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Top 10 Biggest Jerks In Video Games

Top 10 Biggest Jerks In Video Games
VOICE OVER: Dan Paradis
Script written in Alex Crilly-Mckean

They are the kings and queens of douchebags. Join as we countdown our picks for the Top 10 Biggest Jerks In Video Games.

For this list, we've chosen video characters with irredeemable qualities that often make life hard for the player and protagonist. These aren't to be confused with psychopaths, since we already have a list for them. Sorry Trevor Phillips. Our choices are based on a mixture of fan-votes, popularity and our own personal preferences. Also be on the lookout for a few spoilers dotted here and there.

Special Thanks to our users "Bzilla56" "Awesome4033" "mac121mr0" & "Cameron Rose" for suggesting this topic on our Interactive Suggestion Tool at http://www.WatchMojo.comsuggest
Script written in Alex Crilly-Mckean

#10: Mido
“The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time” (1998)

This masterpiece of a game promises a grand adventure from the get-go, Unforgettable characters, amazing levels and the ultimate hero’s journey. Or at least it would if you could actually see the Deku Tree to start your quest, but no, this little bastard is blocking the way. Say hello to Mido, a resident of Kokiri Forest, who seems to have some sway and influence over the other residents, and has particular dislike for Link. Not letting you start your quest until you find a sword and shield, he even has the gall to blame the player for not saving the Great Deku Tree. Way to kick a guy when’s down, ass!

#9: Bluebeard
“The Wolf Among Us” (2013)

Straight out of gothic horror comes the man whose beard may be lacking any shade of blue, but makes up for it with a violent nature and deceptive mind. Throughout Sheriff Bigby Wolf’s ongoing case to discover the culprit behind several murders, Bluebeard is shown to be an aggressive individual who will trample anyone on the way to secure power for himself. Should the player choose to kill the Crooked Man at the end of Episode Five, he defends Bigby’s actions, but questions his and Snow White’s ability to run and protect Fabletown. Clearly this one is just as much of a wolf in sheep’s clothing as Bigby himself.

#8: Emily
“Until Dawn” (2015)

We are very much aware that Emily is meant to encompass the bitchy stereotype you’d often find in a lot of horror movies, but she just does it so well you can’t help but start to loathe her, at least towards the beginning of the game. She’s damn sure of herself, and as far as she’s concerned it’s her way or the highway, something she is keen to remind the rest of the cast and the player on a constant basis. Whether it’s trading coy insults or screaming her head off like a banshee, we’re sure there weren’t many people shedding a tear when she met one of her many, many deaths.

#7: Lambert
“The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt” (2015)

Being a Witcher isn’t easy, and we can sympathise with living in the shadow of the awesomeness that is Geralt of Rivia, but you don’t have to go on and on about it. While he may have trained Ciri in the art of combat, Lambert doesn’t have many impressive deeds to his name, left to hunt rather unimpressive monsters as opposed to Geralt’s gallery of legendary kills. Credit where credit is due, he did come to the aid of KaerMorhen when the enemy was at the gate, but anyone who goes around insulting the gorgeous Triss Merigold is definitely a special kind of jerk.

#6: Damon S. Baird
“Gears of War” series (2006-)

War is hell, and when you’re up against monstrous enemies like the Locust and Lambert, there is little time for political correctness. That being said, Damon Baird is definitely the resident asshole among Delta Squad. While his mechanical knowhow and skills as a soldier are invaluable, his bluntness, sarcasm and inability to shut his mouth have riled up a lot of people. Calling orphaned children parasites and giving Sam grief are just a couple of examples. At least he’s stays true to himself, even if that means being a prick in what could be their last moments.

#5: Gary Smith
“Bully” (2006)

High School can be a nightmare if you don’t fit in with a particular clique, something that Jimmy Hopkins finds out the hard way when his new school turns out to be a warzone for Jocks, Nerds, Greasers, etc. Orchestrating the social crisis from behind the scenes is the sociopathic Gary Smith, a self-proclaimed genius who betrays Jimmy in pursuit of power aka showing everyone how smart he is. Setting events in motion that have the cliques targeting Jimmy and battling each other, he becomes the object of every player’s aggression. There is nothing more cathartic then beating the crap out of this twerp and seeing him get his just desserts.

#4: Blue aka Gary
“Pokemon Red & Blue” (1998)

This character was born just to piss you off. As you’re about to pick your first ever Pokemon, your rival comes along and snatches whichever type your choice is weak towards. As you go about your journey to become the best, he’ll run into you at random intervals, always yelling out “smell ya later” like he’s actually better than you. Ah well, it’s not he’s going to dash ahead of you, defeat the Pokemon League and become the Champion just before your do and rob you of all your hard work. Oh wait, he does, and the revenge that follows is ever so sweet! Smell this,ya jerk!

#3: Falco Lombardi
“Star Fox” series (1993-)

A member of Star Fox and second in command to Fox McCloud himself, Falco is shown to be highly skilled when it comes to air combat, but has a really hard time accepting help when he gets into a jam, and an even harder time actually saying “thank you”. Known to occasionally butt heads with Fox and Slippy via sarcastic comments, he’s cocky and has an automatic dislike for authority, in fact for a while he left the team just because he was bored. While he has at least mellowed out over the series run, he’s still one stubborn bird!

#2: The Dog
“Duck Hunt” (1984)

Behold, the face of retro gaming hatred, reincarnated as one smug canine that has become infamous across the years! In this classic NES shooter, players had the simple but enthralling task of shooting down an increasing number of ducks with each level they completed. Failure to do so didn’t just give you a game over, no, that mangy mutt would appear on screen and laugh at how pathetic your shooting skills were. After a few dozen failures, you can see why the constant mockery would tempt gamers to try their marksmanship skills on the dog instead of the ducks.

Before we reveal our number one pick, here are few honourable mentions.

King of All Cosmos
“Katamari Damacy” (2004)

Nathan Prescott
“Life is Strange” (2015)

“Stardew Valley” (2016)

#1: Handsome Jack
“Borderlands” series (2009-)

How vain can a man who includes handsome in his own name be? Dangerously so. Stealing the credit for finding The Vault as well as killing The Destroyer, Jack is a self-made dictator with the backing of the Hyperion Corporation and basically all of Pandora as his personal playground. Believing himself to be the hero despite all the pain and despicable actions he commits, this denial comes with constant taunts, admittedly hilarious dialogue and an absolute understanding of mutual hatred between Jack and the player. He’s the king of jerks who we love to hate!

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How is Micah not on here