Top 10 Greatest Raylan Givens One Liners

#10: “I’m Just Gonna File That Under ‘Who Gives a S***?’”
“Guy Walks Into a Bar”
Raylan Givens is never one to shy away from saying how he feels, and he sure knows how to get creative with it. When Robert Quarles and Wynn Duffy, two men that our protagonist is not so fond of, enter a bar which Givens happens to be at, it’s no surprise that the latter comes to “greet” them. A rather tense discussion ensues, and when Quarles mentions a confrontation he had with local criminal Boyd Crowder, Givens simply replies; "I'm going to file that under 'Who Gives A Shit?'" Fortunately, the incident doesn’t escalate any further after the intervention of the bar’s bartender Lindsey, but Raylan goes to show he holds little regard to what certain people will think or say.
#9: “Which Way Do You Mean?”
Heading out to confront Nicky Augustine, Raylan is taken to the mobster’s location by Boyd. Before leaving, Boyd is able to spot the number of men at the location, and express some doubt for Raylan’s chances of reaching Nicky, but that doesn’t seem to concern him in the least bit. The casual tone of his voice is just purely cool. His confidence is unwavering and almost contagious, and we as viewers just love to see it. It reassures us that we’ll know he’ll succeed even if the odds are stacked up against him like so many times before.
#8: "Your Teeth Glow in the Dark!"
The dynamic and chemistry between Timothy Olyphant’s Raylan Givens’ and Walton Goggins’ Boyd Crowder is at the core behind why “Justified” is such an entertaining show to watch. Throughout the series, these two have several unforgettable dialogue exchanges, and this remains among their most memorable. During a night shootout, Givens takes aim at Boyd. After he misses, Boyd asks him how he was able to locate him, to which Givens’ replies: SB “Your teeth glow in the dark.” It's a somewhat subtle yet hilarious dig which is made even funnier due to the gravity of the situation both men find themselves in.
#7: “Certainly Too Old to Be Losing”
After an encounter (which we will delve into very soon) leaves our favorite Deputy U.S. Marshal bruised and battered, his ex-wife Winona tends to him. While discussing several matters, she can’t help but make a sly remark, Givens is (as per usual) prepared. We can’t help but chuckle, but at the same time, the response is emblematic of Given’s fighting spirit and unwillingness to quite literally not go down without a fight.
#6: “Because I Didn’t Order A******* With My Whiskey”
So how did Raylan get injured you might ask? Well here you go. While sitting at a bar, he overhears two men making derogatory remarks about a woman. He tells them to keep their voice down, but when they begin to question his request, he explains to them his reasoning. Uh oh. Just by that response alone you know this isn’t going to end well, and it unfortunately doesn’t for Raylan. Still, for him to remain so calm under fire, along with how confidently he delivers that insult, just oozes coolness.
#5: “If You Wanted to Get Hit in the Front, You Shoulda Run Toward Me”
“Dark as a Dungeon”
Seeking the fugitive Ty Walker, Raylan heads out to Ava’s house and looks to Boyd for answers. What Raylan is unaware of is that Walker is hiding out in Ava’s house. When Raylan enters, he reveals the amount of reward money which will be given for locating Walker. To no surprise, Boyd instantly reveals the truth. As Walker attempts to escape, Raylan easily shoots him in the back. On the ground in full agony, Walker remarks the way in which he was shot, to which Raylan replies; SB [“If you wanted to get hit in the front, you shoulda run toward me.”] He’s not wrong…
#4: “I’ve Shot People I Liked More for Less”
With Winona’s life in danger after her husband Gary’s business mishaps, Raylan decides to intervene. Alongside Gary, he enters Emmitt Arnett’s office to settle all affairs. When tensions run high over business dealings between Duffy and Arnett, both parties draw their guns and …well, it doesn’t end well for either side. Raylan stops Duffy from reaching for his gun, before hitting him with this great zinger. For once, Raylan came out on top once again and didn’t even have to use any ammo to do so.
#3: “It’s My Job, Being a D***. It’d Be Weird if You Liked Me”
“Peace of Mind”
During a confrontation with Boyd’s men, Raylan instructs them to drop their weapons. When he asks one of the men to contact Boyd, the man answers with a less than, shall we say, polite response. He rightfully gets what’s coming to him and the next exchange however is nothing short of hilarious, with Raylan offering up his own colorful response. Although he doesn’t go through with the request, fortunately Boyd is able to call him.
#2: “S***, I Didn’t Bring a Knife”
“When the Guns Come Out”
After having successfully tracked down Ellen May, Raylan and Ava are confronted by her pimp, Delroy. Delroy is anything but welcoming, but Raylan has come well-prepared. When Delroy smugly reveals his knife, Raylan reveals his holster, all while adding in a nice quip just to put more salt in the wound. All Delroy can do is keep taunting Raylan, but nothing more and he knows it.
Before he unveil our pick, here are a few honorable mentions:
“It Was Justified”, “Fire in the Hole”
Oh Come On; You Know We Had To!
“Bourbon is Easy to Understand. Tastes Like a Warm Summer Day”, “Fate’s Right Hand”
What Better Way to Describe a Love For Bourbon?
“And You See this Star? That’s Gonna Make it Legal”, “The Kids Aren’t Alright”
Raylan Shows He’s Not Playing Around
#1: “Didn’t I Tell You You Were Going to Wish I Killed You?”
One of the central antagonists of season 5, Daryl Crowe Jr. is about as mean and vulgar as they come. Shortly after being released from custody, both he and Raylan have a brief confrontation. Crowe taunts him and Raylan responds in kind. A mere two episodes later, exactly just that takes place. After learning his sister betrayed him, he comes after her and she proceeds to shoot him. Dying and in pain, Raylan approaches him, echoing the very words he said back when they confronted each other back at the police station.