Top 10 Best Rewards for Beating Video Games

It isn’t often we get to feel satisfied for beating a game, but these ones made it well worth our time. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today, we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Best Rewards for Beating a Video Game!
For this list, we’re looking at some of our favorite bonuses for beating a video game. To be clear, these can be either rewards for merely finishing the story mode, achieving a total amount of collectables, or beating the game 100%. Anything is fair game here.
#10: James Bond Tuxedo
“Metal Gear Solid” (1998)
Sometimes, you just want to run through a game once and be done with it. However, “Metal Gear Solid” had a swag prize in store for those who wanted to go for a second round. If you managed to beat the game twice AND experience both endings, Snake will don a snazzy tuxedo for him to wear during the next playthrough. Basically, “Metal Gear” turns into a demo for an unreleased James Bond game. Pretty sick! And as if the party couldn’t get more fancy, Grey Fox gets a sexy red-and-black suit!
#9: Play as Richter Belmont
“Castlevania: Symphony of the Night” (1997)
“Symphony of the Night” certainly delivered a different experience to “Castlevania” fans with its tight controls and main protagonist Alucard. If, for whatever reason, you were craving to play as a Belmont and return to the early years of “Castlevania”, the game had a sweet prize for you. After beating the main story, start a new game and enter your name as “RICHTER”. This will allow you to play as Richter Belmont. Considering just how different Richter plays (given he has a different moveset), you basically unlocked a whole new game to play. Two games for the price of one!
#8: Full Access to Vehicles
“The Simpsons: Hit & Run” (2003)
In between escort missions, collectathons, and races, most of us would kill time by wreaking havoc upon the denizens of Springfield. If you felt the top-down racing minigame was a letdown after finishing the main story, try reaching 100% completion. Find every collectible and completing all bonus missions will give you the ability to use a cheat code that grants you full access to all of the bonus vehicles that were previously hidden in each level. Now you can terrorize Springfield in style with 50’s Cadillac or go extreme and explode cars with a monster truck! And you can do so in whichever level you so desire.
#7: Green Hill Zone
“Sonic Adventure 2” (2001)
Completing a “Sonic” game is no easy feat. Most games require you hit the highest rank on every level while others demand you obtain every Emblem possible. “Sonic Adventure 2”, on the other hand, requires both in order to be completed, and the reward is one hell of a nostalgia trip. Collect all 180 Emblems with A rank on every level, and you will unlock a new level - Green Hill Zone. What makes this completion bonus so special was that this was a classic “Sonic” stage recreated in 3D. No, it wasn’t particularly well-designed, but it was incredible nonetheless.
#6: PRL 412
“Resident Evil 4” (2005)
Playing any of the “Resident Evil” games can be mentally exhausting. If you aren’t getting jumpscared at the end of every corner, you’re getting overwhelmed by hordes of zombies. So, we can understand why some may clock out after one playthrough. However, those who managed to beat “Resident Evil 4” on Professional mode (the hardest difficulty) were rewarded with a brand new toy - the PRL 412. This hefty hand cannon can decimate enemies in one shot and holds unlimited ammunition. Now you can get revenge on all the zombies that sucker-punched you into a Game Over.
#5: 007 Mode & Perfect Dark Mode
“GoldenEye 007” (1997) & “Perfect Dark” (2000)
Just when we thought the “Donkey Kong Country” games were some of the hardest titles in Rare’s library, they gave us “GoldenEye 007” and “Perfect Dark”. When set on the highest difficulty, these two N64 classics become tough as nails, requiring quick reflexes and accuracy. But if beating both games (including their bonus missions) on their hardest setting wasn’t enough of a challenge, you probably took advantage of their completion bonuses. Dubbed “007 Mode” and “Perfect Dark Mode” respectively, these unlockable difficulties allowed you to tamper with enemy stats, making them insanely weak with one hit-point or incredibly tough and maxing out their accuracy. Now you can turn the game into a test of skill or a laughable slaughterhouse!
#4: Old Game
“MediEvil” (2019)
Modern games seem to have forgotten how to make awesome completion bonuses. Even remasters of classics like “Crash Bandicoot” and “Spyro” don’t give you much for 100%-ing their games. “MediEvil” gives its players a little more respect, and those who completed the 2019 remake were greatly rewarded. After collecting all of the Chalices and laying every Lost Soul to rest, players will unlock an “Old Game” option. Upon choosing this option, the game will reboot, and players are greeted with a familiar sound. [play PS1 bootup sequence] Yep! You can replay the original “MediEvil” from 1998, polygons and all! Not only did this nostalgia trip make for an excellent completion reward, but we can also sleep soundly knowing another PS1 classic has been preserved.
#3: A New Character & a Game-Breaking Item
“Bayonetta” (2010)
Most games tend to stick with one completion reward. “Bayonetta” is not like most games. Yes, there are so many completion bonuses to make your time with Bayonetta worthwhile. While we can’t list them all there are two we want to highlight, getting Platinum rank on every level on Normal difficulty will net you a new playable character - Jeanne. But suppose you want to pop every achievement and collect all 101 Umbran Tears of Blood on the hardest difficulty. Should you succeed, you will be rewarded with the Climax Bracelet which lets you use your finishers instantly, thus breaking the whole game. Congratulations - you have entered God Mode!
#2: Hand Cannon
“Dead Space 2” (2011)
The world of “Dead Space can be intense and frightening. So, after playing through two whole games of terror and mutated monsters, why not lighten things up a little? If you managed to slug through Hard Core Mode in “Dead Space 2”, you were given the best weapon in horror games - the Hand Cannon. In addition to making you feel like “Dead Space” champ, this foam finger can decapitate any monster in one shot all while belting out “pew pew pew”! Once we obtained this goofy weapon, another playthrough was necessary.
#1: Fierce Deity Mask
“The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask”
While “Majora’s Mask” is notably shorter than your traditional Zelda game, the final reward for collecting all the game’s masks are well worth the effort. In the final area of the game, you need to surrender all the masks you’ve collected to the Children running around the tree, as well as complete each one of their final trials. After that, the child wearing Majora’s Mask will hand you the Fierce Deity Mask. Not only is the Fierce Deity one of the most badass designs in all of the Zelda franchise, but it’s all so satisfying to go back to each of the prior boss fights and whip the floor with them using this new mask. If only we knew where this mask came from.