Top 10 Times Karens Went Behind Bars

Chipotle Karen
Fast food restaurants seemingly bring out the worst in Karens. In 2023, Rosemary Hayne was at a Chipotle in Parma, Ohio. However, she wasn’t pleased with her burrito bowl and decided to berate a teenage worker before Emily Russell stepped in for her colleague. The rage-filled Hayne threw the hot food into Russell’s face before making a break for it. The police later arrested the burrito bandit, and she was brought to court on an assault charge. Hayne pled guilty to the crime and was sentenced to 180 days in jail, with 90 days suspended, along with a fine. However, she agreed to work at a fast food restaurant for two months to reduce her sentence to 30 days behind bars.
Picasso Puncher
Some people will do anything to get famous, even if it means desecrating a piece of art history. In 2019, Shakeel Ryan Massey went to the Tate Modern in London, England. But instead of learning from the art for his own artistic ambitions, he wanted his name in the headlines. Massey spotted Pablo Picasso’s 1944 piece, “Bust of a Woman,” and enacted his plan. He sprinted forward and punched the safety glass with a wrapped hand, ripping the £20 million-valued painting. The artwork immediately went under an 18-month restorative process that cost £350,000. Massey got fame of a certain sort from his vandalism. He also got 18 months in jail.
Political Problem
Barbara Fielding-Morriss was known for her vile racist outlook and publicly speaking about white supremacy and issuing antisemitic statements. In 2017, Fielding-Morriss even ran to be an independent member of Parliament in Stoke-on-Trent Central in England. Unsurprisingly, she didn’t get close to being elected. But through her blog, she continued stirring as much hate as possible. That came to an end in 2018 when she was arrested for racial hatred. Fielding-Morriss showcased her vile behavior throughout the court case, representing herself and presenting more racism and conspiracies as mitigation. Unsurprisingly, Fielding-Morriss was found guilty, admonished by the judge for her “sinister” behavior, and sentenced to 12 months.
Tesco Terror
A couple of days before Christmas in 2018, shoppers were looking for food and gifts at a Tesco supermarket in Rickmansworth, England. However, Lucy Turner decided that she’d do some shoplifting with two friends. The duo stole £ 174 worth of drinks as Turner acted as the getaway driver. Tesco employee Danielle Wood went after the group to stop them from leaving the parking lot. However, Turner drove into Woods, causing serious injury by fracturing the worker’s back. Other workers and shoppers attempted to stop the car, repeatedly striking it. Yet the thieving car smashed into parked vehicles to escape. In 2019, the dangerous driver was sentenced to three years and two months in prison for her terrible attack.
The Last Straw
On New Year’s Eve 2018, Daniel Taylor was at a McDonalds in St. Petersburg, Florida. However, his evening was ruined as he couldn’t find where the straws were. Instead of handling it rationally, he argued with worker Yasmine James before lunging for her to drag her over the counter. Unfortunately for Taylor, James had some boxing training and soon got the upper hand with several punches to his face. Eventually, other workers stepped in to separate the pair. Taylor, who reportedly kicked another employee as he left, was later arrested for his attacks. In 2019, he pleaded no contest to two counts of battery and received 60 days in jail plus either a fine or community service.
Festive Jail
Well, so much for the holidays being a time for peace, love, and joy. None of that was to be found when Sharna Walker was arrested in Birmingham, England after launching a racist tirade against bouncer Tristan Price in May 2021. Price had simply been doing his job by asking Walker and her friends to leave for their unruly behavior, and she reacted in the worst way possible. Taking her verbal abuse one step further by smashing in the bar’s front door and spitting at him, she was subsequently banned from the establishment and charged two days later. Walker’s sentence would arrive just in time for the Christmas season, as she was given 14 weeks behind bars for criminal damage and aggravated assault.
Choosing Jail
In 2020, various Black Lives Matter protests took place globally. But rather than support a good cause, Stephanie Rapkin took a very different approach. The lawyer drove to Shorewood, Wisconsin, and blocked a march with her car. When the protestors asked for her to move, Rapkin spat at teenager Eric Lucas, who had helped organize the event. Gross. After being arrested and then released due to Covid restrictions, people turned up at her property to protest. Rapkin reportedly attacked the activists and the police. In 2023, she was found guilty of disorderly conduct. The judge offered her the option to undertake 100 hours of community service and a year of probation. Instead, Rapkin rejected that and opted for 60 days in jail.
Spewing Racism at Those Helping
Even when getting support for something, some Karens can’t help but leak their toxic thoughts. In 2016, two police officers went to help Vicki Momberg at a parking lot in Johannesburg, South Africa, whose car had been broken into. Trying to help her with the issue, the cops and emergency dispatchers were subjected to a racist tirade from Momberg, filled with apartheid-era slurs. In 2018, Momberg was found guilty of four counts of crimen injuria, which is when a person purposely tarnishes another’s dignity. Momberg was sentenced to three years in jail, one of which was suspended. She was released in 2019 as part of a prison remission program.
Mailing Racism
In 2020, instead of filling in time during the pandemic by baking banana bread like everyone else, Suzanne Craft took the term “neighbor from hell” to a whole other level. She was seemingly upset with a family who lived nearby her in Louisville, Kentucky, simply for being interracial. Craft sent threatening letters to the Pineda family, sometimes including bullets. Even after getting a non-contact order, the vile resident wouldn’t stop her harassment. Craft also has a history of ridiculing other neighbors by drawing racial symbols on the property and uttering slurs at them. In 2023, she was found guilty of five counts of mailing threatening communications. Craft was sentenced to nine years in prison, followed by three years of supervised release.
Intolerant in Torrance
In 2020, Torrance, California, was plagued by the presence of Lena Hernandez. She was recorded a couple of times, wandering around parks to harass folks with Asian heritage by uttering racist insults and demanding they go back to their country. Yikes. While that was drawing attention, another story came to light to get folks a bit of justice. In 2019, Hernandez was verbally abusing an employee at a shopping center. When Kayceelyn Salminao stepped in, Hernandez attacked her, pushing her to the ground. After ignoring court summons, the Torrance terror was arrested and taken to a judge in 2020. Hernandez was found guilty of the assault and sentenced to 45 days in jail, three years of probation, and a year of anger management.
Is there a famous Karen incident that you believe should have ended with the culprit going to jail, yet they didn’t? Let us know below!