watchmojo Spider-Man Marvel MCU Marvel Cinematic Universe Top 5 vulture top 5 villains we want to see in Spider-Man: Homecoming 2

Top 5 Villains We Want To See In Spider-Man: Homecoming 2

Will The Scorpion Get His Due?

Spider-Man’s first solo outing in the MCU was considered by most to be a grand return to form. It was ridiculously charming, gave us a Peter Parker who was naive yet relatable, and oddly enough had a fantastic new Marvel villain in the form of the Vulture.

As a result, we’re eager to see what happens in the sequel, especially when it comes to the next foe that Spidey has to face. He has such a vast rogues gallery that we can’t decide between wanting to see the MCU do their own versions of previous Spider-Man villains or try their hand at some of the more underrated baddies.

In anticipation, we’ve selected five of the wall-crawler’s nemeses that would make for excellent candidates for Homecoming 2’s antagonist. Just don’t expect to see Venom on the list, since Sony saw fit to give him his own movie…for some reason.

#5: Hobgoblin

While this might sound like its retreading old ground, having at least one Goblin make their way into the MCU would be a treat. Hopefully they would find a way to make him vastly different from the likes of Normon Osborn.

#4: Hammerhead

While he’s well known for packing one hell of a headbutt, having a legitimate gangster as a villain would allow for yet another genre shift that would let the movie stand apart from the others. Spider-Man meets American Gangster? Sign us up!

#3: Mysterio

The master of illusions has been portrayed as both a legitimate foe as well as a laughably incompetent punching-bag. In the right hands, he could act as the perfect foil for Peter Parker as something of a dark reflection.

#2: Kraven The Hunter

He’s one of Spidey’s oldest foes, and an especially deadly at that! Much like how Homecoming recreated some of the most iconic moments from the comics, a chance to see Kraven’s Last Hunt adapted to the big screen would be a joy to behold.

#1: The Scorpion

We got a taste of Michael Mando’s take on Mac Gargan, and we are dying to see more. It’s Vaas from Far Cry 3 playing the Scorpion! How can we not be excited for this?!
