for numerous shots, but he also even posted one of the pics to his own Instagram, congratulating them. Of course, meeting Tom Hanks while drunk or at least pretending to be would be pretty interesting too.