Top 10 Creepiest Things Caught on Dash Cam

#10: Hooded Man Screams at Car
In May of 2015, a man was driving down a dark road north of Sydney, Australia when he encountered a parked truck. A hooded man then approaches the car, and the driver slows down. As the car passes the hooded man, he screams into the window and the driver speeds away in total fear. The Newcastle Herald reports that the driver’s wife, who was driving about a minute behind, was also accosted by the hooded man. The anonymous woman told the paper, “I almost stopped before I could go around this guy, and as we went past he just lunged at our door.” The police were called and found the man sleeping inside the truck. He was charged with possession of crystal methamphetamine.
#9: Trees Falling
Apparently everything wants to get you in Australia. Even the trees. This dash cam footage was captured on December 29, 2014 in Victoria, Australia. The area was suffering a wind storm, resulting in some debris striking the windshield as the car drove down the country road. That is, until an entire tree collapses on the road directly in front of the car, quickly followed by several others. This is a terrifying video showcasing the merciless and unpredictable nature of… well, nature. If the car had been traveling just a little bit faster, or if they started their drive just a little bit sooner, they would have been squashed by a falling tree.
#8: Giant Spider
Many people hate spiders. So just imagine a giant one sneaking up behind you. In fact, don’t bother, as this footage shows you exactly what that would look like. After a Texas police officer returns to his patrol car following a routine traffic stop, a giant spider can be seen scurrying on the road behind him. Luckily, the footage is a little deceptive. It wasn’t a giant mutant spider sneaking up on the unknowing police officer, but a regular spider crawling across his windshield, creating an optical illusion. Giant mutant spiders would certainly be scarier, but this still makes for some very eerie footage, nevertheless.
#7: Taiwan Rockslide
If the video of the toppling tree didn’t startle you, then this one surely will. While driving along a road in Taiwan, a horrifying moment was captured in which a falling boulder nearly crushed a car - and its occupant. Just as the cars are driving under a mountain, a boulder explodes from the hillside above. The heavy dirt showers onto the white car in front of the driver and knocks it off course. When the debris clears, an almost 300-ton boulder can be seen teetering right next to the car, having missed it by mere inches. Turns out, massive rocks, steep hills, and rain do not mix. This is like something from a disaster film, and it makes for terrifying viewing.
#6: Lightning
On June 11, 2014, an Australian man named Mitch Baker was driving his car through an evening thunderstorm. The dash cam footage begins with Baker pulled over, his headlights illuminating the grass before him. Immediately after he begins driving, a bolt of lightning strikes his car in a brilliant flash of light. Accompanying the flash is a creepy and somewhat empty metallic sound, like something was slapped onto the car’s hood. Luckily, both Baker and his vehicle were okay, the only damage being a warped brake disk. Despite walking away from the ordeal, Baker was likely left shaken… and feeling quite lucky.
#5: California Fires
The 2017 California wildfires were particularly devastating. Over 9,000 fires burnt through 1.5 million acres of land, damaging over 10,000 structures and costing 47 human lives. The wildfires were captured on video by the media and terrified citizens alike - including this dash cam footage taken from the 405 freeway. It legitimately looks like the car is driving through Hell. An entire mountainside is brightly lit with smoldering fires, greatly eclipsing the cars on the freeway and turning the night sky an eerie shade of smoky orange. The footage is ripped straight from an end-of-the-world-type film, only it’s very real and very concerning.
#4: Ghost Car
We all know about ghosts. Some of us may swear to have seen one. But what about ghost cars? If dash cam footage is anything to go by, this is not a rare phenomenon. In Russia, someone captured a car that seemingly comes out of nowhere in the middle of a busy intersection. But perhaps the most famous footage of a ghost car comes from this police dash cam footage. During a chase, the driver spins his vehicle around, drives past the police car, and then seemingly vanishes into thin air. The police catch up to him, but then the car seemingly drives through a metal fence, successfully evading the police. They can only watch in amazement as the red taillights fade into the darkness.
#3: Creepy Roadblock
While driving the New Jersey Turnpike late at night, a man named Ivan Tukhtin encountered a creepy sight. In front of him were two traffic cones, a black car, and a man wearing jeans. The dash cam clearly shows the cones and car, and all that is seen of the man are his blue jeans walking towards Tukhtin’s vehicle. Feeling suitably creeped out, Tukhtin weaved between the traffic cones and sped away. It’s certainly creepy, but the police believe it to have a relatively harmless explanation. After investigating the scene and arresting two men, the police learned that their car had run out of gas on the highway and that the man had put down traffic cones in a misguided attempt to get help.
#2: Clown
2016 was a weird year. For some bizarre reason, people began dressing up as clowns and terrorizing innocent people. As you can imagine, various clown sightings were captured on dash cams. In October 2016, two creepy clowns were spotted by a police car standing by the side of the road. An even creepier sighting occurred over in Yorkshire, England. While driving down a dark road, a family spotted a clown walking in front of their car. The clown then waved at the car before running towards it. This has to be one of the spookiest pranks in some time - but also the most dangerous, as evident by the Yorkshire clown almost being run over.
#1: Chelyabinsk Meteor
Perhaps the creepiest, and most popular, thing ever captured on dash cam is the Chelyabinsk Meteor. This meteor traveled and exploded over the Chelyabinsk Oblast of Russia on the morning of February 15, 2013. The meteor was captured by dozens of dash cams around the area, most of which displayed the same thing - a bright streak of light blazing through the sky before exploding in a concussive flash. In some cases, the meteor even lights up the surrounding area, briefly turning dusk into day. While it looks like something out of “Armageddon,” the damage was relatively limited, with 1,500 injuries and zero deaths reported. It could have been a lot worse, considering the meteor was up to 33x more powerful than the Hiroshima bomb.