Yet Another Top 10 Video Game Glitches

A Youtube and rushed AAA games, what would we ever do without you two? Join as we countdown our picks for
Yet Another Top 10 Video Game Glitches.
Since there are so many glitches to choose from, we've decided to narrow down our list by steering clear of game breaking bugs, focusing on one glitch per game franchise, and ultimately judging these glitches based on their entertainment and notability factor.
As this is our third such list make sure to go back and check out our previous videos, you completionist you.
Our first video on this topic
Our 2nd video:
Special Thanks to our users "Paul santos" "imgoingtodoit111" "cvanorman" & so many other users for suggesting this topic on our website WatchMojo.comsuggest
#10: Kaiden’s Weird Walk
“Mass Effect” (2007)
When you’re a space-faring commander trying to protect the galaxy from ancient threats, you witness a lot of crazy things. It seems the stress of trying to avert a galactic war has finally gotten to one of your crew members. Kaiden has decided to follow you around as daintily as he can while performing physical feats that would terrify a gymnast. This doesn’t seem to bother anyone else and shooting him point blank with a high-powered rifle doesn’t seem to snap him out of it.
#9: Police Roundabout Chase
“Batman: Arkham Knight” (2015)
In Gotham city Batman does most of the heavy lifting when it comes to criminals. Maybe that’s why the police have gotten a bit lazy with who they let on the force. Criminals are trying to make a getaway and the cops are close on their tail but the clever bandits have outwitted their pursuers and begun a brilliant game of cat and mouse as they endlessly circle a roundabout. Batman can only watch as the chase goes on, and on, and on... This scene certainly deserves some appropriate music. (Plays Naked Gun Theme)
#8: Walking Around Without Legs
“Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance” (2013)
Cutting people’s limbs off is kind of Raiden’s thing, not having many non-robotic limbs left himself. When you spend your day slicing people up you don’t expect them to do anything else but lay there and die. This enterprising soldier has decided that enough is enough with this sword wielding cyborg business and begins to chase down Raiden as fast as his bloody stubs will allow. Then he chooses to simply ignore his probably fatal wounds and continue to walk around as if he hadn’t just been halved.
#7: Exploring the Roof
“Tomb Raider II” (1997)
Tired of raiding tombs and all that that entails? Maybe you want to take some time and explore the manor that tomb raiding built. This glitch allows you to climb up to the roof of Croft manor by a series of strategic jumps. Now you can survey the extensive black land surrounding your home and even climb atop the hedge maze. Using the safety drop you can go beyond the walls of Croft manor and even have a look around there. You won’t find much and players aren’t necessarily rewarded for their troubles.
#6: Sword in the Head
“Assassins Creed: Brotherhood” (2010)
Well if it isn’t old Sword for Hat, just standing around keeping our streets safe from killers and thieves. Did he simply forget the 5-foot blade that the erstwhile assassin left in his head? You might be wondering why he isn’t dead. Surely a man doesn’t last very long with such a wound, much less stand around as if he hadn’t sustained it. Soon the game’s physics start to kick in and the guard begins to act more becomingly for a man with a sword in his head.
#5: Seeing Double
“The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt” (2015)
Roche and Ves are at it again. The two begin arguing the moral grey areas of war and being a soldier and—what’s this? Not content to stand around and argue, Ves has decided that she would like to do battle. But it would be rude to interrupt Roche while he’s making his point so she also sticks around to listen to him. Of course, she might be happy to know that this sort of thing has been spotted with several other characters as well…even Roach the horse isn’t immune.
#4: Castle Crush Glitch
“Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest” (1995)
You’re in Kaptain K. Rool’s dark foreboding castle and you and your ponytailed monkey friend realize the floor has begun to rise! Now both of you must duck, roll and throw your way through this hazardous level. But what’s this? The barrel you were holding has become invisible? Foes are appearing out of nowhere to slay you and you’ve inexplicable transformed into a pair of glitchy clapping hands? Oh, that K. Rool is truly rotten. That’s the only explanation; it couldn’t be bad programming in a super Nintendo game, that’s outrageous. We haven’t seen such blatant disregard for rules since the first Donkey Kong Country.Fair warning, we don't recommend performing the Glitch on a SNES console, as it can cause you to lose your save file or worse cause damage to the system.
#3: Undead NPC
“Call of Duty 2” (2005)
People have witnessed terrifying and unexplained things in wartime, as if dead bodies weren’t enough. What if the corpse of a man you just killed began mouthing unspoken words to you from beyond the grave. Hit and shoot them as much as you like, the dead won’t be silenced. Is it the guilty conscience of a digital soldier coming back to haunt him? Do robots dream of electric sheep? The answer is no.
#2: Flying Tank
“Grand Theft Auto III” (2001)
So let’s say helicopters and planes have lost their appeal as flying vehicles, what else could you possible use to soar majestically through the digital skies of Liberty City? Well, I’m glad you asked. Hop in that tank, throw it in reverse and start blasting your little heart out. If everything went well you’re airborne by now and loving it. Now the physics that go into this trick have yet to be confirmed by the so called ‘real world’ but we’ll just have to take it as read from a reality simulator as faithful as GTA.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honourable mentions:
Jet Skis Aren't Required When Jet Skiing
‘’Resident Evil 4” (2005)
Horse Rides Tank
“Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain” (2015)
Spinning on the horse
“Skyrim” (2011)
Giant Jigglypuff
“Smash Bros. Brawl” (2008)
#1: Corrupted Blood Incident
“World Of Warcraft” (2004)
September 13th 2005, a day WoW gamers, casual and hardcore alike, will never forget. It was then that Blizzard introduced the Zul Gurub raid, and unknowingly released a pandemic into the world of Azaroth. The raid’s boss Hakkar cast a status effect that sapped away at a player’s health and could spread to other players. However, this was all meant to last only a few seconds and be confined to the raid, but the effect accidentally spread to minions and pets, and thus was released into the world at large, infecting thousands of players and annoying their users to no end. This phenomenon spread so fast that it even attracted epidemiologists hoping to study how such a viral outbreak would affect the real world.
Do you agree with our list? If you didn’t see a popular glitch you think should be on here, make sure you check out our first 2 videos on this topic, and for more not so broken Top 10’s published daily, be sure to subscribe to