Top 10 Totally BIZARRE Celebrity Arrests

These crazy celebrity arrest stories are hard to believe, but totally true! Do you know who was arrested pretending to be a FBI agent? Or how about the story of Shia LaBeouf disrupting a performance of Cabaret (Shia never fails to deliver the crazies)? Ozzy Osbourne is known for biting off the head of a bat, but that wasn't his craziest arrest! Ironman may have his life somewhat together in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but Robert Downey Jr. was arrested for breaking and entering back n the 1990s.
#10: Rip Torn
Emmy-awarding winning actor Rip Torn probably didn't need any money when he drunkenly broke into a Connecticut bank back in 2010, but this didn't stop him from doing so with a loaded revolver, despite the bank being closed at the time. Torn was arrested and faced a number of charges, including criminal trespassing, burglary, and a weapons charge for the gun. This wasn't the first time that the "Men in Black" actor had found himself afoul of the law, either, as Torn had previously been arrested a number of times for driving under the influence.
#9: DMX
When you're one of the most recognizable faces of late-‘90s and early-2000s gangsta rap, it's probably not a good idea to try impersonating someone else, especially if that someone else happens to be a federal agent. This was exactly what happened to DMX back in 2004 when the musician, born Earl Simmons, was arrested for a fracas at JFK Airport in New York. DMX reportedly busted through a parking lot gate with his tricked out SUV and accosted another man who had cut him off, all the while stating that he was an FBI agent. Simmons was also brought up on additional drug and weapons charges for the incident, thanks to the crack cocaine and a billy club that arresting officers found in his car.
#8: Jason London
Sitting in the back of a squad car isn't exactly the sort of situation anyone wants to find him or herself. "Dazed and Confused" actor Jason London found out first-hand what this felt like back in 2013, when he was arrested in Scottsdale, Arizona after a bar fight. London had a number of cuts and bruises on his face, and was accused by arresting officers as being verbally combative. This paled in comparison to London's behavior once he was placed in the officer's car, however. According to a police report, the actor "purposefully defecated" in the back seat. London later denied these reports on Twitter, stating, "The truth will win."
#7: Paul Reubens
When comedian and actor Fred Willard was arrested in 2012 for lewd conduct while in an adult movie theater, many were surprised to hear that such places still existed. This situation wasn't so uncommon back in 1991 when "Pee-wee's Playhouse" creator Paul Reubens was arrested for similar behavior. Reubens was caught masturbating in Sarasota's South Trail Cinema to a triple feature of porn films, a misdemeanor offense that nonetheless resulted in canceling the syndication of the comedian's popular children's show amidst a public outcry against Reubens' perceived moral indecency. Reubens would take the arrest in stride, however, even appearing on the MTV Music Video Awards that same year, to rapturous applause.
#6: Shia LaBeouf
The life and career of actor Shia LaBeouf has endured a number of ups and downs, with these two separate arrests on our list definitely serving memories LaBeouf might want to forget. The actor was respectful to arresting officers in 2007 when he refused to leave a Chicago Walgreens after reportedly being heavily intoxicated. Fast forward seven years later, and LaBeouf was considerably less interested in cooperating with police after being forced to leave a Studio 54 performance of "Cabaret." The actor was accused of disrupting the show by smoking and verbally harassing the performers on stage, leaving some attendees wondering whether or not LaBeouf's bizarre behavior was some sort of elaborate act.
#5: Randy Travis
It isn't all that uncommon for celebrity mug shots to make the gossip column rounds after a particularly embarrassing incident. It's another story when the tale behind country legend Randy Travis' mug shot is the result of the singer being arrested after a DUI in a naked and aggressive state. Travis was verbally and physically combative against arresting officers when he was brought in under drunk driving, felony retaliation and obstruction charges in 2012, after crashing his car in Sanger, Texas. Travis reportedly refused to take a sobriety test at the scene, and threatened to kill the officers as they were placing him in their squad car.
#4: Ozzy Osbourne
It's one of rock 'n roll's most infamous stories of public drunkenness; the time that heavy metal icon and ex-Black Sabbath frontman Ozzy Osbourne urinated on the Texas landmark known as The Alamo while on tour back in 1982. The truth is that Osbourne actually didn't pee on The Alamo itself, but on the Alamo Cenotaph, a monument located near the mission where almost two hundred Texans died in its defense in 1836 during the Texas Revolution. The city of San Antonio subsequently banned Osbourne, a ruling that stood for over ten years, until the singer's charitable donation of ten thousand dollars to an Alamo maintenance and management organization lifted the ban.
#3: Robert Downey Jr.
Given actor Robert Downey Jr.'s current status as one of highest paid and in demand actors in Hollywood, it's almost easy to forget how, once upon a time, he was close to almost losing it all. Indeed, a crippling drug addiction was taking its toll on the "Iron Man" star's personal and professional life back in the mid-nineties, proof of which can be seen with this 1996 arrest. Downey was hot on the heels of a drug possession charge earlier that year, when he was arrested for trespassing after the actor snuck into a neighbor's home and passed out. Downey has since cleaned up his act, with this arrest being just an embarrassing memory in his past.
#2: Edward Furlong
Some of the weird arrests on this list have featured celebrities behaving rather badly, but this is one incident whose motives may have been noble, if more than slightly bizarre. It was in 2004 when "Terminator 2" star Edward Furlong was arrested while on location in Kentucky and filming the movie "Jimmy & Judy." The young actor was described as mumbling and unsteady when he and some friends walked into a grocery store shortly after 11 p.m. and began pulling live lobsters out of their tanks. Furlong, a vegetarian, had previously been involved with the PETA organization, but it was unclear at the time whether or not his intent was to place the lobsters back into the ocean.
#1: Matthew McConaughey
We've all been there, right? You're having a party, and the music might be getting a little too loud. You fail to notice, but the neighbors do, and they call the local police about the noise. Nothing out of the ordinary, right? Sure, except when it comes to the case of actor Matthew McConaughey, who was arrested in Austin, Texas back in 1999 on marijuana possession and resisting transportation after loud music was reported at his home. McConaughey also happened to be found naked and playing the bongos by the officers who were visiting the scene, who then booked the actor on charges. The drug charges were eventually dropped after supporting facts were found to be insufficient. McConaughey paid his bond as well as a fifty-dollar noise fine before being released.
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