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top 10 odd phobias

9 8
Suggested by billthecat2011

fear of fears - phobophobia

4 1

top 10 odd phobias

Play Trivia top 10 odd phobias
Suggested by billthecat2011

fear of long words -hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia

4 1
Suggested by billthecat2011

fear of work- ergophobia

4 1
Suggested by billthecat2011

fear of colors- cromophobia

3 1
jelle1240 9 years ago Report
it is cool to have synthestesia then you see colours everytime you see numbers
0 0
Suggested by billthecat2011

fear of sleeping- somniphobia

3 1
Suggested by billthecat2011

fear of paper- papirophobia

3 1
Suggested by billthecat2011

fear of pronouncing a word- onomatophobia

3 2
Suggested by billthecat2011

fear of toughing your chin- Geniophobia

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Suggested by Kristin G.

Omphalophobia- fear of the navel

2 2
Suggested by billthecat2011

fear of mirrors- eisoptrofobia

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