Top 10 Hidden Details You Didn't Know About John Wick

#10: A Basketball Cameo
“John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum” (2019)
While trying to get as much done as possible during his hour grace period before a bounty on his head becomes active, John Wick finds himself at the New York Public Library. He picks up a book of Russian fairy tales by Alexander Afanesyev, some of which feature the Baba Yaga. Soon he encounters Ernest, a very tall assassin looking to collect the bounty on Wick. After a brief fight, Wick is able to dispatch him. Ernest is played by NBA big man Boban Marjanović who’s also appeared in a few other films, TV shows and commercials. Perhaps he would have been more successful against Wick if they played some 1 v 1 on the court.
#9: Iron Chef
“John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum” (2019)
In order to punish John Wick for breaking the rules at the Continental, an Adjudicator seeks out Zero. Faced with the prospect of taking out Wick, Zero happily agrees to be of service. It’s not by coincidence that when the Adjudicator approaches him, Zero is working as a sushi chef. The character is played by actor Mark Dascascos. Dacascos portrayed the Chairman in the cooking show Iron Chef America. It’s a neat little callout to the classic show and now we’re wondering how things would have played out if Zero and Wick battled it out in the kitchen instead.
#8: A Bold Back Tattoo
“John Wick” (2014)
Once Viggo Tarasov realizes that John Wick will be coming for revenge, he tries a diplomatic approach. He calls Wick up and asks if they can talk it out. When that doesn’t work, he resorts to sending a crew to take out Wick. John readies himself for an influx of enemies by first taking a shower. Here we see a tattoo across his back with the Latin phrase, fortis fortuna adiuvat. Without getting into a whole etymology course, it roughly translates to fortune favors the bold or fortune will help those who are strong. Given the amount of damage someone like John Wick can do, fortune is definitely by his side.
#7: A Dangerous Drink
“John Wick” (2014)
Following an attack in own home, John Wick wakes to find his car stolen by his assailants. Wick sets out to find answers and pays mechanic shop owner Aurelio a visit. There he learns Iosef Tarasov is the person responsible for the automotive theft. Following their conversation, Wick simply asks Aurelio to provide him with a car. However, at the beginning of their talk Aurelio pours Wick a drink. Looking closely at the bottle, its label reads, Peligroso. Translated from Spanish it can mean dangerous. It’s a nice little bit of foreshadowing of who John Wick is.
#6: Charon
“John Wick” franchise (2014-)
When John Wick pulls up to the Continental Hotel he’s met by Charon at the front desk. There Wick gives him a gold coin and we later see Wick paying for services provided by others with more coins. In fact when Wick digs up his weapons cache in his basement, he has several guns and a bunch of coins. What’s interesting to note here, is that Charon is a character in ancient Greek mythology who would shepherd souls across the rivers Styx and Acheron and payment would be done with gold coins. Throughout the series, Wick has sent many souls to the underworld, all paid for in gold.
#5: Guns, Lots of Guns
“John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum” (2019)
When Winston refuses to step down as manager of the New York Continental Hotel, John Wick is sent to kill him. As the two men come face to face and exchange words, Wick decides he will not kill Winston. Since they refuse to comply, the Adjudicator has the status of the Continental changed to one that is deconsecrated, meaning that the hotel is no longer neutral. Agents of the High Table will soon arrive to remove their souls. In order to fight them off, Wick is gonna need guns, lots of guns. This line, while cool, is a direct quote from Neo in “The Matrix” when he and Trinity go to rescue Morpheus, consequently played by Laurence Fishburne who also appears in the “John Wick” franchise.
#4: Baba Yaga
“John Wick” (2014)
There’s only one man who can kill the Boogeyman and that’s John Wick. This fact is especially troubling if you just ended Wick’s puppy’s life and stole his car. Antagonist of the film, Viggo Tarasov, comes to learn that’s exactly what his son, Iosef, has done. Viggo reveals that Wick was known as Baba Yaga. In Slavic folklore Baba Yaga is generally depicted as an elderly woman but one who can punish those who do wrong by others. Viggo knows what Wick is capable of, despite Iosef’s claims of being able to set things right. Baba Yaga also collects souls and Wick is coming to do just that.
#3: Watch Placement
“John Wick” (2014)
John Wick is a bit of a mystery. We don’t know too much about his background. We know he’s a prolific assassin, the aforementioned Baba Yaga. We also know that he’s someone you definitely do not want to upset or he might just be the last person you ever see. While more of his back story is revealed in a line of comics from Dynamite and sequel movies, a bit of a clue to his tactical background is given to the audience during the first film. If you pay close attention to his wrist, you’ll notice he’s wearing a watch but it’s facing downwards. This is a tactic commonly used by combat soldiers to prevent light reflecting off the dial and giving away one’s position.
#2: Last Words
“John Wick” franchise (2014-)
It should come as no surprise that John Wick overcomes his enemies by movie’s end. What may be surprising, however, are similar parting words offered to John once someone has met their end. After Viggo Tarasov is defeated, he says to John that he’ll be seeing him soon. Similarly, after John takes down Ares, Santino D’Antonio’s security enforcer, she signs that she’ll see him soon as well. When Wick overcomes Zero, he says they’ll catch up. What differs are John’s responses in each situation. Over the course of the series it seems John’s position changes on whether or not he’ll encounter these foes again.
#1: A Week Timeline
“John Wick” franchise (2014-)
Time is relative. Even though years go by between film releases of each installment of the “John Wick” franchise, the same can’t be said for the passage of time in terms of the actual story. If it seems like it was just yesterday that Wick was out getting revenge for what was done to his dog, you’d be right. The first three films span about a week. It’s actually crazy to think that an individual such as John Wick has been able to do all the things he’s done, not to mention all the places he’s traveled in such a short amount of time. If it were us, we would have passed out a long time ago.