Top 10 Celebs With the Strangest Hobbies

#10: Simon Cowell Loves Tree-Climbing
When he’s not judging people on talent shows, or buying up all the tight t-shirts he can find, Simon Cowell loves to climb trees. And it isn’t to get away from the angry parents of kids he’s just insulted. Or, like Sheldon Cooper, to escape an angry chicken. He genuinely loves climbing trees and has said that it’s something he does daily. He uses the tree climbing to get away and just have some time to himself. Just him and nature. For some people, the only place you can really be alone is up a tree.
#9: Taylor Swift Makes Snow Globes
“Christmas in a jar, with glitter”: that’s how T. Swift described the snowglobes she made over the holidays one year. Swift loves the holiday season and even had a Christmas-themed birthday party in 2015, so it makes sense that one of her hobbies would fit right in with that time of year. The photos of her DIY snow globes were posted about a decade ago, but it wasn’t the last time Taylor and snow globes would be a thing. Swifties will of course remember that the video for her “Lover” remix centered on a snow globe. There were even real life limited edition versions of the globe for fans.
#8: Beyonce Loves Beekeeping
Given that her fanbase has been dubbed “The Beyhive” we don’t blame you if you thought we were making a joke with this one. But you know what they say? Truth is stranger than fiction, and this hobby of Beyonce’s is all true. The Queen Bey herself keeps two beehives at her home and each year the busy bees therein make hundreds of jars of honey. How sweet is that? While we assume she and her J-Honey consume some of the sweet nectar themselves, it’s been reported that the main reason she makes the honey is as a homeopathic remedy for her daughter’s allergies.
#7: Penelope Cruz Collects Coat Hangers
This might be the most mysterious hobby on our list. Reportedly, Penelope has amassed a collection of over 500 coat hangers in all different shapes and sizes. But why she does it, we don’t know. Does she just have over 500 items of must-hang clothing, or is it something else entirely? And if you were thinking that she must be constantly locking her keys in her car and using the coat hangers to break into it instead of calling AAA every time, think again. The one kind of coat hanger she doesn’t have in her collection are apparently wire ones. So, there goes that theory.
#6: Johnny Depp Has a Barbie Doll Collection
Even from the guy who played Ed Wood and Edward Scissorhands, this might seem a little strange. But there’s actually a sweet backstory behind it. You see, when Depp’s daughter was younger he would play Barbies with her, using the dolls to work on different character voices. When Lily-Rose got a little older though, she didn’t want to play with the dolls anymore. Depp decided to keep them nonetheless, and apparently he has quite a collection in storage! Reportedly, it includes quite a few limited edition dolls.
#5: Shailene Woodley Forages Wild Foods
She collects spring water from the mountains, she makes her own toothpaste, body oils, and cheese, and forages wild foods. It might sound like a scene from some post-apocalyptic, dystopian movie, but it’s actually Shailene Woodley’s everyday life. Woodley is very conscious about what goes in and on her body. For her it’s more than a hobby, it’s a lifestyle. Having said that, Woodley takes this a few steps further by eschewing medicine from doctors, and recommending that people eat clay as part of their regular diets – which is, um, more dubious territory.
#4: Leslie Mann Can Ride a Unicycle
We all know the expression, “it’s like riding a bicycle,” but for Leslie Mann it would be, “it’s like riding a unicycle.” Although she doesn’t ride that much these days, Mann says she can still get on a one-wheeler and go without any problems. This hobby of hers started when she was about 11 years old and was gifted a unicycle and taught herself to ride it. Not only can she ride it forward, she can also go backwards and do jumps off curbs. We’re surprised her husband, Judd Apatow, hasn’t written this talent of hers into one of his movies yet.
#3: Angelina Jolie Collects Daggers
Just as the gift of a unicycle started a lifelong hobby for Leslie Man, so did the present of a dagger do the same for Jolie. The actress’ mom bought Jolie her first dagger when she was only 11 or 12 years old, and that was it. She’s even passed down her love of knives to her children and was the center of some controversy back in 2008 when she bought her 7-year-old son Maddox knives of his own. To be fair, the knives had blunt blades so that he couldn’t hurt himself.
#2: Paris Hilton: Frog Hunter
We all know Paris Hilton as a hotel heiress, model and reality TV star. But now we can add frog hunter to that list. It turns out “The Simple Life” star really loves to catch frogs. Of course, she does it as only Paris Hilton can, by going to one of her multiple ranches or to the island that she owns. Don’t worry about the frogs, Paris is a humane frog hunter. She catches them, puts them in a bucket and then lets them go. We have no information as to whether or not she kisses them to see if they might turn into a prince.
#1: Mike Tyson & Pigeon Pageants
The man once referred to as the “baddest man on the planet” has had a love of birds his whole life. He even got into his first fight as a kid when a bully killed his pet bird right in front of him. Today he owns around 1,800 birds and attends the National Pigeon Association's annual Grand National Pigeon Show. And while it might seem strange to some, showing pigeons is one of the oldest hobbies around. In fact, the first Grand National Pigeon show was held a century ago. We’re pretty sure Tyson wasn’t there, although we wouldn’t be surprised if we found out he could time travel.