watchmojo top 10 video games anime persona 5 Top 5 persona girls

Top 5 Persona Girls

You Couldn’t Ask For Better Confidants

With the anime adaptation of Persona 5 heading into it’s second phase, fans can look forward to seeing the Phantom Thieves continue to change hearts as well as battle some of the game’s craziest foes. However, it’s fair to say that it’s abridgement hasn’t been been able to fully capture what made the series such a joy to begin with; spending extensive time interacting with an endearing cast of characters and watching them slowly evolve as people. As such, in order to celebrate the source material, we’re going to count down the franchises’ resident ladies who both kicked ass and dazzled us with their waifu potential!

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Fair warning, there are SPOILERS AHEAD!

#5: Rise Kujikawa
“Persona 4” (2008)

Oh. My. GAWD! Risette is THE BEST! We listen to her music all. The. TIME! Did you hear that she’s retiring? Moving in with her grandmother in Inaba? Wait, isn’t that the town where you get thrown into a television and face your true self? Yep, despite her cute, bouncy nature, Rise is struggling to figure out who the real her is due to her celebrity presence as Risette. This leads to a pole dancing shadow that the team struggles to defeat. Fortunately, there’s a suicidal bear at the ready, and soon, Rise accepts her true self and becomes the scanner for the group – and resident “girl with no filter.”

Image result for rise kujikawa scene

#4: Mitsuru Kirijo
“Persona 3” (2006)

For those of you who are fond of sophisticated ladies who are probably waaaaay out of your league…meet Mitsuru Kirijo. Right off the bat you get the impression of someone who’s wise beyond their years. She’s seen as the leader of SEES and has been fighting the shadows longer than anyone in the group, though this has come with a high price. Her family is responsible for a lot of the turmoil your group faces, and Mitsuru feels that she bares the burden – even if she wasn’t involved. She faces a lot of grief throughout the game, but emerges as a stronger person because of it.

Image result for Mitsuru Kirijo scene

#3: Makoto Niijima
“Persona 5” (2017)

As far as first impressions go Makoto’s isn’t the greatest as she seems set on unmasking the Phantom Thieves… and blackmailing them. It doesn’t help that there’s rumors about her knowing about the nefarious acts of some of the school faculty. As the student council president and sister of Sae Nijima – the Public Prosecutor who’s interrogating you throughout the game – Makoto is dealing with a lot of obstacles while trying to find her own sense of justice in a world full of corruption. Truth be told, she believes in the Phantom Thieves, and she becomes a viable member of the team.

Image result for Makoto Niijima scene

#2: Naoto Shirogane
“Persona 4” (2008)

You know that whole “Detective Prince” thing that’s mentioned in P5? Meet the original. Naoto comes from a long line of detectives and arrives in Inaba to uncover the mystery of the bizarre murders. However, Naoto has quite a bit of opposition, which leads to an incredible story arc that goes into the very real insecurities due to someone’s age and especially their gender. After facing a rather intriguing shadow that speaks of an operation, Naoto comes to terms with the truth and works to be a strong member of the team…who you’ll neeeeever see in a swimsuit. Oh, and get rid of those medical files while you’re at it.

Image result for Naoto Shirogane scene

#1: Aigis
“Persona 3” (2006)

Ahead, in the distance, stands a beautiful girl with blonde hair, striking blue eyes, and… fully loaded guns that emerge from her robotic shell? Does she even need a persona by her side?! As the last anti-Shadow weapon developed by the Kirijo group, Aigis is a cunning, sometimes awkward, edition to your group, though she’s more than just a fully automatic weapon. Overtime, Aigis comes to care for SEES and the main character — especially the main character – though that may be because she kinda sealed Death itself inside of him. What? You thought this was gonna be a simple “android learning how to love” story?

Image result for Aigis “Persona 3 scene

Be sure to check out the video below to see our picks for the Top 10 Best JRPG Villains.
