Banana Erotica, Fallen Sex Angels and MegaBots: The Dispatch #26

VOICE OVER: Adrian Sousa
Script Written by Jesse Polowin & Adrian Sousa
Welcome to The Dispatch,'s look at the weirdest and coolest news stories from the previous week of human existence. This week, we're covering MegaBot battles, fallen angel sex dolls and banana erotica.
Welcome to The Dispatch,'s look at the weirdest and coolest news stories from the previous week of human existence. This week, we're covering MegaBot battles, fallen angel sex dolls and banana erotica.
Banana Erotica, Fallen Sex Angels and MegaBots: The Dispatch #26
There’s probably a reason why you haven’t heard of these stories, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t interesting! Welcome to, and this is The Dispatch, where we bring you the Internet’s weirdest and coolest stories! This week, we’re covering MegaBot battles, fallen angel sex dolls and banana erotica.
#3: Megabots
Battle Bots appealed to both professional sports fans and tech-nerds, which is probably why Oakland based startup MegaBots Inc.’s new crowd-funding campaign is doing so well. The California company has so far raised 2.4 million dollars in seed money that will go towards creating a league of 15-foot-tall human-piloted robots that fire cannonball sized paintballs at over 120 miles an hour. Founders of MegaBots are hoping to follow in the footsteps of major sports associations like Formula 1 or UFC in creating an international set of teams and tournaments. Unfortunately however, this is not the first time the company has attempted to crowd-fund an event, and they still have a ways to go in order to reach their goal. I guess real life fighting mechs could draw in some of that cash they need.#2: Angel Sex Doll
If you found someone stranded on an island what would you do? Offer them shelter? Food? Clothing? It’s what the good-natured people from a village near Jakarta, Indonesia did when local fishermen found what they believed to be an angel face down in the sand. The ‘angel’ was actually an inflatable sex doll that had washed out to sea, but locals were persistent about their theory and provided it with a blouse and a headscarf. It may seem hilarious to us, but to a community that has no Internet access and a conservative approach to sex, this was a genuine gesture of hospitality. Made Supriatma, a social scientist from Indonesia, says the locals “had to find an explanation for the unusual figure especially since the incident happened on a remote island.” Still, it’s nice knowing you could have an absolute smasher of a night in Indonesia, wind up naked on a beach and know you won’t be left there for long.#1: Banana Erotica
Sorry China, but it looks like you’ll have to resort to Dole or Chiquita commercials to get your dirty banana fix. The popularity of live-streaming sites among the Chinese youth is growing at a rapid rate, most commonly hosted by young women who sing traditional songs, chat with their viewers, or – uh – eat bananas. But, new regulations seek to put an end to this “suggestive” banana eating, and the people aren’t having it. “Can male live-streamers still eat them?” said one worried stream-watcher. “How do they decide what’s provocative when eating a banana?” asked another. But fear not, fans of banana erotica, as we’re sure you’ll now be able to get your fix of sexy cucumber munching, or the holy grail of hot live stream eating: eggplant.So, be honest; have you been watching banana eating streams?
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