Top 5 Facts About Living Forever

Drinking metals?
The "Vampire Effect?"
Long-ass beards?
...All this and a lifetime more!
#5: The First Person to Live to 1000 May Already Be Alive
A Faustian bargain might not actually be necessary, according Aubrey de Grey, a biomedical gerontologist with a flair for the dramatic. His research has identified seven specific types of cellular damage that together result in what we recognize as aging. He is confident that by regularly repairing that damage before it causes actual disease, we can “escape the ill health of old age indefinitely,” and that the first person who will achieve this may already be born.
#4: Leading Cause of Centenarians: Lack of Birth Records
According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the oldest person ever lived to be 122 years and 164 days old. But a handful of other people have come forward claiming to be older than that by decades. An Ethiopian man died in 2015, claiming he was 163 years old. A Romanian man may or may not have lived to be 148. China claimed they had the oldest woman, living near the Kyrgyzstan border. A 138 year-old popped up in India, and an Indonesian census team recorded one woman who claimed to 145. What do these people all have in common? A lack of independently verifiable records of their birth, which is why Guinness has never recognized them. I might be confusing cause and correlation, but I think that means that to live to 150, all you have to do is lose your birth certificate.
#3: Ancient Rulers Drank Mercury for Long Life
When you have absolute power, you want to make it last forever.Various ancient Chinese emperors sought advice from alchemists whose recommendations included drinking metals, including mercury. More than one emperor died as a result of these so-called immortality treatments. The logic was something like “metal lasts a long time; if I drink it, I will last a long time.” By that logic, the most effective way to lose weight is to follow an all-helium diet, and eating dog whistles should make you Mariah Carey.
#2: Young Blood Rejuvenates the Old
Studies have shown ways that blood from young mice rejuvenates older mice, and pointed the way forward for similar research to be done in humans. Data in humans is scarce so far, but there a large study involving transfusions from young donors being given to elderly Alzheimer’s patients. Media outlets were quick to sensationalize this, dubbing it the “Vampire Effect,” but researchers insisted that just drinking straight up blood is not enough. Presumably, they have wrinkly arthritic vampire mice to prove it.
#1: Long-Living Cultures Have 9 Common Traits
“Blue Zones” are areas where people have unusually long lives. Researcher and author Dan Buettner has identified five of them across the world and found 9 common lifestyle traits that he says help people there live past 100. Among them are eating a semi-vegetarian diet, and being part of a faith-based community. So, you may have give up bacon bombs and get baptized, but luckily, drinking one or two glasses of alcohol per day is also recommended.
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