Top 10 Hardest Fantasy Video Games

Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re looking at the most magical video games that provide the most daunting of challenges. As per usual, we’re only including one game per franchise.
#10: “Zelda II: The Adventure of Link” (1988)
While every “Zelda” comes with a certain degree of challenge, none of them come even close to matching the overall difficulty of “Zelda II.” Players of the time were thrown off by the shift in perspective, the heavier focus on RPG elements, and the enemies, which had received a mighty increase in strength. And it’s not as if it’s gotten any easier over the years. There are some elements and even enemies that have never been seen in another entry simply due to how tough Nintendo made them. In every dark cave and inside every mysterious palace, monsters of all sorts lie in wait for a taste of the hero. It’s likely you’ll become very comfortable with the Game Over screen.
#9: “Final Fantasy III” (1990)
There are so many “Final Fantasy” games, both mainline and spin-offs, that there are several that fans decree the hardest. However, there’s one thing that has given the third installment a bitter reputation that we can’t ignore. The only place you can Save your file in the NES release is on the world map. Many of its dungeons are exceptionally long, and just as tough as you’d expect from a retro RPG. That means players would have to set aside a significant amount of time, and of course not die, to beat them. The final dungeon in particular is a major test of fortitude with multiple boss fights. Later versions alleviate some of the pain, but claiming victory is still no easy feat.
#8: “Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne” (2004)
Generally speaking, the JRPG is one of the more challenging genres in gaming. They usually require a lot of patience, skill, and tactical thinking on behalf of the player. Within the “Megami Tensei” series, nowhere is that more true than in “Nocturne.” It features similar mechanics to previous games in the series, as well as the “Persona” spin-offs. It’s just that everything is dialed way up, whether it be on Normal or Hard Mode. Enemy AI is smart, knowing to aim for weaknesses and having no qualms about kicking you while you’re down. Even Atlus knew how many players struggled, as it included a new Merciful Mode in the HD remaster.
#7: “Nioh” (2017)
FromSoftware’s so-called ‘Soulsborne’ games are some of the most difficult experiences in recent memory. Since Team Ninja’s “Nioh” was inspired by them, you can bet it’s tough enough to do the subgenre proud. Loosely based on historical figure William Adams, an English Samurai, players must battle through twisted Yokai in pursuit of an evil sorcerer. The developers took great pleasure in adapting the Japanese spirits and monsters for their game, almost as much as said monsters take when viciously descending upon players. “Nioh” is a bit more forgiving than its inspiration thanks to quicker combat and levels that are a bit easier to manage. But it’s still more than deserving of inclusion.
#6: “Fire Emblem: Thracia 776” (1999)
Considering many of the older games include ‘permadeath,’ we mean it when we say “Thracia 776” is the hardest “Fire Emblem” by a wide margin. This entry took the already tough foundation and built on it with demanding mechanics. Fatigue was a new element to worry about; if a character was used too often, this meter would build up, causing them to sit out the following chapter. But at least the game told you about that one. There were also hidden mechanics like Capture, a way to steal enemy troops that depended on a variety of criteria, and the PCC stat, a number specific to each character that could increase the chance of a critical hit during a second attack.
#5: “Darkest Dungeon” (2016)
Permadeath rears its intimidating head once again. In “Darkest Dungeon,” you control a guild of heroes exploring underneath a newly acquired mansion. Unfortunately, there are all kinds of nasty, mystical foes standing in your way. If one of your party members should die, there’s no bringing them back. But it isn’t just combat that can lead to this outcome. The game implements an Affliction meter that, when dropped low enough, can lead to a variety of consequences. Stress can come from anywhere; maybe a party member gets upset over seeing an ally wounded, or maybe it’s the persistent darkness that puts them on edge. If their stress gets too high, they can even have a heart attack.
#4: “Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice” (2019)
We know we could’ve loaded this list up with FromSoftware games, but where would the fun be in that? Of the studio’s many games that will leave you frustrated, “Sekiro” just inches out as the most demanding. Part of the issue comes from the studio’s reputation; while “Sekiro” is similar to its ‘Soulsborne’ games, it’s also quite different. Having more fluidity in combat actually takes some getting used to, and you’d be wrong in thinking the game gives you the appropriate time to do so. It demands immense precision in executing your attacks and takes frequent joy in overloading you with enemies. And don’t even get us started on the bosses; they put others from the very same team to shame.
#3: “Ghosts ‘n Goblins” (1985)
It may look simple, but “Ghosts ‘n Goblins” is one of the most difficult games of all time, let alone those set in fantasy worlds. As Arthur, players must brave treacherous levels while constantly being confronted by enemies that swarm in every sense of the word. Although he’s contested by all manner of mythical creatures, from zombies to ghosts to gargoyles, Arthur doesn’t have much to defend himself with. There are power-ups, but he only has one form of attack. Despite his shiny suit of armor, he still goes down in two hits. And no matter which version you’re playing, you won’t have many lives to continue fighting. Then there’s the fact that you have to beat it twice to get the actual ending…
#2: “Romancing SaGa 2” (1993)
Square Enix’s “SaGa” series branched out of “Final Fantasy,” specifically designed to be a more difficult experience than its predecessor. You can say that again. “Romancing SaGa 2” follows the rulers of a kingdom facing off against now-corrupted former heroes. It was groundbreaking for the time, expanding on the non-linear nature of the first game. This, in part, made it much harder, as it was tricky to balance enemy levels. Random encounters could spell disaster for your team, not to mention the bosses. The developers tried to ease this with the Inheritance mechanic; you could add descendants of dead characters to your party, regaining their abilities and growing stronger. Still, that means players were wholeheartedly expected to fail.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
“Etrian Odyssey” (2007)
A Dungeon Crawler Known for its Unforgiving Difficulty
“Pathfinder: Kingmaker” (2018)
Brutal Even if You’re Familiar with ‘Pathfinder’s’ Rules
“Divinity: Original Sin II” (2017)
A Dense But Rewarding Fantasy RPG
#1: “Wizardry IV: The Return of Werdna” (1987)
Since the “Wizardry” franchise and its developer died a long time ago, some of our younger viewers may be unaware of it. Well, count yourselves lucky games aren’t anywhere near this brutal anymore. The first three games were already tough, but the fourth put you in the shoes of the villain from the first installment. Unlike almost every other RPG, you don’t gain experience from combat and can only get stronger by reaching a pentagram in the following level. Enemies are excruciating; some can one-shot you, others can steal items needed to progress, some can resurrect their fallen friends, and all of them are stronger than you. Even navigation is a pain since every trap-filled room requires trial and error. The pure Horror…
Have you conquered these fantasy games? Which have you found to be the most challenging? Share your thoughts in the comments!