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Top 10 Things Only Adults Notice in Clueless

Top 10 Things Only Adults Notice in Clueless
VOICE OVER: Phoebe de Jeu WRITTEN BY: Jesse Singer
It's a definitive teen movie, but there are some things only adults notice in "Clueless." For this list, we'll be looking at the most notable aspects of this classic teen movie that are more likely to stand out to the grown ups watching. Our countdown includes Cher & Josh, the cast, the bad driving, and more!

#10: The Makeover Mythology

A stereotypically “uncool” character getting a makeover and suddenly becoming an “it girl” of sorts is practically a teen movie staple. While “She’s All That” provides one of the most iconic examples of ‘90s, Tai’s makeover came a few years before and was just as problematic. At the time, it might not have seemed like anything more than a fun scene. And don’t get us wrong, it’s a good time. But as adults, we can’t help but cringe at the message it sends, reinforcing stereotypical ideas about female beauty. This also ties into Cher’s own struggles with body image, and her disordered eating habits. Even she can’t escape the harmful societal expectations placed on women and girls.

#9: Cher & Josh

We’ll be the first to admit that the ex-step-sibling thing makes Cher and Josh’s romantic involvement a little difficult to swallow. But as much of a hot topic as that tends to be, it’s not what we want to focus on here. Indeed, the other thing we noticed about their relationship as grown ups is the age difference between the two of them. While a few years might not seem like a lot at first glance, it is when one is a high schooler and the other is a college student. As younger people watching the movie, we might’ve understood Cher’s desire for a more “mature” man. But as adults, we know that Josh shouldn’t have gone there.

#8: The Problematic Stereotypes

“Clueless” puts a modern spin on Jane Austen’s “Emma.” And it’s very much a product — and reflection of — the 1990s, good and bad. When you watch the film now, with a more adult perspective, it’s hard not to notice all the offensive ways different characters are portrayed and discussed. Indeed, people of color are quickly stereotyped. Cher’s failure to tell El Salvador and Mexico apart when talking to Lucy stands out as one example, though it’s far from the only one. This issue also extends to the clichéd way sexuality is depicted, with the most prominent example being Christian. There’s no denying his characterization could’ve been carried out in a more thoughtful, fleshed out manner.

#7: Ode to “2001: A Space Odyssey”

We’re going to assume that many young people who were watching Cher and co. do their thing back in 1995 hadn’t seen Stanley Kubrick’s “2001: A Space Odyssey.” The classic film came out in 1968, so most folks who had watched it were adults by the time “Clueless” hit theaters. As such, they would’ve been the ones picking up on this quick but wonderful ode to “2001” in director Amy Heckerling’s movie. The moment in question features a black, rectangular telephone framed from below just like the monolith. And that’s not all. Pay close attention to the music — sounds familiar, doesn’t it?

#6: The Cast

This is one that only adults today would notice. Those in 1995 would’ve been almost as clueless as their younger counterparts. That’s because most of the famous stars in the movie weren’t as famous at the time. Of course, actors like Wallace Shawn would’ve likely caught the eye of grown ups watching even then. Still, today we all know Alicia Silverstone, but pre-“Clueless,” she was probably most recognizable from Aerosmith videos. Paul Rudd had done a little TV, but this was his first feature film role. It was also the part that got everyone talking about Brittany Murphy. And for both Donald Faison and Jeremy Sisto, “Clueless” came years before performances in “Scrubs” and “Six Feet Under,” respectively, made them bigger names.

#5: Travis' 12 Steps

In a lot of ways, Travis is a pretty stereotypical character. The skateboard-loving character doesn’t seem to take academics too seriously, and appears to regularly partake in herbal refreshments. However, his arc takes a turn you don’t see too often in a typical teen movie, with a moment suggesting he’s undertaking a sobriety journey. In a later part of the story, Travis apologizes to Cher for an earlier incident, and provides an eye-opening reason for doing so. Of course, the line probably goes over the heads of younger viewers. But the adults in the room will recognize the concept of “steps” as being an important part of recovery.

#4: The Amount of Privilege

A younger crowd watching “Clueless” will obviously recognize the world of luxury Cher and her friends live in. However, they might just be focused on the cool outfits, fancy cars and Cher’s awesome closet program. As we’ve gotten older though, we’ve started becoming more aware of just how much wealth and privilege they have – and largely take for granted. Sure, Cher does charity work and definitely grows as a person throughout. But she initially spends most of her time matchmaking or giving Tai a new look. And though Josh has a greater understanding of world affairs, he’s still seemingly happy to make a mess for Lucy to clean. Of course, this excess is part of the point, but it’s baffling to examine.

#3: The Bad Driving

It’s played for laughs in the movie, but there’s nothing funny about how bad a driver Cher is. Look, we get it – you can’t expect teens to be pros right away. And many won’t necessarily grasp that they aren’t invincible on the road at first. So it’s easy for youth to play off Cher – and even Dionne’s – poor behavior on the road as an entertaining running gag. But through grown up eyes, we understand how crucial it is to be careful when driving, since failure to do so could have devastating consequences. Armed with that knowledge, there’s no denying the characters’ reckless behavior behind the wheel is downright terrifying. We’re not even in the car and we find ourselves nervous watching them!

#2: Elton’s Terrible Behavior

We’d hope that anyone watching “Clueless” – regardless of their age – would understand how utterly unacceptable Elton’s behavior toward Cher is. But there’s no denying that kids might not quite grasp the extent to which it touches on a prevalent and dangerous cultural issue. Consent is crucial, yet Elton refuses to take no for an answer, getting angry when turned down. Sadly, this sort of horrific behavior is all too common in society, even today. So watching the scene with more life experience, it’s hard not to be affected by the dangerous realities the story is portraying. It’s a good thing Cher makes it out of the situation relatively okay (mugging notwithstanding). But there’s simply no excuse for Elton’s disgusting, toxic attitude.

#1: Girl Power

On the surface, Cher and her friends might seem kind of superficial – but that’s not giving them enough credit. There’s a lot more female empowerment here than you might remember from watching the film as a younger person. For one thing, Cher is a stylish, strong, capable and independent girl who uses her smarts to achieve her goals. She also really grows into herself, becoming a better, more well-rounded person and showing that women contain multitudes. In the end, the romance of it all ends up feeling rather secondary, which is quite refreshing. Plus, the heart of the story is the female friendship between Cher, Dionne, and Tai. Though they have ups and downs, at the end of the day, they come first.
