Script Written by Christopher Ulaski.
Wow, talk about missing the mark. Join as we count down our picks for another top 10 worst movie casting choices. For this list, we've picked casting choices that, after the movies were released, still left people scratching their heads. While other casting decisions were controversial, some of them worked out for the better.
Special thanks to our users Tristan Hartup, Leo Logan, WatchDogsFan47, MorghannBale13, HannibalTheCannibal, DarraghError404, Sean Wareing, Joanna Allen, Andrew A. Dennison, Cody Franklin, Maria Ez and Jack Sapsford for submitting the idea on our Suggestion Tool at http://www.WatchMojo.comsuggest read more...
Wow, talk about missing the mark. Join as we count down our picks for another top 10 worst movie casting choices. For this list, we've picked casting choices that, after the movies were released, still left people scratching their heads. While other casting decisions were controversial, some of them worked out for the better.
Special thanks to our users Tristan Hartup, Leo Logan, WatchDogsFan47, MorghannBale13, HannibalTheCannibal, DarraghError404, Sean Wareing, Joanna Allen, Andrew A. Dennison, Cody Franklin, Maria Ez and Jack Sapsford for submitting the idea on our Suggestion Tool at http://www.WatchMojo.comsuggest read more...