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Top 10 Tips to Survive a Breakup

Top 10 Tips to Survive a Breakup
VOICE OVER: Emily Brayton
Script written by Q.V. Hough

There's always a light at the end of the tunnel Join MsMojo as we count down our picks for the top 10 Tips to survive a breakup.

For this list, we're counting down the ideal ways to maintain your sanity post-break-up, regardless of whether it was nasty or a mutual separation.

#10: Accept How You Feel & Let Yourself Be Sad

The first rule of break-ups is that you accept the breakup itself. No, it doesn’t feel good, everybody knows that, and you might even have to scream it out in the car or throw a few punches at the gym, but at least you’ll be ridding yourself of all the negative energy. Let those tears drip - just get ‘em all out and accept the idea that it’s okay to be sad in that moment. Forget about everything else and just deal with your emotions. Channel the energy, breathe and cry. Let yourself feel the burn and take control of your sadness.

#9: Give Back or Burn Their Belongings

So now that you’ve come to grips with the breakup without going off the deep end, it’s time to pick up the phone and arrange for “the drop.” You know, that box full of goods that will quickly become “a thing” if you don’t address it right away. If your ex gets all snarly about the subject itself and doesn’t express any interest in the belongings, then just burn that bitch up and be done with it. You don’t need their lame-ass movies lying around or even that dirty shirt. Behave in a responsible manner, but rid yourself of inconsequential items and move on.

#8: Listen to Music / Watch Post Breakup Movies

You’ve cleansed your soul, and you’ve cleansed your physical environment, and now it’s time to immerse yourself in some positive vibes. First, you need to get the speakers blasting with some up-tempo music and get yourself into a new groove. But remember – no sad stuff – we’re talkin’ Ray Lamontagne, James Blunt, Adele or anyone that makes a living by wailing on about horrible breakups. Get some LCD Soundsystem goin’ and see what’s goin’ down on Netflix. You’ll be naturally drawn to rom-coms or straight-up romance flicks, so just be careful with your selections. A little stand-up might even be in order.

#7: Keep Busy

No pressure here, but as you’ve got your feet kicked up in the air during a lengthy binge-watch, just remember that you’ll need to sprinkle in a little physical activity once in awhile too. Don’t worry – you don’t have to physically go to the gym, but put on some music again and take care of some business. Do the dishes. Vacuum your carpet. You might even want to launch some roundhouse kicks into the air or whatever type of physical exertion gets you goin’. That’s good cardio. Decide on something simple, and you’ll be feeling good both physically and mentally. Don’t spend too much time alone and remember about all the people that support you.

#6: Don’t Binge & Don’t Be Disgusting

After a breakup, who doesn’t want find some type of immediate relief? In many cases, women turn to sweets, whether it be chocolate, ice cream or cake… sometimes all mixed together. Yikes. But just hold the phone, now, because you’ve got to keep some type of balance. Have that bowl of ice cream. but don’t convince yourself that it’s okay to keep eating and eating because you deserve it at that moment. You know what? You DO deserve a little something, but like any vice, you gotta keep a handle on it. Don’t be gross, keep your sugar game in check.

#5: Don’t Drink & Rebound

For all of you old enough to consume an adult beverage or two, don’t let yourself lose control at the bar after a few drinks. Surely, you already know your limits, and if you get all flirty after that second Margarita, well fine - there’s nothing wrong with embracing your sensuality - but don’t let yourself slip by waking up with a monster hangover and someone nameless laying next to you. It’ll be meaningless and you’re unlikely to feel good. So don’t drink and rebound, because one night of passion can change your life forever. You know it. We know it. Stay in control.

#4: Find Yourself Again

Remember all those fun things you were doing before your last relationship? Well, a break-up affords you the perfect opportunity to pick yourself back up by focusing your energy on something you love. Writing, photography - whatever it may be, you’ll experience a renewed confidence by jumping back in, and you’ll probably feel like a different person all together. Don’t lose yourself in dreams of a perfect romance – just do what you do and let the pieces fall where they may. Everybody likes an individual that’s passionate about his or her favourite hobby or form of self-expression. Find yours and

#3: Find Emotional Support

When you’re trying to find some type of balance post-breakup, don’t think you have to be a strong independent boss like Imperator Furiosa, because even she had some help. You know the drill – refrain from a hermit lifestyle and don’t try to be something you’re not. If you need to pick up the phone or get out of the house, then surround yourself with happy vibes and keep it light. Show your loved ones that you care, and in turn, their support will help you deal with the inevitable heartache that comes from a breakup. Don’t be afraid to reach out.

#2: Exercise / Do Something to Make You Feel Better Inside and Out

So, we’ve mentioned the importance of staying active while you’re at home, but you’ll need to amp it up a notch to keep you blood circulating properly in order to stay healthy. Here’s the thing: an hour on the treadmill every couple days will be good for your physical makeup, and even though the act of going to the gym takes some getting used to, a structured routine will have you in tip-top shape both physically and emotionally. You’ll be radiating good vibes, and you’ll look good too. And that’s when you’ll recognize that you’re on the right path.

Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.

Go On a Holiday or Mini-Holiday

Get Your Rage on the Page

Pick a New Hobby

#1: Keep Your Distance / Don’t Social Media Stalk

In today’s world of text messages and tweets, it’s imperative that you refrain from social media stalking or an all-out fit of pure crazy. Just stop obsessing… stop it. Keep your distance. No drunk dials, no social media rants and no text messaging. There are better ways of making your point, and hey, don’t even think about trying to make your ex jealous, because anyone that hasn’t accepted the finality of a break-up has no business trying to play emotional games. Take care of you, and everything will take care of itself as a result. It won’t be easy, but that’s life, and we’re here to help.

Do you agree with our list? What is your favorite tip to survive a breakup? For more mind-blowing Top 10s published daily, be sure to subscribe to MsMojo.
