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VOICE OVER: Ashley Bowman WRITTEN BY: Jonathan Alexander
See, shinobi can be scary! Join Ashley as we look over the most frightening moments across the Naruto franchise, including scenes such as "Orochimaru Sheds His Skin", "Gaara's First Kill", "Itachi Steals Sasuke's Eye", and more!
Script written by Jonathan Alexander

#10: Unveiling Orochimaru’s Hideout

Every scientist needs a lab. Although, in Orochimaru’s case, this could qualify as more of a dungeon. It certainly looks that way during the 3rd Hokage’s raid. For anyone who dared open their eyes, that is. It’s one thing to hear about his sinister experiments, but it’s completely different to see them firsthand. And yet, the faraway shots and tight atmosphere only imply the kind of horrors that went on there. But that’s still more than enough to make even an Anbu lose their lunch. In the end, one thing about Orochimaru’s quest for immortality is painfully obvious: it wasn’t quick, and it wasn’t painless.

#9: Bad to the Bone

Naruto and the others have fought some pretty grisly villains over the years, but Kimimaro looks like he straight up walked out of a horror film. At least most of the series’ other villains have the decency to use normal jutsu. Kimimaro uses his actual bones. The gnarly, skeletal design is definitely enough to ward off any hesitant combatants - both literally and through sheer intimidation. Somehow, it only gets worse from there, since Kimimaro’s trademark technique also comes with sickening sound effects and a curse mark transformation. There may not be another “Naruto” character ever that commands so much fear on aesthetics alone.

#8: Bugging Out

All in all, Shino Aburame is a pretty quiet guy. But, in the Chunin Exams, he proved that he wasn’t playing with bugs just for the fun of it. And, unfortunately, the poor Zaku happened to be standing in the way. In order to overcome the Sound Ninja’s bodily enhancements, Shino ordered his swarm to crawl into the enemy’s hands. Sure, it disabled the cybernetic jets, but the implication is enough to make Zaku’s skin crawl in more ways than one. It’s even more gruesome in the manga, where the poor Sound Ninja isn’t even left with arms at all. Maybe it’s for the best that Shino keeps to himself.

#7: Tayuya’s Tune

The Sound Four gave the Leaf ninja quite the show during the Sasuke Retrieval arc. But, it was Shikamaru alone who got the front row seat to Tayuya’s solo act. Her mesmerizing melody completely whisked him away - not to a happy place, but to a realm where his skin is melting off. Even if it is just an illusion, Shikamaru’s pained screams are enough to prove that it was closer to a nightmare than a dream. One that could’ve had very lethal consequences. It's just a good thing the thrifty Chunin dropped the curtain on the show before he ran out of body parts to lose.

#6: Heart to Heart

“Naruto” filler can feel like its own kind of scare tactic, but this anime-only arc really took that idea to heart. Under the guise of Kabuto, the scheming Kagero unleashed the ultimate failsafe: by linking her and Naruto’s heartbeats, either both of them survived, or neither of them did. Alas, Kagero didn’t want to win, she just couldn’t lose. So, at the cost of her own life, she dug out her heart using nothing but her bare hands. Gruesome doesn’t even begin to cover it. The only mercy is that, thanks to Sakura coming in clutch, there’s only one bloody corpse to clean up instead of two.

#5: Tsunade Divided in Two

Madara Uchiha gave the Five Kage a pretty good fight on his own, but it was his Perfect Susano’o that really cut them down to size. That’s no hyperbole. It left the Shinobi leaders on the absolute brink of death, none more than Tsunade herself. Or, rather, the top half of her, since that was the only thing left at all. Even for one of the best healers in all of Ninjakind, that’s gotta be tough to patch up. It’s almost impressive that, in a bloody war with mountains of deceased, Tsunade having to sew herself back together leaves the ghastliest impression. It certainly proved that Madara was not to be taken lightly.

#4: Orochimaru Sheds His Skin

If it looks like a snake and acts like a snake, it should come as no surprise that it can shed like one, too. But, still, no one could have expected that Orochimaru would take his slimy influences so literally. The image of him tearing off his own face is just plain unsettling, let alone that there’s a brand new one underneath. It’s all the more frightening because it accompanies the realization that all of Orochimaru’s heinous experiments actually paid off. After a reveal like that, the villain’s maniacal laughter is sure to haunt any jittery viewers for long after the episode ends.

#3: The Tsukuyomi

Itachi had a sinister reputation long before his eyes landed on Kakashi. But, just to reinforce it, he showed the Copy Ninja what a Tsukuyomi really looks like. Turns out, it’s pretty damn scary. The ocular jutsu delivers what feels like days of constant torture in the span of only a few real-world seconds. The inverted grayscale visuals already sell the impact of each strike, but the fact that even Kakashi was nearly driven mad with pain should speak for itself. It’s hard to blame him, since just the thought of the Tsukuyomi would make any other ninja weak in the knees.

#2: Seeing Eye to Eye

Evidently, Itachi has a real knack for channeling the horror genre. So, it’s only natural that his final living moments would be no different. After a dramatic and rather bloody scuffle with Sasuke, Itachi finally has his brother’s eyes in his grasp. Seeing Itachi stalk towards his cornered prey, with memories of their youth flashing behind him, is nothing short of disturbing. While the knowledge of Itachi’s true motives lessens its impact in a rewatch, there’s no stopping the sheer terror of this moment on the first time through. After all, at this point in the series, Itachi had done a whole lot more for a whole lot less.

#1: Gaara of the Sand

As a mere genin, this red-headed Jinchuriki boasted one of the highest kill counts the franchise had ever seen. And, worst of all, most of them were innocent students trying to pass the Chunin Exams. Suffice it to say, he’s straight up a bloodthirsty maniac in his debut arc, and stained his sand red plenty of times to prove it. In fact, he went out of his way to murder Rock Lee for seemingly no other reason than he got away the first time. With that kind of intent to kill paired with the crazed look in his eyes, Gaara played the role of terrifying villain all too well.
