Top 10 Ice Cream Flavors

I scream; you scream; we all scream for ice cream… But we scream louder for some flavors more than others! Join as we count down our picks for the top 10 ice cream flavors! For this list, we're looking at the best, the tastiest and the most popular ice cream flavors out there. We are excluding brand-named flavors like 'Rolo' however, and focusing on more general, traditional tastes!
Special thanks to our users Legionleader, mac121mr0, F1nn0k10, Jedimperial96, Maximillian Mages,, Watchmojyguy and Noah Reith for submitting the idea on our Suggestions Page at WatchMojo.comsuggest
#10: Coffee
We start with sophistication, as everyone’s favorite ‘wake me up’ remedy is chilled to perfection and presented in a cone! Coffee is a flavor in general confectionary that can divide the consumer, but it deserves its spot in today’s top ten all the same! Ice cream can often be presented as a kid’s treat - or as a treat for grown-up kids at least - but this flavor carries with it a touch of class that demands attention within more adult circles!
#9: Rocky Road
From sophistication to squelchy silliness! Rocky Road is one of the most popular alternative ice cream flavors out there, delighting millions with its messiness! The traditional combo of chocolate, nuts and marshmallow is the simplest of sensations that seems to work wonderfully every time we try it! A flavor that flourished in 1930s America thanks to ice cream mogul William Dreyer, it was given its fun name in the hopes that it would give people something to smile about amidst the Great Depression... We grinned then, and we’re still grinning now!
#8: Pistachio
Another inherently stylish sort of ice cream, it seems an odd occurrence that the pistachio nut should ever have been tested as a flavor at all... But aren’t we glad it was! It’s distinctive green coloring meant that Pistachio was often included as a flavor within the traditional ‘Neapolitan’ ice cream set-up - so as to more closely resemble the Italian flag! But even on its lonesome, this ice cream option is as good as it gets! You’d be nuts not to think so!
#7: Strawberry
Sometimes going back to basics is the best thing to do... And that’s certainly the case with strawberry ice cream! A flavor that was reportedly served during the inauguration of America’s fourth president James Madison, it dates back at least as far as 1813! There aren’t too many things that remain popular for over 200 years, but those things that do must be well worth it... And strawberry ice cream is exactly that! It’s an iconic taste of summer, whether in a scoop, a bar, a pie, or as part of the trio known as Neapolitan!
#6: Mint Chocolate Chip
Our next flavor is outside of the box, but not outside of the box enough to be scary! Mint Chocolate Chip is the ice cream of choice for those that fancy a break from their norm! It’s sweet... It’s refreshing... It’s everything ice cream should be! Often made with a simple peppermint or spearmint flavoring, the product is occasionally produced using the liqueur crème de menthe. Alcoholic or not so, there’s an edge to this ice cream that’ll have you going back for seconds!
#5: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
Because we’ve all been little kids, most of us have baked cookies (or something similar...), and nearly all of us have eaten the doughy goodness before it’s been put in the oven to set! Blend that flavor into vanilla ice cream, and you have yourself the tastiest of treats! An invention largely attributed to the world famous ‘Ben and Jerry’s’ brand in the early-1990s, its glory is in its gooeyness! Anyone who says they don’t like Cookie Dough is either lying, or very, very strange!
#4: Chocolate Chip
It’s a classic, and it’s a classic for a reason! The cocoa bean forms the foundations for a very vast majority of confectionary products, and ice cream is not about to buck the trend! In this instance, the chocolate flavor is found in extra bits of the good stuff in chip form, poking out of a usually vanilla product... Of course, for the more daring diners amongst us, double chocolate chip places the pieces in amongst a chocolatey base ice cream... You really can never have too much of a good thing!
#3: Vanilla
The cornerstone of everything ice cream, the world would be a much bleaker place without vanilla flavor! Sure, it’s simple... But that’s because it doesn’t need to fancify itself! As close to ice cream in its original form as you’re gonna get... It compliments just about every other dessert known to man, but also satisfies as a solo dish! Should you care to mix things up a mite, then the extra creamy flavors of French Vanilla could be for you... Either way, this flavor rules – so much so that even Thomas Jefferson concocted his own recipe back in the 1780s!
#2: Cookies ‘n Cream
When buying ice cream your sweet tooth is already awash with anticipation... Ice cream with cookies in it, and your taste buds are bouncing... It’s true: we live in a world where that amount of joy can be scooped into a bowl or perched atop a cone! With many inventors claiming this creation as their own beginning in the late-‘70s, Cookies and Cream was a top five finisher in in 1983 as one of the fave flavors. A flavor widely associated with the Oreo brand in particular, it’s a ten out of ten in texture and taste, but it’s been just frozen out of top spot today!
Before we serve up a scoop (or two!) of our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions:
- Rum Raisin
- Butterscotch
- Heavenly Hash
- Maple Walnut
#1: Chocolate
Where would we be without chocolate? And without chocolate ice cream in particular? The USA’s second most common flavor behind vanilla, and one of the earliest known ice cream options ever invented (conceived even before vanilla!), it dominates the frozen dessert aisle of most supermarkets, and with good reason! With its earliest versions published in Italy during the late-1600s, but gaining popularity in the U.S. in the late-1800s, chocolate ice cream has been around for a very long time, and it’ll be around for a long time more! Versatile as they come, it’s great on its own, or as the base of other top 10 tastes like rocky road. Now, best go out and buy your favorite flavor... Enjoy!
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