Top 10 Kamehamehas in Dragon Ball

#10: Final Kamehameha
“Dragon Ball Super” (2015-18)
As the fusion of Goku and Vegeta, it’s fitting that Vegito’s ultimate attack is a combination of their iconic beams. Part Final Flash and part Kamehameha, this appropriately titled blast crackles with electricity before it’s even fired. The continuing blue and yellow swirls are a nice visual representation of both sides of Vegito’s origins. The title is also more than just their beam names smashed together, since it’s usually the actual last Kamehameha villains see before meeting their end. As one of the only animated techniques to originate from a video game, this was a welcome nod to longtime fans - and even gave Zamasu some worthy comeuppance, too.
#9: Big Bang Kamehameha
“Dragon Ball GT” (1996-97)
Since Vegito has the Final Kamehameha, it makes sense that Gogeta would have his very own combination blast. But, instead of mixing in the same ingredients, this fusion-dance Saiyan substitutes the Final Flash for the Big Bang Attack. Rest assured, the results are still plenty flashy. Instead of a standard beam, the energy emanates from a condensed sphere with enough strength to nearly disintegrate Omega Shenron on the spot. It’s practically a free light show for any onlookers, and even doubles as an effective checkmate, too. As the last true Kamehameha in all of “GT,” this one sure went out with a bang.
#8: Times-Ten Kamehameha
“Dragon Ball GT” (1996-97)
Super Saiyan 4 didn’t just come with a sick new look, but also one of the coolest variations on Goku’s signature technique. Aptly framed by the moon , Goku’s hands shake with uncontrollable power as he merges two orbs of ki into one. This blue-hued blast is no ordinary Kamehameha, though. It’s actually two beams for the price of one. The initial blow doesn’t seem to do much against Baby’s Great Ape form, but the delayed followup comes in clutch later in the fight. Really, Baby should be thankful he got off that easy. Given its name, getting struck twice is nothing.
#7: Kaio-ken Times Twenty Kamehameha
“Dragon Ball Z” (1989-96)
Beaten, exhausted, and nearly down for the count against Frieza’s merciless tactics, Goku finds a way to stand up yet again. Then, with all the power he can muster, he pushes his Kaio-ken to the maximum times twenty multiplier and unleashes a devastating Kamehameha. After the space tyrant literally walked over Goku before, seeing him blown to the stars and back is just the right kind of sweet, sweet revenge. It may not totally clinch the win, but it’s a damn good reminder that even before he went blonde, Goku could still trade beams with the best of them.
#6: The Family Kamehameha
“Dragon Ball Z: Broly – Second Coming” (1994)
Three saiyans, two hands each, and one very big reason to get out of the way. It’s really no wonder why Broly couldn’t survive this one. When the Kakarot-spouting villain decides to make Earth his new stomping ground, Gohan and Goten step up to the plate on their late father’s behalf. But, when their combined efforts aren’t enough, a well-timed assist from beyond the grave paves the way to a full-on family Kamehameha. The visual of the three of them side by side is epic enough, but the gorgeous animation and emotional heft propel this to utterly iconic heights. There’s never been a bigger reminder that saving the world is genetic.
#5: Ultimate Kamehameha
“Dragon Ball Super: Broly” (2018)
Gogeta Blue was doing just fine with his fists alone, so when he decides to up the ante with some energy beams, it feels a bit like unnecessary roughness. Even the berserker Broly is nothing in the face of Gogeta’s strength, which is so epic that just charging up his attack makes the very Earth shake beneath him. The phenomenal production values sell the scale of what is arguably the most visually impressive Kamehameha to date - and boy does it have the power to back it up. Thankfully, Cheelai was there for a last-minute save with the Dragon Balls, else Broly might’ve transformed from Super Saiyan into a super-stain.
#4: Kaio-ken Times Four Kamehameha
“Dragon Ball Z” (1989-96)
There’s no buildup more hype than this, and that’s before either attack is even fired. When they do clash, the debris, power-up screams, and staggering display of strength is enough to leave our jaws clean on the floor. But, that’s not even Goku’s limit. With his friends, his family, and his planet on the line, he multiplies his Kaio-ken times four. It sends Vegeta, and the series’ already high bar of fight scenes, to the heavens and beyond. There’d been plenty of Kamehameha’s before, and many still to come, but this was more than a normal energy blast. It was the beam-struggle to end all beam-struggles.
#3: Father-Son Kamehameha
“Dragon Ball Z” (1989-96)
Gohan’s transformation into Super Saiyan 2 is one of the franchise’s greatest moments, and nothing caps off an iconic “Dragon Ball” duel better than a battle of beams. Cell’s Solar Kamehameha isn’t powered by the sun, but it would surely be enough to destroy it if Gohan didn’t singlehandedly get in its way. That’s no hyperbole, either; Goku’s Son is literally one arm down. Thankfully, Goku lends a hand from afterlife to help his son not just match Cell’s attack, but surpass it. If seeing the one-armed Gohan determinately push beyond his limits doesn’t give you chills, we aren’t sure what will.
#2: Instant Transmission Kamehameha
“Dragon Ball Z” (1989-96)
The verdict is in: Goku could totally blow up the planet if he wanted to. As he flies to the sky and charges up his all-powerful attack, both Cell and the Z-Fighters begin to worry he’ll sacrifice Earth to get rid of the cybernetic villain. But, even though he has some thick-headed moments involving senzu beans, Goku’s smarter than most people give him credit for. Just as he finishes charging his attack, he uses instant-transmission to appear behind Cell. The gasp-worthy reversal of the point-blank Kamehameha is only matched by the shock of seeing the villain’s so-called perfect form with its top half completely vaporized.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Vs. Beerus
“Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods” (2013)
Revenge for Android 8
“Dragon Ball: The Path to Power” (1996)
The First Kamehameha
“Dragon Ball” (1986-89)
#1: Divine Kamehameha
“Dragon Ball Super” (2015-18)
It takes some serious reflexes to dodge all of Kefla’s attacks, let alone charge up your own while doing it. But, with rocking music to back him up, Goku nimbly shows off why the Kamehameha is still unmatched. Of course, getting close enough to launch it is a different story - or, it should’ve been. Even Ultra Instinct can’t dodge in mid-air, but it doesn’t need to when Kefla’s ultimate attack is a built-in runway. Using his Kamehameha as a surfboard atop Kefla’s own beam, Goku delivers the absolute coolest, point-blank attack the series has ever seen. At least Kefla can take solace that her elimination was downright unforgettable.