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Top 10 Creepiest Mysteries of All Time

Top 10 Creepiest Mysteries of All Time
VOICE OVER: Peter DeGiglio WRITTEN BY: Whitney Wilson
These creepy mysteries will send a shiver down your spine. For this list, we'll be looking at spooky mysteries that have taken over our minds. Our countdown includes Tamám Shud Case, Radio Bursts From Deep Space, JonBenét Ramsey, and more!

#10: Big Void in the Great Pyramid of Giza

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At more than 4,500 years old, the Great Pyramid of Giza is full of wonder and plenty of mystery. In 2017, using particle physics, researchers investigated the pyramid and uncovered a previously unknown void within the enormous structure. The large void measures at least 98 feet long and 20 feet high and is located right above the Grand Gallery of the pyramid. There are several theories about the purposes of the void, ranging from mundane to fantastical, but its use and contents, if any, are currently unknown. Researchers are currently working on new ways to investigate the void and reveal its secrets.

#9: Tamám Shud Case

John and Jane Doe cases are unfortunately more prevalent than they should be, but this is the ultimate case of an unknown victim. On December 1, 1948, the body of a man was discovered on Somerton Park Beach near Adelaide, South Australia. A thorough search of the man revealed a piece of paper sewn into his pocket which simply said, “Tamám Shud," a phrase that translates to “ended.” All the labels had been removed from the man’s clothing, he didn’t have any form of identification and his dental records did not produce any known matches. The coroner suspected that the man had been the victim of poisoning but could not come to a definite conclusion. Both the man’s identity and cause of death remain unknown.

#8: Salish Sea Feet

Since 2007, human feet have been washing up along the Salish Sea coasts in British Columbia, Canada, and Washington, United States. Among the 21 extremities that have washed up on the shores of the Salish Sea, the majority have been matched to missing persons, several of whom perished in accidents. In 2017, the British Columbia Coroners Service said they believed foul play was not tied to the discoveries of the feet. Because of the way the human body breaks down and how sea scavengers feed, extremities are often separated from the rest of the body. Most of the feet have been found inside sneakers, which might explain how they remained buoyant and relatively preserved. However, why so many feet have washed up in this particular area remains a mystery.

#7: Disappearance of the Sodder Children

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On the night of Christmas Eve 1945, the lives of George and Jennie Sodder changed forever. Jennie awoke to the smell of smoke and realized her husband’s office was on fire. George and Jennie, along with four of their nine children in the house, escaped. They attempted to yell and reach the children who were upstairs, but they were unsuccessful. The house was destroyed by the blaze. Firefighters searched through the ashes, but they couldn’t find any sign of the five missing children, not even bones. Despite the ruling that the fire was due to an electrical issue, the family believed it was arson and the children were kidnapped. Sadly, the surviving Sodders have all passed and were never reunited with their missing family members.

#6: Radio Bursts From Deep Space

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The universe is more massive than we can imagine, and it is full of mysteries we cannot yet unravel. In 2007, scientists discovered fast radio bursts, or FRBs, coming from deep space. As their name suggests, these bursts are quick but can be repetitive. Although some of the FRBs have been traced back to distant galaxies, some billions of light-years away, scientists do not know what causes the emissions to occur. Using advanced telescopes, astronomers have identified two objects that continually release radio wave bursts. One of the objects can go months between bursts, but the other object has emitted them since its discovery in 2019. Scientists are working to understand the radio bursts and what causes them in the first place.

#5: Black Dahlia

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Los Angeles is known as the City of Angels, but it’s also the home of quite a few demons. On January 15, 1947, Betty Bersinger and her toddler daughter discovered what they initially thought was a mannequin, only to realize it was actually the body of a young woman. Dubbed the Black Dahlia by the press, the body was identified as that of Elizabeth Short. Her body was completely cut in half and drained of blood upon discovery and horribly mutilated even beyond that. The gruesome nature of the crime led to a media frenzy and several false confessions, but the case ultimately went cold and remains unsolved.

#4: North Korean Ghost Boats

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Since 2011, hundreds of boats, either unmanned or containing the remains of their crews, have washed up on the shores of Japan. While there are a few theories about the origins of these boats, they likely come from North Korea. Although some believe the boats belong to defectors, they almost certainly belong to North Korean fishermen. After all, fishing is one of the most dangerous occupations on the planet and made even more perilous by the older engines and lack of GPS on many of the discovered boats. Additionally, experts believe illegal Chinese vessels have devastated the North Korean squid population, causing North Korean fishermen to journey to more dangerous waters in search of squid.

#3: Dyatlov Pass Incident

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As one of the oldest mountain ranges in the world, the Urals have had quite their share of strange incidents, but this one is definitely one of the most bizarre. In early 1959, a group led by Igor Dyatlov set out on a skiing expedition through the northern Ural Mountains. The group never arrived at their destination, and a search expedition was launched. When the group was finally discovered, their bodies were only partially dressed despite the below freezing temperatures. Their tent had been ripped open from the inside, and several of the bodies had fatal injuries to their skulls and chests. Although several explanations have been speculated, the most recent findings theorize that an avalanche is likely to blame for the hikers’ demise.

#2: JonBenét Ramsey

This is one of the most horrifying mysteries on this list. On December 26, 1996, Patsy Ramsey called to report she found a ransom note in her Boulder, Colorado, home, demanding $118,000 in exchange for the safe return of her daughter JonBenét. Police arrived at the Ramsey home and conducted a search, but they did not find evidence of forced entry. Later that day, John Ramsey discovered JonBenét’s body in the home’s basement. The girl had been strangled, but investigators were unable to determine who committed the heinous crime. Sadly, decades after that fateful December morning, the case still remains unsolved.

#1: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370

The most expensive search in aviation history is also the creepiest mystery of all time. On March 8, 2014, Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 departed Kuala Lumpur for Beijing, carrying 227 passengers and 12 crew members. Shortly after takeoff, air traffic control stopped hearing from the crew, and the plane vanished from air traffic control radar screens a few minutes afterward. Strangely, military radar data tracked the flight for an additional hour, and this data showed that the aircraft deviated from its planned path. The aircraft’s sudden disappearance prompted a massive search-and-rescue mission across Southeast Asia and the southern Indian Ocean. Pieces of debris believed to be from the plane have been discovered, but the reason for the disappearance remains a mystery.
