Top 20 Most Annoying Girls in Anime

#20: Ren Yamai
“Komi Can’t Communicate” (2021-22)
Komi may be determined to overcome her crippling anxiety and land herself with a hundred new friends…but did she really need to add someone as unlikable as Yamai to the list? On the one hand she’s a stalker who becomes increasingly infatuated with Komi to disturbing degrees, and on the other hand she’s shown herself capable of kidnapping and intended torture of those who get in the way of her one-sided relationship. We know it’s through the prism of comedy, but that just goes to show that Yamai’s icky nature can poison just about anything.
#19: Rachel
“Tower of God” (2020)
Nothing turns a fanbase against a character as quickly as betrayal, and Rachel had one of the most iconic acts of treachery in the medium to date! After Bam, sweet naïve soul that he is, goes out of his way to help Rachel pass a test that would allow both to ascend to the titular Tower of God, Rachel shows her true colors but pushing Bam to his death – all out of jealousy for the fact that he was apparently chosen, and she was not. Needless to say, any endearment anyone might have had for her went instantly out the window!
#18: Emma
“The Promised Neverland” (2019-21)
Oh Emma, much like your first season, you started on such a high…and then you came crashing down when you decided to adopt a pacifist mentality that seemed to dominate your character even when it went against common sense. Wanting not to kill anyone? Totally onboard with that. Not wanting to kill the flesh-eating demons who ritualistically devoured your fellow orphans like cattle? Stupid beyond belief. It’s hard to watch such a great lead flounder her potential like this, but we’ll just put blinders on and blame it on Season Two’s dumpster fire storytelling.
#17: Miki Kawai
“A Silent Voice” (2016)
That’s right – we’re not going with the aggressive violent ex-friend, the cynical mother, or the photogenic sister. We’ve reserved our animosity for this little lady. Why? Because at least every other character in this incredible yet depressing flick is being true to themselves. Kawai on the other hand is self-righteous and two-faced to the nth degree. Coming across as noble and kind-hearted, at least until someone crosses her or she gets flustered, at which point she’ll lash out verbally or speak behind someone’s back incessantly. It’s a cowardly and wholly unbecoming attitude, and frankly we’d be happy never having to revisit her character again.
#16: Gwess
“JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean” (2021-22)
Granted the majority of Jolyne’s journey takes place in a prison so…not exactly the friendliest company to be around. But even then, Gwess goes out of her way to be a problem. The usual prison antics of intimidating and lashing out at best girl Jolyne, while unforgivable, are pretty standard fare. But she goes overboard when she uses her Stand ability to shrink Jolyne down to doll size, stuffed her in a dead rat’s body, and tried to use her as a means of escape. Thankfully, she got what she deserved.
#15: Ruka Sarashina
“Rent-A-Girlfriend” (2020)
Mami may be the certified bad girl of the bunch, but Ruka’s no angel either, with her antics constantly barrelling to the bottom when it comes to likability. We get that she (somehow) has the hots for Kazuya and wants to interject herself in his life…but she goes about it in the most aggravating ways possible. Always trying to sabotage his agreement with Chitose, resorting to blackmail, going all in with unwarranted make out sessions, the list goes on. The only reason that she’s not seen in a wholly negative light is because the object of her affection happens to be one of the most hated characters in anime!
#14: Chizuru Honsho
“Bleach” (2004-12)
All these years later, and we’re still pondering why this character exists. Even among the most meaningless and throwaway members of Ichigo’s school friends, Chizuru just seems like a waste of space, with her only notable contributions being her constant groping of Orihime’s melons and general perverted antics. It may not have been as bad if her character went beyond that but, nope, she’s just a perverted stalker with no sense of boundaries. And we’ve already got Kon for that, so what’s the point?!
#13: Hinata Sakaguchi
“That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime” (2018-21)
While we’re sure there’s every chance she can change and go on to become a future ally, as of right now, this little lady is on our shit list due to her first bout with Rimuru. In spite of the adorable slime trying his darndest to converse with her and try to reach an understanding, Hinata went out of her way to limit his power and lash out from the get-go. Overly cocky and absolute in her misguided beliefs, she left a bad taste in everyone’s mouth. Plus she nuked Rimuru with a rainbow! That’s just rude!
#12: Gabi Braun
“Attack on Titan” (2013-)
We’ll be the first to admit that as far as redemption arcs go, Gabi probably has one of the best in recent memory. But it certainly didn’t start out that way. Fully indoctrinated by Marlian propaganda in spite of being an Eldian in herself, Gabi was willing to do whatever the military asked of her in order to prove her worth. Ultimately, her brashness and martyrdom would lead her to killing off beloved characters like Sasha, and beginning a painful road to realization and atonement, and needless to say, no one was rooting for her at the start.
#11: Myne
“The Rising of the Shield Hero” (2019-)
Irredeemable might be too nice of a word for this princess, but it’s certainly fitting. Myne is such a pathological liar, so narcissistic in nature, that she didn’t even hesitate to make a grab for power, even if it meant arranging her sister’s assassination, and accusing an innocent man of sexual assault, all of which she went about without an ounce of empathy. It certainly made her eventual comeuppance a treat to behold, but Myne’s egotistical antics left too many lives destroyed for us to ever hope of forgiving her, let alone tolerating her!
#10: Julieta Juris
“Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans” (2015-17)
There are so many examples of great female characters in this show. You have Kudelia; a spokesperson for peace in a time rich with political strife, and Amida; a badass, beautiful mercenary whose idea of free love was actually refreshing. Then you have Julieta; a soldier in service to series villain Rustal Elion, whose attitude could not be more grating. She tries to project herself as strong yet is so dependent and devoted to her beloved Master Rustal that you can hardly call her independent. She’s got plot armor as thick as her head and no redeemable qualities, folks.
#9: Nui Harime
“Kill la Kill” (2013-14)
Don’t let that cheerful smile fool you, this Lolita is a cold-blooded killer. As Ragyo’s right hand woman, Nui’s meddling caused nothing but chaos for the inhabitants of Honnouji Academy. What’s most infuriating about her (aside from the incessant taunting) is that she’s so damn powerful that she can get away with practically anything. Honestly, how are you supposed to compete with cartoon physics? We’re trying to have a serious anime fight over here!
#8: Kuroko Shirai
“A Certain Magical Index” (2008-19) & “A Certain Scientific Railgun” (2009-20)
Whether she’s making cameos in Index or plaguing us with her shrill voice in Railgun, we really wish this particular esper would take it down a notch for the sake of Academy City. While she technically holds the position of being Mikoto’s bestie, we prefer the term crazed stalker. Seriously, all this girl ever does is throw herself at the electro-master in the hope of getting some. That’s just creepy.
#7: Kirino Kousaka
“Oreimo” (2010-13)
Willing to step on everyone and anyone just to keep her otaku life a secret, not only is Kirino the worst kind of hypocrite, but the fact she goes out of her way to ruin her brother’s every romantic endeavor is just icing on the crap cake. Yeah, said brother is an idiot for deciding to go ahead and pick her in the end, but we’ll always consider this little pest the evil mastermind behind it all. You’ll always be bottom of the barrel, Kirino!
#6: Nyaruko
“Nyaruko: Crawling With Love” (2012)
Ahh yes, when H.P Lovecraft’s Nyarlathotep gets put through the ol’ anime conversion device, it becomes a different kind of terrifying. Speaking a million words a minute and unable to complete a single sentence without a reference of some description – Nyaruko is a living, breathing meme-machine of an outer god. And when she’s not bombarding us with catchphrases, she’s harassing Mahiro for some inter-species snoo-snoo. No amount of JoJo quotes will make you any less annoying Nyaruko.
#5: Maria Ushiromiya
“Umineko When They Cry” (2009)
Sure, we feel sorry for the poor kid being the daughter of Rosa, but as soon as she’s given a glimpse of the macabre she becomes all kinds of irritating. Going on and on about Beatrice one minute then telling her whole family they’re gonna die the next. And the crying…oh god the crying. But you know what’s really annoying? That CATCHPHRASE! Remember folks, bad parenting may turn your child into a bloodthirsty, witch-obsessed, psycho. You have been warned.
#4: Nina Einstein
“Code Geass” (2006-08)
Look, Nina, real talk here. Just because the princess you used to have a huge lady boner for ended up getting gunned down, it doesn’t give you the excuse to try and detonate a school with a nuclear reactor. In spite of her genius, Nina’s unstable mind and hardcore prejudice painted her as an unlikable character pretty early on, to the point where her little redemption arc at the end of the show didn’t exactly have us cheering. After all, we were forced to watch her get it on with Table-kun. No-one should be subjected to that!
#3: Rebecca Hawkins
“Yu-Gi-Oh!” (2000-04)
There are so many filler characters in this series they could fill up a whole deck. This begs the question, out of all of them, why was Rebecca the one to keep coming back?! She’s a brat of a character who somehow is considered a top duellist, even managing to technically get in a win against Yugi after he surrendered because…you know…friendship and all that. Can we please get back to defeating flamboyant villains in a children’s card game now? Thanks.
#2: Chi Chi
“Dragon Ball Z” (1989-96)
When Bulma and Vegeta have a healthier relationship, then you know something has gone very wrong. After bagging herself the universe’s strongest hubby, Chi Chi went on to annoy the crap out of fans with how she seemed to think she could have a totally normal life in spite of her husband’s world-saving duties. A white picket fence is all fine and dandy, but it doesn’t mean jack if the planet gets blown up because you were forcing your Saiyan husband to get a driving license. And we thought Pan was bad…
#1: Umaru Doma
“Himouto! Umaru-chan” (2015-17)
Must…not..strangle! Yes, this demon in an orange onesie may not exactly be the worst female character to crawl its way out of primordial soup, but hoooooly hell does she take the crown for most annoying. While she maintains the persona of a perfect student, as soon as she gets home, she transforms into a ball of ear-piercing annoyance. Lazy, selfish and way too loud, no amount of cuteness can distract us from just vexing Umaru truly is.