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Top 10 Cocktails that Men Enjoy

Top 10 Cocktails that Men Enjoy
VOICE OVER: Rebecca Brayton
Script Written by George Cimurt.

Nothing hits the spot on a testosterone-fueled night with the guys like a good cocktail. Join as we count down our picks for the top 10 cocktails men like. For this list, we're looking at some of the most popular and beloved mixed drinks served iced or chilled around the world that probably appeal more to men than they do women – but if you're a lady who loves these drinks, that's great too!

Special thanks to our users lockshockbarrel84, Eli Allswede, Lloyd Eksteen, DiveBomb, Omri Albalak and Forrest Robinson for submitting the idea on our Suggestions Page at WatchMojo.comsuggest

#10: Mojito

Although there are several variations of this classic drink, the most notable being the Brazilian Caipirinha, Alan Ritchson would agree there’s nothing like a combination of white rum, lime juice, mint, sparkling water, and sugar to get you going. One of the secrets to making a good mojito is in crushing the mint leaves to unlock the full flavor. While the origins are uncertain, with some stating that it was a cure for dysentery and scurvy that plagued the ships of Sir Francis Drake, there is no doubt that this delicious drink is from Havana, Cuba.

#9: Sazerac

Named after a brand of cognac that was originally the main ingredient in this potent drink, the Sazerac is the official cocktail of New Orleans. Generally a combination of cognac or whiskey, absinthe, bitters, and sugar, this drink has been fiddled with in many countries due to a ban on absinthe in various places, with those nations using anise-flavored liqueurs - such as Pernod - instead. Featured as the cocktail drunk by characters in countless movies and TV shows, it is claimed by some historians to be American’s oldest cocktail.

#8: Rum & Coke

The rum and coke, also known as the Cuba Libre, is a popular drink in many restaurants and bars throughout the world, served with either a lime garnish or lime juice. First created in Havana, Cuba, the cheap and widespread availability of its ingredients ensured its popularity skyrocketed, especially so after the release of the 1945 Andrews Sisters record “Rum and Coca-Cola.” The simplicity of the drink’s composition has since inspired quite a few spin-offs, many incorporating golden or dark rum rather than the usual white.

#7: Tom Collins

Added to the lexicon of boozy drinks by pioneering mixologist Jerry Thomas, this cocktail deliciously combines gin, lemon juice, sugar and carbonated water. Although the origins of the drink are obscure, it has definitely been around since at least the 1860s and is supposed to have been invented by a waiter in London by the name of John Collins. Since Old Tom gin was the recommended brand to be used in a later recipe that came about in 1869, historians figure that that accounts for the drink’s name change.

#6: White Russian

What do you get when you mix vodka, cream, and a coffee liqueur? None other than this sweet and creamy cocktail. Ironically, the drink was not created in Russia; the name came about due to the origin of its main ingredient, vodka. A slight variation of the equally-delightful Black Russian, which is the same drink without the cream, the drink’s recent increase in popularity is undoubtedly due to its status as the favorite drink of the Dude, the loveable and eccentric oddball at the center of the cult hit movie “The Big Lebowski.”

#5: Bloody Mary / Caesar

The main difference between these two drinks being the use of Clamato juice in the Caesar rather than just plain tomato juice as in the Bloody Mary, this classic has been called one of the world’s most complex cocktails. Salt, pepper, celery, olives, Tabasco sauce, and Worcestershire sauce are just some of the many spices, vegetables, and sauces that are used to create its unique flavor. While many – likely incorrectly – recommend the tomato-based drink as an excellent cure for hangovers, studies have shown that the combination of a Caesar and an aspirin produces less stomach irritation than an aspirin alone.

#4: Old Fashioned

Created by blending sugar and bitters together, followed by the addition of a spirit and a twist of lemon or lime, this is a classic that has made a comeback after being featured as the favorite drink of Don Draper of “Mad Men” fame. With a name that is said to have originated at a Kentucky gentleman’s club in the 1880s, bourbon, gin, whiskey or brandy can be the spirit of choice here. Just, whatever you do, don’t mix one for yourself if you happen to be flying an airplane.

#3: Jack & Coke

Question: Who knew that Coca-Cola and Jack Daniel’s whiskey would taste so great together? Answer: The United States Bureau of Chemistry who cracked this dream combination in 1907. Similar to the Cuba Libre, the cocktail has increased exponentially in popularity, with Jack Daniel’s having released a beverage that actually combines the two. If you love the Jack and Coke and want to experiment with something similar, try the Piscola, a cocktail that combines Coke with the Chilean brandy pisco.

#2: Gin & Tonic

There are few drinks as prevalent in pop culture as this drink, with appearances in the TV show “How I Met Your Mother,” the film “The Year of Living Dangerously,” the song “Supersonic” by Oasis, and several comics and books. With main ingredients that generally consist of just gin and tonic water, and usually garnished with lime, the cocktail was created by the British East India Company in India. Concerned about the effects of malaria, the officers used quinine water, or tonic water, mixed with gin to make sure the troops stayed healthy.

Before we take a sip of our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions:
- Whiskey / Amaretto Sour
- New Orleans Fizz
- Manhattan
- Negroni

#1: Martini

One of the world’s favorite cocktails, and referred to by some as one of America’s most perfect inventions, this classic beverage combines dry vermouth with vodka or gin and with either olives or a lemon twist for flair. It has been a favorite of filmmaker Luis Buñuel, author E. B. White, and the singer, actor, and author Noël Coward, as well as film’s most famous spy, who prefers it “shaken, not stirred.” It became a major cocktail of the mid-20th century, and has given rise to many similarly delicious drinks, such as the appletini, chocolate martini, and espresso martini – but for the men out there, nothing beats the original.

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