Script Written by Nick Williams
Teaser trailers and early gameplay videos always get gamers hyped up. But sometimes, even the most promising titles end up in the can end up fading into dust.
For this list, we've selected games that were officially announced So for those of you looking for Half Life 3, it can't make the list since its development has neither been confirmed nor denied.
Special Thanks to our users "Germano Pontes" "DatBagel" "Dionel Reyes-Ramirez" read more...
Teaser trailers and early gameplay videos always get gamers hyped up. But sometimes, even the most promising titles end up in the can end up fading into dust.
For this list, we've selected games that were officially announced So for those of you looking for Half Life 3, it can't make the list since its development has neither been confirmed nor denied.
Special Thanks to our users "Germano Pontes" "DatBagel" "Dionel Reyes-Ramirez" read more...