Top x Goku Fights Every Dragon Ball Fight Ranked

Every Goku Fight Ranked
Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re ranking every single Goku fight from “Dragon Ball.”
For this list, we’ll be looking at each major brawl the spiky-hair Saiyan took part in across both “Z” and “Super.” We’ll be excluding duels as fusions like Vegito and Gogeta, but everything else is fair game.
Comment down below if you want a part two containing “GT” and OG “Dragon Ball” fights!
#41: vs. Ribrianne
Against the strongest combatants the multiverse has to offer, this second universe heroine armed herself with the power of love. We aren’t joking. While the continuous prattling is its own kind of battle, her tricky techniques put up an admirable fight against Goku - even if it is just an appetizer to the main event.
#40: vs. Universal Assassins
As a general rule of thumb, sneaking up on a recently revived space tyrant is probably not a great idea, especially when he’s got Goku backing him up. While Frieza’s malice takes front and center, Goku puts up his dukes and shows these Universe 9 Assassins he’s no slouch, either.
#39: vs. Pikkon
Nothing passes time in the afterlife better than a good, old-fashioned tournament arc. Thankfully, Pikkon’s slimy personality and elemental attacks make for an engaging back and forth with even Goku’s Super Saiyan transformation.
#38: vs. Fit Buu
When the bubble-gum colored Z-Fighter finally lays off the pudding, he gains a physique more in line with the rest of Earth’s defenders. It’s not just for show, either. The slimmer figure allows him to trade blows with Goku for the first time since their initial bout in “Z”.
#37: vs. Cell Jr.
These bite-sized knockoffs shouldn’t be much of a threat at all to Goku and company. At least, on paper. Unfortunately, the Saiyan star hasn’t fully recovered from his fight with their father, and has no energy to resist getting tossed around by the brats.
#36: vs. Zamasu
Before they turned into arch-enemies, Goku asked for an innocent spar with the haughty Kai. It wasn’t much of a contest, though, and the sting of defeat definitely didn’t help Zamasu’s already soured view of mortals.
#35: vs. Frost
For all intents and purposes, Goku totally won this fight. Even when Frost unveils his hidden final form, he’s no match for a Super Saiyan. But, the alien cheats with poison and nets himself an unearned victory based on a technicality. Talk about toxic sportsmanship.
#34: vs. Krillin & Android 18
Power-scaling may say that the bald-headed earthling stands no chance against Super Saiyan Blue, but Krillin has a few destructo discs up his sleeve. Thanks to some clever tactics and an assist from his android wife, he manages to pull a satisfying fast one on the god-powered Goku.
#33: vs. Botamo
No damage? No problem. Even though Goku’s hits are wholly ineffective against Botamo’s body, he secures the win by simply tossing his foe from the tournament arena. It’s not as flashy, but it gets the job done.
#32: vs. Uub
The very last fight of “Z” and the original manga isn’t a crazy spectacle deciding the fate of the Earth, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t memorable. Goku is left so impressed with Buu’s reincarnation that he decides to help train the next generation, which is as apt a farewell as we could hope for.
#31: vs. Trunks
To gauge Goku Black’s strength, these two Super Saiyans glow gold for a quick scrimmage. Goku even grows out the Super Saiyan 3 mullet, which is plenty enough to convince Trunks that his timeline is in good hands.
#30: vs. Bergamo
At first, it seems like Goku’s just not paying attention to the fact his blows only make the wolf-life villain stronger. But, naturally, the Saiyan had a plan. He was just proving that the bigger they are, the harder they fall.
#29: vs. Yakon
Babidi’s attempts at stalling the Z-Fighters were more roadbumps than genuine threats, especially in the case of this praying mantis of a monster. It tries to absorb Goku’s energy blasts, but it only ends up being one of the Saiyan’s only victims in all of “Z.” Next time, he should try the ki-free diet.
#28: vs. Android 17
It may have taken a few hundred episodes, but these two finally stepped into the ring together, and it didn’t disappoint. Backed by a gorgeous sunset, this flashy sparring session has all the fluid animation, nostalgic callbacks, and unique interactions to make it an instant standout.
#27: vs. Beerus (Round 1)
By the end of “Z,” Goku was sitting pretty at the top of the proverbial food chain. Which is why it’s so shocking to see even Super Saiyan 3 get knocked to the wayside by a few quick strikes from Beerus. The message was loud and clear: Gods of Destruction are not to be messed with.
#26: vs. Universe 9
The downside of going all-in, is sometimes you get royally flushed. Despite a coordinated strike from most of Universe 9, Goku and his pals handily showed why saving the world is just a day-job for them. Even the Trio of Danger couldn’t withstand the combined might of Goku and Vegeta.
#25: vs. Android 19
Dr. Gero’s nefarious creation can absorb any kind of energy, but that’s not what wins him this fight. In some abysmally poor timing, Goku’s heart virus strikes in the middle of the confrontation. It incapacitates him long enough to let Android 19 nearly deliver the finishing blow.
#24: vs. Top
This Pride Trooper’s oversized hands aren’t just for show. One bear hug and a near-broken arm later, it seems Universe 11 is a worthy contender for our heroes. That is, until Goku flicks on the blue hair and shows the foe who’s really on top.
#23: vs. Burter and Jeice
It’s two on one, and Goku still makes this look unfair for the other guys. Jeice and Burter admirably try combining their techniques, but after training in intense gravity, Goku’s simply in a different league. They don’t even get to finish their sentences before Goku’s fist is in their face.
#22: vs. Anilaza
Nothing says team-bonding quite like destroying an oversized android. As the fusion of several Universe 3 combatants, it makes sense that it took nearly the entirety of the Seventh Universe to compete with the fused robot. Goku may not seal the deal himself, but his Kamehameha assist is still appreciated.
#21: vs. Gohan
Goku’s son may not have been hitting the gym as regularly anymore, but he still held himself surprisingly well against his father. Gohan even landed a few genuine blows, proving that this Saiyaman is back and ready to dole out some justice.
#20: vs. Recoome
Goku may have a bad habit of showing up late to the party, but it sure is fashionable. After the Ginyu Force played a rather cruel game of cat-and-mouse with Vegeta, Gohan, and Krillin, a certain Saiyan warrior finally arrived in style. Better yet, he was armed and ready to dish out some Kaio-ken carnage. Really, calling this a fight is rather generous to Recoome, who can’t even land a finger on Goku. Meanwhile, all it takes is a single blow from Gohan’s Dad to send Ginyu’s lackey into an early retirement. After this kind of mass layoff, the force will definitely need to field some new hires.
#19: vs. Fused Zamasu
Even a trio of multicolored Super Saiyans are no match for a deity with an immortal body. Fused Zamasu brings Armageddon down upon Trunks and Vegeta, leaving Goku the only one left to fight - if you can ever call it that. It mainly consists of dodging thunderbolts and getting tossed through buildings. But, Goku’s not one to throw in the gi, and he retaliates with a beam struggle so intense, it leaves his arms completely numb. The one vs. one - or, one vs. two, if you want to be semantic about fusions - told Goku he needed to start thinking inside the potara earring box if he wanted to win.
#18: vs. Ginyu
They say imitation is the highest form of flattery, but after this, Goku may beg to differ. His intense training in multiplied gravity skyrocketed his power level to new heights, and that’s without the Kaio-ken boost. It made the Ginyu Force’s leader look like more of a joke than he already was. But all the comical poses were smoke and mirrors to hide a genuinely imposing technique: the body change. It adds a hilarious new meaning to the phrase “stop hitting yourself.” You could argue that technically, Goku still won this fight. Or, at least, his fists did. Either way, Goku can be proud that even his foes appreciate his hard work.
#17: vs. Broly
From the moment these two power up, it’s clear this is going to be a duel to remember. Making full use of the film's new visual aesthetic, the inaugural smackdown between Goku and Broly features some of the most high-speed, impactful action the series has ever seen. The rampaging Saiyan manages to toss around Super Saiyan God Goku like he’s a rag doll, and that’s just in his base form. Once he becomes Super Saiyan, too, not even Goku can keep up with him anymore. It’s impressive for anyone to keep up with Super Saiyan Blue, let alone two of them at once. Guess the golden locks aren’t out of style quite yet.
#16: vs. Raditz
Goku’s long-lost brother shows up to nab Gohan, drop some major lore bombshells, and then leave an invite to the Saiyan family reunion. Also known as destroying Earth. Yeah, it’s a lot to contend with, and even Goku and Piccolo’s unlikely team up can’t fully compete with Raditz’s Double Sunday. It’s especially difficult when Goku’s naivete keeps giving his brother an easy out. It took the hero a while to realize that family quarrels are best resolved with tough love. In this case, that means a special beam cannon to the gut. The double-death finale is shocking at first, but really, self-sacrifice to save the day is about as classic Goku as you can get.
#15: vs. Goku Black
Naturally, the only person capable of matching Goku blow for blow is himself. Well, kind of. This evil variant from Trunks’ timeline has a much shorter fuse for mortals, and makes everyone see double when he confronts his original in combat. The mirrored techniques and mimicked choreography highlight the undeniable novelty of two of the same person fighting. Goku Black’s arguably a smidge more dangerous, though, since he grows stronger at the same rate of his counterpart, but with much less regard for human life. Talk about a dual-edged sword. Thankfully, Goku Black is eventually drawn back to his own timeline, else these two might have literally battled to a standstill.
#14: vs. Jiren (Round 1)
When even the Spirit Bomb can’t leave a scratch on Universe 11’s ace, it seemed Goku would need a miracle to best the Pride Trooper. But, after his ultimate technique failed, this stubborn Saiyan simply found a new one. This time, in the form of Ultra Instinct. For the first time, he doesn’t just land a blow on Jiren, he actually seems to push him into a corner. The silver form’s unmatched speed and reflexes deliver some intensely high-speed clashes, and mind you, this was without a day of real training. Jiren may have clinched the win, but Goku got a different kind of victory by deservedly breaking the internet with this flashy debut.
#13: vs. Nappa
Despite a detour through Snake Way, Goku somehow made it back to Earth just in time to save his son from becoming fertilizer. While the same can’t be said for the rest of the Z-fighters, rest assured, Goku honored them by handily showing Nappa which Saiyan’s the real boss of Earth. In the end, the bald-headed warrior’s rageful power-up only amounts to a broken back and a hand-warmer for Goku. It would teeter towards excessive if it weren't for the fact Nappa had just finished viciously killing Goku’s friends. With that in mind, it’s hard to do anything other than cheer as our hero tosses the invader to the ground like he was nothing.
#12: vs. Hit
Universe Six’s silent assassin has all the time in the world - literally. Thanks to his near-unstoppable timeskip technique, even the most trained combatants can’t block Hit’s attacks. Let alone land one of their own. Goku powers up to the max, but this duel requires more brains than brawn. The clever clashes of might top each other again and again until it culminates in a moment that practically speaks for itself. Using Kaio-ken with Super Saiyan is more than a welcome nod to longtime fans, but it also looks really freaking cool. This legendary fight’s power-up screams, new form, and epic music single-handedly put “Super” on the map as a worthy successor to the franchise.
#11: vs. Golden Frieza
It took a little while, but years after their iconic first bout on Namek, Goku’s nemesis finally got his own gilded transformation. Unfortunately, Goku had already moved onto blue, but that didn’t mean the brawl wasn’t a climactic treat. The planet wasn’t exploding beneath them - yet - but the two manage to replicate the same nail biting tension with higher power levels and even flashier techniques. It’s almost a shame how utterly outmatched Frieza is, but at least he makes up for it with his signature brand of evil. His under-the-table shot felled Goku, and even if Whis technically rewinded time, the history books still mark this one as a win for the intergalactic threat.
#10: vs. Majin Buu
After the incarnation of evil starts turning the world into his own personal candy store, Goku decides to unveil a power that’s even further beyond a Super Saiyan. In one of the lengthiest and coolest-looking transformations in the franchise, the signature golden hair multiplies alongside Goku’s power level. The new form shook the Earth, but it did the same to the Saiyan’s stamina. As hype as it is to see Goku punch some indents into Buu’s gelatinous body, the exhausting toll meant the fight was more of a sprint than a marathon. Even if the actual combat ended with Goku’s retreat, it’s safe to say Super Saiyan 3 was still plenty memorable.
#9: vs. Beerus (Round 2)
Nothing sets a Saiyan heart ablaze quite a humiliating defeat. This rematch with Beerus came with the support of his friends, the hopes of the planet, and a brand new red hair dye full of God Ki. The divine feats of strength send the duo from caverns to space, with all the epic scale and dramatic clashes worthy of deities. But, this brawl isn’t memorable for the new form alone; it also stands out because Goku actually loses. No filthy tricks, interruptions, or other excuses, he simply just wasn’t strong enough. However, the fact he managed to hold back Beerus’ final attack all on his own is still plenty worthy of praise.
#8: vs. Majin Vegeta
The timing for this long-awaited rematch leaves a lot to be desired, but the results are undeniably epic. Goku’s always been one step ahead, so it’s hard not to feel a little vindicated as the Saiyan Prince finally slaps around his perennial nemesis. However, the outstanding, action-packed setpieces are anchored by an emotionally dense exploration of Vegeta’s character. There’s a somber quality to seeing him slip back into his old ways, especially as the battle of wills expresses his relationship with Goku better than words ever could. In the end, they never do find out who’s truly stronger, but that’s not as important as Vegeta’s resolution to sacrifice it all to save the ones he loves.
#7: vs. Kefla
Who ever said there’s strength in numbers has clearly never met any Saiyans. Sure, Goku adds up his Super Saiyan forms against Kale and Caulifla, but it’s only when the two heroines fuse into one that things really heat up. The dizzying speed and standout choreography push Goku all the way back into Ultra Instinct, but Kefla doesn’t need to go silver to keep up. Her near-endless pool of energy means her all-out final attack is a serious hazard for bystanders, and maybe even the arena itself. But, the epic display of power only serves as a reversal for what is, bar-none, the sickest Kamehameha in the entire series - and there’s been a lot of them.
#6: vs. Kid Buu
Even a Super Saiyan 3 Kamehameha is nothing in the face of an enemy that can just reform themselves after each attack. It’s unfairly brutal, but you can’t expect anything different from the final boss of “Z.” The animators went all out on the production value of the early stages, but there’s still only one way to end a duel of this magnitude, and that’s with the biggest Spirit Bomb yet. As Vegeta takes a beating to hold off Buu, Goku obliterates the ultimate evil with a visual representation of everything he’s accomplished. As the original end of the manga, this is more than an exclamation point on the series, it’s a victory lap.
#5: vs. Goku Black and Zamasu
All may be fair in love, war, and “Dragon Ball,” but that doesn’t make it a good idea. Goku’s traditionally a pretty care-free guy, but when he learns of Goten and Chi-Chi’s fate in Zamasu’s ravaged timeline, he shows the villainous duo why Super Saiyan comes from rage. After some explosive blows, Vegeta joins in to make this a true two on two. Group fights are already a rarity in the series, especially against villains of this caliber, so the team attacks and creative choreography make for a downright unforgettable showdown. Though, even without all that, this bout would still be noteworthy just for Goku’s rageful scream alone.
#4: vs. Perfect Cell
There was something that felt oh-so-right about watching Goku cut loose again after being sidelined most of the arc due to his heart virus. He sure came back swinging, delivering an outstanding clash alongside one of his coolest Kamehamehas to date. It’s surprising, then, that this duel ends with Goku waving the white flag. Despite seemingly standing toe to toe with Cell’s absurd power, the father had to make room for his son, Gohan. Goku did eventually step back in the ring, if only to sacrifice himself to save Earth from Cell’s self-destruction. Their conflict had a downer of an end, but it sure was explosive. Or, dare we say it, perfect.
#3: vs. Vegeta
It’s impressive that just seeing these two take their battle stances is utterly iconic. It brims with electric tension before a single blow is thrown, but the actual combat somehow takes those expectations well over nine thousand. The Kaio-ken’s massive toll on the body makes each clash more perilous than the last, which expertly builds towards the glorious beam struggle, which needs no explanation. It’s the beam struggle. And yet, even amidst some insanely bombastic action and even an appearance from a Great Ape, this fight never loses sight of its characters. It may seem insane to let Vegeta live after this, but knowing Goku, no other end would’ve felt as right.
#2: vs. Jiren (Round 2)
The whole “Tournament of Power,” and arguably the entirety of “Super,” had led to the moment Goku would master Ultra Instinct. When he does, it’s no wonder even Gods of Destruction stood in respect. Featuring best in class animation, this long-awaited rematch showcased a clash of wills that’s downright breathtaking. The staggering strength of Mastered Ultra Instinct prematurely tires Goku out, but that only sets up an end that's somehow even grander. Backed by two former enemies, Goku finds a way to stand up one last time, even if it’s just as a flickering Super Saiyan, to secure the win. If that’s not “Dragon Ball” at its finest, we don’t know what is.
#1: vs. Frieza
Goku’s tried on plenty of Saiyan hairdos over the years, some of which against this very nemesis, but there’s still something special about this industry-defining brawl. It’s got an epic Kaio-ken Kamehameha, Vegeta’s moving farewell, plus a damn cool Spirit Bomb - and that’s all before the real main course! The first Super Saiyan transformation is so iconic, there’s no words to do it justice. On an exploding planet, against one of anime’s greatest villains, nothing may ever top the unmitigated epicness of watching the blue-eyed Saiyan strike down his most formidable foe yet. With this spectacular showdown, it wasn’t just Goku transforming; he was single-handedly raising the power level of the entire franchise right alongside him.