Top 5 Unanswered Infinity War Questions

So is Vision purple or red? Join as we count down our picks for the Top 5 Unanswered Infinity War Questions. For this list, we'll be looking at all the questions that “Avengers: Infinity War” left unanswered. And of course, there will be major spoilers for “Infinity War” and other MCU properties. You have been warned.
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#5: What Has Nick Fury Been up To?
Nick Fury was instrumental in bringing the Avengers together, and frequently appeared in Marvel’s first two phases. Since the fall of S.H.I.E.L.D. however, Nick Fury has only appeared in “Age of Ultron,” operating from the shadows after faking his death. Of course Fury is a man with a contingency for every situation, and while he isn’t involved with the reformed S.H.I.E.L.D., his reemergence in “Infinity War’s” post credits scene confirmed he and Maria Hill were still working on something. Before being erased from existence Fury was able to signal Captain Marvel, and with Samuel L. Jackson set to appear in her upcoming film, some questions about his plans are sure to be answered.
#4: What Happened on Xandar?
In “Guardians of the Galaxy,” we were introduced to the Nova Corps, as well as their headquarters on Xandar. The film’s finale saw Xandar almost destroyed by Ronan with the help of the power stone. After Ronan’s defeat, the stone was securely sealed away by the Nova Corps, and it wasn’t seen again until the opening of “Infinity War,” already in Thanos’ possession. Thanos’ attack on Xandar and battle against the Nova Corps likely won’t be touched on in “Avengers 4,” but if rumors of a Nova movie are true, we could get some answers in the future, and learn the fates of the Nova Corps characters played by Glenn Close and John C. Reilly.
#3: Where Have the Guardians Been?
Thanks to films like “Captain America: Civil War,” and “Thor: Ragnarock” audiences have a pretty good understanding of what the heroes in “Infinity War” have been doing leading up to the epic crossover. There is one exception however, as the Guardians of the Galaxy last appeared in “Guardians Vol. 2,” which, rather than being set when it was released, takes place only months after “Guardians 1.” This means the last time the team was accounted for was after Yondu’s funeral in 2014. So what has the team been doing for the past four years, other than flying through space and listening to Star Lord’s Zune?
#2: Where is Valkyrie?
“Thor Ragnarok” ended with The Revengers, a team made of Thor, Hulk, Loki, and the newly introduced Valkyrie, saving the Asgardians from the destruction of their home. However, their ship was attacked by Thanos in “Infinity War” and while Thor, Loki, and Hulk were all accounted for, Valkyrie was nowhere to be seen. Not only that, but Thor’s allies from Sakaar, including hilarious rock man Korg, were MIA as well. Thor later confirms that only half of the Asgardians were killed, meaning that it’s likely Valkyrie is still alive, along with Thor’s ally Lady Sif, who herself was absent from “Ragnarok”. With any luck we will see Valkyrie, Sif, and Korg return in “Avengers 4.”
#1: What About Everyone Else?
Of course, Valkyrie wasn’t the only character whose fate was left uncertain when half the universe died. Shuri and Pepper Potts were nowhere to be seen at the film’s end, and Ant-Man and Hawkeye were also both notably absent, bar a quick line that saysing they’re under house arrest. There are also the dozens of characters from Marvel TV to consider. While “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” has tied into “Infinity War,” how heroes like the Defenders, the Runaways, the Inhumans, and the Punisher were affected by the universal genocide remains a mystery, at least for the time being.