Top 10 Stupidly Overpowered Characters in Invincible

#10: Angstrom Levy
Power doesn’t necessarily translate to physical strength as our opening entry proves. Although Angstrom Levy made his debut in the show’s second season, comic readers know how problematic the villain turns out to be. Levy has the ability to access any one of the unlimited alternate universes in existence. Unfortunately, a botched experiment gives him the knowledge of his variants, but leaves him horribly disfigured and craving vengeance against Invincible. In the source material, we see him easily strand others in other realities. He even brings together multiple evil versions of the hero to start a war, all in his twisted quest for justice. He also has some enhanced strength and durability, not that it means much to Viltrumites.
#9: Anissa
Even before knowing how evil the Viltrumite Empire is, it’s apparent the race is extremely strong. The comics feature several mighty members that cause a lot of issues for the forces of good and Anissa is one of the more heinous. Like the rest of her race, Anissa’s power levels are off the charts and she’s had thousands of years to train and fight. Due to her strength and combat prowess, there are only a few Viltrumites she answers to. There are plenty of feats that showcase her abilities, including besting giant monsters in seconds. However, her most vile act comes when she forces herself on Invincible in an attempt to help her Empire expand.
#8: Robot
The show is in its infancy compared to the comics, which ran for 144 issues. For some of the characters, the adaptation has only scratched the surface of what they’re capable of. Rudolph Conners was born with supreme intelligence and a physically deformed body. This led him to make a clone of teammate Rex, which he transferred his consciousness into. That was just the start of his need to control and alter. His expertise in all things mechanical is unparalleled, even creating a device that lets him control multiple drones with his mind. His intellect paired with his calculating nature also eventually leads to him taking over the world, a powerful feat if we’ve ever seen one.
#7: Conquest
This particular Viltrumite is the type of guy you send when someone needs roughed up, to put it lightly. When Mark first meets Conquest in the comics, he is absolutely no match for his elder. Conquest arrives on Earth to make sure Invincible is doing his part to take over Earth for Viltrum, and the meeting leaves the hero utterly defeated. Because of Conquest’s age, he’s seen and survived a lot. He was one of few that survived the Scourge Virus, which killed 99.9% of the Viltrum population. He also delights in using his superior strength to brutalize anyone who stands against him. Still, when he and Invincible fight again later, the younger fighter is able to prevail.
#6: Atom Eve
When Atom Eve is introduced in the show, it seems she has projection powers, able to create force fields, fly, and fire blasts from her hands. But that is far from all she can do. As a government experiment, Eve can alter atoms and change objects around her. The ‘Atom Eve’ special went into further detail, showing her completely changing things at will. Her powers also let her manipulate the weather, as we’ve seen her create a ton of resources from once-barren land. However, the most useful aspect of her powers is immortality. While she can’t usually manipulate organic matter, near-death experiences have caused her to heal from fatal wounds. Her powers even brought her back to her prime after dying of old age.
#5: Invincible
The character the series is named for, Mark Grayson is clearly a powerful hero. But it can be a bit hard to decipher how strong he is since he grows more powerful over time. Being a Viltrumite already grants him inclusion. And he comes with the same intimidating power set as the rest of his people, even though his mother is human. The thing that sets him apart from others like him, though, is his spirit. Even in the early days of the story, the show has already shown his ability to be on death’s door and keep fighting. That’s how he’s been able to overcome some particularly challenging foes in the comics, like Conquest.
#4: Omni-Man
The secret villain Omni-Man became such a powerful force in pop culture during “Invincible’s” first season that he was included in the new “Mortal Kombat.” In both the show and the comics, we saw him decimate an entire superhero team single-handedly, rip through other foes like paper, and bring horrid destruction to two different cities. However, the majority of the comics actually see Mark’s father as a force for good. He has a change of heart after leaving Earth and eventually aids Mark in multiple fights against evil. This includes the war against his own people. Although he still loses a few notable fights, Omni-Man is one of the strongest beings in the universe.
#3: Allen the Alien
Those who only watch the show might scoff at the Seth Rogen-voiced character placing so high. Those who have read the comics, however, know Allen deserves the praise. Allen works for the Coalition of Planets, testing heroes on their ability to defend their planets. While his line of work requires him to be strong, that’s nothing compared to what he becomes. After losing a fight to some Viltrumites, the Coalition puts Allen in a stasis pod that not only heals him, but increases his strength tenfold. It puts him on a level with Viltrumites, many of whom Allen goes on to defeat. He even holds his own against Omni-Man and eventually leads the Coalition himself.
#2: Battle Beast
Although he’s a minor character in the grand scheme of things, Battle Beast is undeniably overpowered. He was once a hero on his planet, but the constant fighting to protect it caused him to become addicted to bloodshed. When Invincible first meets him, Battle Beast is only on Earth to seek a warrior worthy of his might. He pops up periodically in the comics, if only to cause complete chaos on the battlefield. This eventually makes him a great ally to the Coalition of Planets’ fight against the Viltrumites, though it isn’t their cause he’s interested in. Viltrumites are about as strong as you can get, and so Battle Beast welcomes their fury with open arms.
#1: Thragg
We shudder to think of the death and destruction this villain will bring to the show. As the leader of the Viltrumites, Thragg is understandably powerful. He has lived for thousands of years, seen his people on the brink of extinction, and has a drive in him unlike any other. He has been the catalyst and outright perpetrator of some of the most violent moments in the comics. While he has the same abilities as many Viltrumites, they’re on a scale none of the others can touch. When he’s finally defeated in the comics, it’s only after a lengthy fight that takes the combined efforts of Invincible, Omni-Man, and Robot.
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