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Top 10 Things to Remember Before Seeing Dragon Ball Super Super Hero

Top 10 Things to Remember Before Seeing Dragon Ball Super Super Hero
VOICE OVER: Ashley Bowman WRITTEN BY: Jonathan Alexander
Gohan is back, baby! Join Ashley as we look over the trivia you need to know before going to see Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, including "The Delay", "The Main Character", "The Animation", and more!
Script written by Jonathan Alexander

Top 10 Things to Remember Before Seeing Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero

Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Things to Remember Before Seeing “Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero.”

For this list, we’ll be looking at everything you need to know about “Dragon Ball’s” latest instant transmission to the big screen.

What are your hopes for the new film? Sign off in the comments below!

#10: A Fusion Reborn

It took these runts long enough to hit puberty. After spending the entirety of “Super” in chronic childhood, this film will finally age up Goten and Trunks. Better yet, the fusion dance pose implies we may even see what an older Gotenks looks like. The combined warrior was a mainstay in “Z” and “Super,” but when the duo hit their teen years in “GT,” they inexplicably never fused. We wouldn’t start salivating over the Galactic Donuts just yet, though. Their fingers don’t quite line up, so we may be in store for a gag fusion instead. But either way, it’ll be the closest thing to a teen Gotenks we’ve ever gotten, and that’s worth something.

#9: Akira Toriyama Is Heavily Involved

Not even a wish from Shenron himself could inspire as much faith as hearing “Dragon Ball’s” creator is back riding the nimbus for the franchises latest outing. It shouldn’t come as too much of a shock, since Toriyama provided the concept, character designs, and script for the series’ last three treks to theaters. However, he’s reportedly more invested in this project than he was for the others, which adds up when you consider the film’s light-hearted approach matches Toriyama’s style from “Dragon Ball’s” early days. Comedy aside, no one can deliver a Spirit-Bomb sized spectacle like the man who created it all.

#8: Return of the Rampaging Saiyan

If you haven’t seen 2018’s “Broly” film, well, for one, we aren’t sure why you’re even watching this, but secondly, you’ll really want to brush up on Goku’s latest adventure before buying your tickets for “Super Hero.” Prior to its official announcement, fans with Ultra Instinct noticed a quick cut in the teaser trailer that confirmed everyone’s favorite belligerent Saiyan was returning to the big screen. After all, his titular flick didn’t bring him into the mainline canon so he could stay on a deserted planet for the rest of the series. Plus, we witnessed firsthand that he’s a damn good sparring partner.

#7: 2D Animation, Begone

No need to adjust your monitor, you’re seeing this right. After debuting a fluid new visual style in “Broly,” the franchise is taking a step away from its 2D roots by animating the new feature almost entirely in CG. While we’ve never seen Goku and co. fully rendered in 3D outside of video games, it isn’t completely foreign to the movies, either. The series has stepped out of the second dimension before for certain dizzying fights with complex camera work, but those moments have always been the exception instead of the rule. Only time will tell if this bold visual direction sticks, but at the very least we can appreciate it’s trying to do something new.

#6: It’s More Slice-of-Life

Nothing gets our hype levels over 9000 like a good ole beam struggle to decide the fate of the earth, but “Dragon Ball” is much more than just gold hair and Kamehamehas. The series has always balanced its bombastic, high-stakes conflicts with breezy comedy and heartfelt characters. Following the nonstop action rollercoaster of “Broly,” the series is returning to its light-hearted origins. Don’t worry, the trailer promises plenty of slick combat to give fans their fix, but it’ll come with lower stakes and more grounded plot points. While we enjoy a dramatic clash for survival as much as the next Saiyan, we don’t mind getting a breather after “Broly’s” relentless pace.

#5: A Red-Ribbon Revival

Remember these guys? Back before the golden hair, space tyrants, and multiverses, this nefarious organization was about as evil as a villain could be in “Dragon Ball.” While they didn’t stand much of a chance against the young Saiyan hero, they were memorable enough to serve as Dr. Gero’s backstory in “Z.” Since then, they’ve faded into obscurity due to the series' threats escalating to godly levels. But, to go along with the feature’s undemanding tone, this goofy group is finally making their grand return. They’re after vengeance for being humiliated all those years ago, but it’s still to be seen whether they’ve grown any more competent in the decades since.

#4: Gamma 1 & 2 Are Androids

Someone should call up 17 and 18; they’ve got some new siblings! From aliens to cyborgs, it wouldn’t be “Dragon Ball” without wacky adversaries to duke it out with. But these aren’t your everyday Frieza soldiers. It seems the Red Ribbon Army took nothing from Gero’s epic failure besides his penchant for making androids, since they once again manufactured two cybernetic warriors to get revenge on Goku. Despite the Gamma twins’ clear inspirations from western superheroes, it seems these two will play a villainous role in the film - at least initially. Since the movie is ostensibly named after them, and considering the series has a history of androids turning good, we wouldn’t count out any superheroics just yet.

#3: Pan’s Early Days

Gohan and Videl’s one-and-only child exists in a weird place of DB lore. She’s an infant through the end of Z and into “Super,” meaning the only time she was old enough to meaningfully contribute to the story was in “GT.” But, just like with Goten and Trunks, this film will finally explore what she was like before she set off on the grand tour with Goku. It’s no easy task to grapple with Saiyan lineage, especially since it means you’ll probably have to join in on the action at some point. The teaser trailer showed Pan powering up, so we’re crossing our fingers Kale and Caulifla won’t be the only female Super Saiyans much longer.

#2: It’s Delayed Due to a Toei Hack

A little over a month before the film’s original release, “Dragon Ball’s” parent company was hacked by a third party, causing a suspension of the companies systems. Every Toei production from TV to film grinded to a halt, resulting in “Super Hero’s” release being pushed back. At the time of this writing, it still doesn’t have a new date, but since Toei’s television programs haven’t returned to broadcast either, we may be in for an unfortunate wait. The feature was supposed to release in North America this summer, but it's unclear whether its domestic setback will shift those plans as well. It’ll be tough to wait any longer, but it might help to imagine this is just training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.

#1: Goku Isn’t the Main Character

After saving the earth from utter destruction more than a few times, we think Goku has more than earned a vacation. While we don’t expect him to hang up the gi any time soon, the posters, trailers, and director of the new film all confirm that Gohan will be stepping into the leading role instead. Goku’s son is one of the franchises most beloved characters, but since he defeated Cell, he’s often been relegated to the background. Goku will always be the face of the series, but “Dragon Ball” is an ensemble, and we can’t wait to see Gohan get to be cool again outside of the shadow of his spiky-haired father.
