Why did the crew have to choose the name Miles against her to be named after any other female crew member of the franchise?
Top 10 Unanswered Total Drama Presents: The Ridonculous Race Questions
Suggested by
Sakuya Tachibana
So why, in the Cadet's ending, does he declare Macarthur and Sanders the winners when only Macarthur was on the chill zone? For that matter, why didn't Geoff and Brody step onto the chill zone?
Suggested by
Sakuya Tachibana
Why do Lorenzo and Chet hate each other?
Suggested by
Sakuya Tachibana
Not to sound anti-Brody, but why did the people behind the show choose to make Geoff's partner for the race a completely new character over bringing Bridgette back?
Suggested by
Sakuya Tachibana
How come Noah and Owen never seem to recognize Geoff or acknowledge him as someone they know from Total Drama at any point in the show?
Suggested by
Sakuya Tachibana
When the Goths lose their makeup, why didn't they consider the fact that they could just put their makeup back on before deciding to quit?
Suggested by
Sakuya Tachibana
Why didn't the vegans have a problem riding the cheese?
Suggested by
Sakuya Tachibana
How did they speedboat all the way from the south of France to Iceland?
Suggested by
Sakuya Tachibana
In "My Way or Zimbabwe" how did Jacques and Josee fly from Finland to Hawaii and then to Zimbabwe and still make it back in time to nearly beat Dwayne to the carpet of completion?
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Sakuya Tachibana
When MacArthur brought up her old babysitter Jennifer Masterson did, she mean the character from 6teen or was the identical name just a coincidence?