Top 5 Bare Facts About Baldness

Many people would rather lose a limb than go bald, whether that means through alopecia or a massively receding hairline. But, hey, hair loss affects almost everyone who has hair growth! Do you have thinning hair? (And would you consider a hair transplant?) This list of the Top 5 most interesting facts about baldness may give you some ideas...
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Top 5 Facts About Baldness
Larry David once said, quote, “Anyone can be confident with a full head of hair. But a confident bald man – there’s your diamond in the rough.” Welcome to WatchMojo’s Top 5 Facts. In this instalment, we’re counting down our picks for the top 5 most compelling facts about balding.
#5: Hair Restoration Surgery Works, but It Will Cost You
Some among us prefer not to take thinning hair in stride with the grace of Larry David. Maybe we’re vain, or just afraid of getting older. Or maybe we have a movie career and endorsement contracts to maintain. to maintain. That latter reason might be why celebrities such as Matthew McConaughey, Bradley Cooper, and Tom Brady have reportedly undergone hair restoration surgery, and if you ask us, we think they look great. We also have our strong suspicions that Michael Scott had work done after season 1 of The Office. The surgery involves removing hair follicles from the back of a person’s head and planting them on affected areas of their scalp. If you have an extra $4,000 to $15,000 lying around, feel free to join the more than 390,000 people worldwide who took part in the surgery in 2014.
#4: Hair Restoration Products May Result in Failed Drug Tests
Balding is a touchy subject, and those who use hair restoration products more than likely prefer to keep their efforts away from the public eye. Nonetheless, there have been multiple cases of just the opposite taking place, with athletes failing drug tests due to finasteride, a pharmaceutical sold as Proscar and Propecia to prevent baldness. The World Anti-Doping Agency decided that the drug could be used to mask steroid use, and banned it from 2005 to 2009. Zach Lund lost his spot the 2006 U.S. Olympic Skeleton team when he tested positive for finasteride just days before he was supposed to compete. Lucky for him, he got to go to the 2010 Olympics, and lucky for balding athletes everywhere, the most popular hair loss drug, Rogaine, will never cost you a gold medal.
#3: Balding is a Huge Source of Stress… and Not Just for Men
In a poll commissioned by Benenden Health in the UK male pattern baldness ranked as the number three image concern for men– well, it was tied for third with man boobs. But hair loss isn’t just a guy thing, and when it happens, women might just have it worse. Research from 2014 found that 21 million women had experienced hair loss in the U.S. that year; and 80% of women would have noticeable hair loss by age 60. Your appearance has an impact on your life, particularly for women; 40% of women with hair loss said that it caused problems in their marriage, while 63% report that it affects their career. The prospect of facing those difficulties is so daunting, one survey found that 24% percent of women equated losing their hair with losing a limb.
#2: Bald Men Are Seen to Be More Masculine
Ok, for every Dwayne Johnson, there’s bound to be a George Costanza or two, but the hairless among us happen to be seen as more masculine than their full-headed counterparts. While we couldn’t find any research that said bald men are actually more virile, a study published in the Social Psychological and Personality Science journal found that men with shaven heads were seen as more dominant and masculine. Did the recent onslaught of bald badasses in Hollywood have anything to do with this? Perhaps going against the societal norm and taking it all off has a perverse appeal? A full head of hair may often be considered more attractive, but it’s nice to hear that balding can have its upsides.
#1: Genetics is the Main Cause of Hair Loss but Not in the Way You’d Think
If you want to discover whether or not balding is in your future, check out your maternal grandfather; if he has a full head of hair, you’re in the clear. At least that’s what the old wives’ tale says. Genetics is the number one factor in balding, and those baldness genes come from the X chromosome, so your Mom’s side is a major factor. But research has shown that men whose fathers are bald have a higher likelihood of developing baldness themselves. Ultimately, genes, hormones, and age create a cocktail of factors that decide when, and to what extent each and every one of us will be affected. But, hey, don’t sweat it– if you ask us, there is one old adage that holds true: it’s what’s on the inside that counts.
So, would you sooner lose a limb than your hair? More importantly, do you think Jason Statham or Vin Diesel pulls off the shaved head look better? For more restorative Top 10s and transplanted Top 5s, be sure to subscribe to