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Top 10 Unanswered Science Questions

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Suggested by Rich Hart

What is consciousness?

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Rich Hart 9 years ago Report
Answering this question would likely lead to the invention of 'true' artificial intelligence.
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Top 10 Unanswered Science Questions

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Suggested by Rich Hart

Do we live in a universe or multiverse?

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Rich Hart 9 years ago Report
Are there multiple versions of yourself living in parallel universes? Could you ever meet them? It's fun to think about.
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Suggested by Rich Hart

Can we beat the law of entropy?

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Rich Hart 9 years ago Report
This is what causes things in the universe to break down and change. It's the reason why nothing in the universe seems to be eternal. To figure out a way to beat the law of entropy would be to conquer death itself.
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Suggested by Rich Hart

How do we beat bacteria and viruses?

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Rich Hart 9 years ago Report
Eradicating these diseases will likely take technology and coordination that doesn't exist today but if we succeeded it would greatly improve the human condition.
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Suggested by Rich Hart

What's inside of a black hole?

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Rich Hart 9 years ago Report
Understanding what is inside a quantum singularity or (black hole) would likely lead to a unified theory of physics. In other worlds, humans would have full understanding of how all the forces universe work together to create what we experience as reality.
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Suggested by Rich Hart

Will we ever be able to predict the future of economic, political and other social systems?

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Rich Hart 9 years ago Report
Human civilization is very complicated and getting more complex all the time. If we could predict the future of how our civilization will develop, we might be able to avoid things like poverty, war and societal collapse all together.
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Suggested by Rich Hart

What makes us human?

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Rich Hart 9 years ago Report
Why are we the only species on earth that writes music, builds cities, travels into space, and asks questions about our place in the universe? This might very well be the greatest question of all.
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Suggested by Rich Hart

Can we travel faster than the speed of light?

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Rich Hart 9 years ago Report
General relativity states that the speed of light is a universal constant that sets a limit on how fast we can travel through space. It might be possible build ships that warp space and time to overcome this speed limit (NASA is researching this). But right now it only exists in science fiction (star trek).
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Suggested by Rich Hart

Are we alone in the universe?

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Suggested by Rich Hart

How did life begin?

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