Top 10 Unanswered My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic Season 1 Questions
Suggested by
Sakuya Tachibana
If Pinkie's friends had been planning her surprise party in advance, why didn't they have convincing cover stories ready to give to her from the get-go?
Suggested by
Sakuya Tachibana
Wasn't Twilight Celestia's long-time student in Canterlot for years?
Suggested by
Sakuya Tachibana
When the buffalo attack the train, how did they know the tree was in the caboose, and not in an ordinary freight car?
Suggested by
Sakuya Tachibana
Why does Pinkie Pie give Twilight such a hard time about the secret's thing?
Suggested by
Sakuya Tachibana
So, what's the deal with Spike's appearance in his fantasy?
Suggested by
Sakuya Tachibana
How in the world did a regular electric fan create a strong enough air current to knock over the sets?
Suggested by
Sakuya Tachibana
How can Fluttershy not control her own stares?
Suggested by
Sakuya Tachibana
If Twilight's spell caused the parasprites to eat generally non-edible material (wood, metal, etc.) why is there still an Everfree?
Suggested by
Sakuya Tachibana
Why does every pony think that Fluttershy's fear of dragons is strange?