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Top 10 Things We NEED to See In Elder Scrolls VI

Top 10 Things We NEED to See In Elder Scrolls VI
VOICE OVER: Dan Paradis
Script written by Nathan Sharp

Bethesda Softworks has their work cut out for them...Welcome to and today we're counting down our picks for the Top 10 Things We Need To See In Elder Scroll VI!

Special thanks to our user “Dan Paradis” for suggesting this topic using our interactive suggestion tool at http://WatchMojo.comsuggest

#10: More Polish

While it certainly wouldn’t be a Bethesda title without some hilarious bugs, there’s no denying that the fun is almost at an end. While goofy glitches like a floating mammoth or moonwalking horse are one thing, game-breaking bugs like unbeatable quests, constant crashes, and significant frame rate drops are something else entirely. The “Elder Scrolls” series has given us some of the most well-realized and beautiful worlds in gaming history, but the constant sense of incompleteness is a serious detriment for many of the games’ critics. A little more polish will help the immersion go a long way.

#9: A Better Story

If there’s one thing that the “Elder Scrolls” series is particularly good at it, it’s side quests and world building. Many gamers enjoy exploring the worlds, and the games’ focus on personal adventure is what makes them so endearing. While the main stories aren’t necessarily bad, they’re hardly the focal point. What we would love to see in the sixth installment is some significant effort put into the main quest, including a more complex story, memorable characters, and more convincing voice acting. While we aren’t expecting “Game of Thrones,” we want a little more than “DRAGONS ARE COOL!”

#8: Customizable Weapons and Apparel

The “Elder Scrolls” series places a large emphasis on personality and individuality, so it’s bizarre to see no implementation of customizable weapons or apparel. While “Skyrim” includes eight billion options for cheekbones, jawlines, and eye depth (AKA things no one really cares about), there is nothing to distinguish your character in terms of weapon aesthetics or clothing. Unfortunately, what you’re given is what you’re stuck with, Fortunately we did see this feature in Fallout 4 so we’re hoping that Bethesda carries that over to Tamriel.

#7: Convincing Facial Animations

While the stories may have some dramatic moments, there’s nothing that takes us out of the experience more than having to deal with the unemotional voice acting and vacant facial animations. Someone could be explaining to you how their family was brutally slaughtered, or how their home town was just ravaged by a fire-breathing dragon, but their voice and face remains stoic and bored, which instantly sucks the drama out of a scene. While we don’t need “Uncharted” levels of facial animation and detail, a LITTLE expression certainly couldn’t hurt.

#6: More Than One Continent

Yes, the worlds that we are given are expansive and detailed. But just imagine if they were MORE expansive and detailed! A lack of variety is something which has plagued this series from the beginning, as every game centers on a particular location. While it’s fun to seeall these individual components of Tamriel, we would adore seeing the continent, or a completely new continent on Nirn, as one whole, full of differing exotic locations, wildlife, animals, etc. While some DLC has provided variety in the past, like travelling to Solstheim in both “Morrowind” and “Skyrim,” we would love to see that variety implemented into the core game.

#5: More Complex Character Possibilities

While we definitely didn’t mind the character progression system in “Skyrim,” we’d be lying if we said that we didn’t miss the variables and variety of the older titles. “Skyrim” simplified the skills and progression, and the class system was removed entirely, with a larger emphasis on a character’s physical appearance at the outset. Older titles also had features like athletics and acrobatics, and magic was much more complex, which added to the individual, role playing experience. While “Skyrim’s” system was practical and functional, we would love tosee a more complex system back in place for the next entry.

#4: A Silent Protagonist

While we could debate all day about “Skyrim’s” progression system, we think that we can all agree on one thing: please Bethesda, for the sake of all that is pure, do not include a speaking protagonist! While it’s kind of awkward to never hear your character speak, Fallout 4 showed that it’s even more awkward when your character sprouts some random nonsense that you never wanted to say in the first place. While the speaking protagonist was an admirable effort, many critics agreed that it didn’t exactly work for a role playing experience, and we would hate to see that blemish on the next “Elder Scrolls” title.

#3: Immersive World Map

The clutter. Oh God, the clutter. While previous “Elder Scrolls” titles have had some truly massive and breathtaking worlds, their directorial maps left a lot to be desired, and they left players more confused and furious than awestruck. What the sixth title needs to get rid of is the “icon hunt” world map, which left players scrambling to find a particular location within hundreds of little icons scattered within close proximity across the map. While it’s interesting to see just the how massive and expansive our journey has been, the resulting map is more headache than amazement.

#2: Better Combat

While previous games have been universally acclaimed for numerous elements, including the worlds, lore, and scope, you’d be hard pressed to find anyone who is absolutely in love with the combat system. And that’s because, quite frankly, it stinks. Weapons all feel and animate exactly the same, and combat consists of blocking and spamming the trigger until an enemy is dead. That is, unless you want to use a bow, in which you case you…well, spam the trigger until an enemy is dead. It’s hardly immersive or exciting, and we would love tosee a more complex system in place for the next installment.

Before we reveal our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.

Choices Make More of an Impact

Better Crafting

Bigger and Non-Linear Dungeons

#1: A Completely New Engine

Bethesda created a new engine for “Skyrim” titled the Creation Engine, which in turn was based off the Gamebryo Engine they used for previous titles, including old “Elder Scrolls” games and “Fallout 3.” “Fallout 4” continued to use Creation in 2015, but unfortunately, critics called it dated, and by the time the “Skyrim Special Edition” rolled out at the end of 2016, it felt borderline archaic. While we love the comfort and familiarity of the engine, the series, and Bethesda in general, is in dire need of a new one. We need to be wowed again, and a new engine is a sure-fire way to do that.

terrible list and very unprioritiesed. combat 100% needs to be better but where the elder scrolls really shines is with technological advancements in AI and auto generation. alot of these are fixed easily with mods