Top 10 Overpowered Dragon Ball Moments

#10: Vegeta One Punches Frost
“Dragon Ball Super” (2015-18)
Frieza is one of Dragon Ball’s most heinous villains. However, his Universe 6 equivalent, Frost, appears more benevolent…at least, at first. During the Tournament of Destroyers, Frost is gradually revealed to be using underhanded tactics, like poison, that nearly get him disqualified. However, Vegeta is never one to back down from a challenge. He decides to fight Frost anyway. The two charge at each other and the proud Saiyan only needs a single punch to knock Frost into the dome and out of the ring! And according to Vegeta – he was holding back! What a flex!
#9: Frieza Blows Up (Planet) Vegeta
“Dragon Ball Z: Bardock - The Father of Goku” (1990)
We already touched on how awful Frieza is, right? Well, let’s go into more detail. During this TV special, Goku’s father Bardock learns that Frieza intends to destroy the planet Vegeta…and maybe the prince and king of the same name. Bardock confronts Frieza above his world and, after tearing through a ton of the tyrant’s minions, goes for the final blow. Alas, with just one finger, Frieza creates a supernova that slowly grows and swallows Bardock’s well as the entirety of Planet Vegeta. Plenty of characters in the franchise can destroy a planet, but Frieza doing so with just one digit is a hell of a feat.
#8: Cell No-Sells Krillin
“Dragon Ball Z” (1989-96)
Cell achieving his perfection is a big moment. Unfortunately for Krillin, it absorbed his bae Android 18 in order to make it happen. Infuriated, Krillin attacks with all his power…with no effect. Perfect Cell doesn’t budge an inch as Krillin, and then Trunks, pummel him all over. Even a Destructo Disk to the neck doesn’t do more than make Cell limber up a bit. He then proceeds to kick Krillin lightly - which nearly kills him. He isn’t just overpowered – he’s perfect.
#7: Future Trunks Makes Cold Cuts
“Dragon Ball Z” (1989-96)
A mysterious Super Saiyan from the future turning up is a pretty crazy event in and of itself. But what Trunks does immediately upon arrival blows everyone’s minds! Arriving just in time to confront Frieza and his father, King Cold, Trunks promises to kill them both - extremely quickly at that! Trunks catches one of Frieza’s huge death balls and follows that up by cutting the villain in half. Make that halves. He makes even shorter work of King Cold. Two of the strongest antagonists in the franchise, to that point, and Trunks makes them look like chumps!
#6: Toppo Tortures Frieza
“Dragon Ball Super” (2015-18)
Frieza just can’t catch a break! Not that he should, mind you. During the Tournament of Power, Top engages in a beam struggle with Android 17. Appearing behind him, Frieza torments the self-proclaimed warrior of justice. He soon comes to regret it though, as Top abandons his ideals and transforms into a God of Destruction. Although Frieza is initially overconfident, the power of destruction soon knocks the Golden out of him, only to conclude by nearly crushing his head! Sure, Top abandoned justice, but he still dispenses it.
#5: Beerus Destroys Zamasu
“Dragon Ball Super” (2015-18)
The Future Trunks saga follows the machinations of Zamasu, a Supreme Kai apprentice bent on the genocide of all mortals. In Future Trunks’ already ravaged timeline, he nearly succeeds. In the present, Goku and company confront Zamasu just as he’s about to kill his mentor, Gowasu, to steal his time ring. Before he can do so, Whis intervenes and the group exposes Zamasu’s plans. The green Kai is ready to fight Goku, but Beerus steps in and with a mere touch and a word, he disintegrates the fallen god into nothingness! Gods of Destruction live up to their name, folks!
#4: Ultra Instinct Finally Handles Jiren
“Dragon Ball Super” (2015-18)
Jiren is an unstoppable wall of a foe. The Universe 11 fighter shrugs off nearly everything thrown at him during the Tournament of Power and takes down many other competitors with ease. That is, until he fights Goku for the last time. Although Goku also struggles at first, he eventually masters Ultra Instinct. This white hot form lets him dodge more of Jiren’s attacks and finally lands some solid hits. He proceeds to put the hurt on Jiren and send him crashing into the arena. Sure, Goku loses this form soon afterwards, but while it lasts, it’s beyond satisfying.
#3: Vegito Clowns on Super Buu
“Dragon Ball Z” (1989-96)
Buu may be a candy-obsessed pink man-child, but he’s also one of the most terrifying villains in “Dragon Ball Z.” After absorbing several of the Z fighters, Super Buu seems unstoppable. That is, until Vegeta and Goku fuse into one being, dubbed Vegito. The fused Saiyan makes Super Buu look downright weak, tearing him to shreds repeatedly, with his regeneration barely able to keep up. Even Buu’s attempt to invade Vegito’s body is unsuccessful! While Buu appears to catch Vegito off guard by turning him into candy and eating him, even that was all according to plan!
#2: Whis Knocks Out Beerus
“Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods” (2013)
Whis may act like Beerus’ attendant, but the angel is actually his teacher and even stronger than the God of Destruction. Few moments illustrate that as well as this one. After their first meeting with Goku and company, the duo returns to Beerus’ home and Whis offers the feline god some sushi. Tragically, Beerus decides to start with the wasabi – all of it. This sends him bouncing into nearby planets and presumably destroying them. To prevent any more destruction, Whis knocks Beerus out with a single chop to the back of the neck. In “Dragon Ball,” the gods are nothing compared to the angels!
#1: Gogeta Effortlessly Drops Broly
“Dragon Ball Super: Broly” (2018)
In order to put a stop to the legendary Super Saiyan, Broly, Vegeta and Goku fuse once again, this time into Gogeta. Vegito may have been all swagger, but Gogeta is all business! Although Broly gets some early hits, even breaking reality with one of his punches, Gogeta is in zero danger throughout this whole battle. And once he turns Super Saiyan Blue – Broly doesn’t even lay a finger on him! If Broly hadn’t been wished away that final Kamehameha would have led him to a premature, but legendary end.