Top 10 Most Powerful Anime Fusions

#10: Jasdevi
“D.Grayman” (2006-16)
One Noah is bad enough, but two of them together, especially if they’re as wild as this duo, is a recipe for a lot of dead exorcists. With the power of Materialization on their side, both Jasdero and Devit are able to conjure all manner of ammunition with but a pull of the trigger. Of course, they can cut out the middleman entirely when they take on their true form of Jasdevi; now able to summon any kind of weapon on the fly. Evil should not look this fabulous!
#9: PatchBobo
“Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo” (2003-05)
Okay, it’s a clear parody, but that doesn’t make it any less beastly on the battlefield! A hilarious combination of Bobobo and Don Patch, this hilarious Dragon Ball rip off is nonetheless one of the strongest beings in this entire, mad world. Just by touching two objects, PatchBobo can fuse them into a weapon that can cause devastating damage…even if said objects consist of a pineapple, toilet paper, a lunchbox, a rubber band or literally anything else he can get his hands on. And naturally, since it is a fusion, he can only hold his form for one minute. Cause dem’s the rules!
#8: Black/White Kyurem
“Pokemon” (1997-)
Reshiram and Zekrom had already proven themselves to be lethal legendaries in their own right, who could hold their own against the pantheon of Pokemon that came before them. Then a zombie ice dragon came along and took their bodies for its own! While the notion of Pokemon Fusion isn’t anything we haven’t seen before, a la Slowbro, having a legendary dragon take control of its predecessors and use their bodies and elemental abilities in combination with its own? That’s obscenely powerful, to the point where we can’t help but wonder why Rayquaza didn’t get in on that action!
#7: Sasha & Misha
“The Misfit of Demon King Academy” (2020)
Demon sisters are doing it for themselves, including merging bodies in order to protect their beloved Anos from harm. As the final battle against the magical ghost of a prejudice, demon hating human general commences, the Necron siblings unleash the forbidden magic of their ancestor by fusing together, creating a single waifu with enough force to hold Jerga and his hate-spreading spells at bay. At least Anos doesn’t have to worry about choosing which one to marry now!
#6: Overhaul
“My Hero Academia” (2016-)
It must suck working for Chisaki. You never know whether you’re going to be on the payroll or used as a raw ingredient to forcibly amplify his Quirk. With his back against the wall, Overhaul merges the bodies of the remaining Eight Bullets within himself, and in doing so goes full on kaiju. With giant ligaments that he can alter at will, this immense power-up would have spelled doom for any unprepared hero. Not that it did him much good when up against Deku’s One for All running at a hundred percent!
#5: Starrk & Lilynette
“Bleach” (2004-12)
As the Primera, Starrk was originally thought to be the cream of the crop when it came to Aizen’s squad, and while Yammy may have stolen that title, his release form was nonetheless epic upon reveal. Unlike the rest of his fellow Espada, instead of ushering in his Ressureccion via his sword, he instead absorbs his underling Lilynette. Turns out that the two were originally one, but because of their painful loneliness as a single being, Starrk divided himself into two. Who knew such a reunion could be so tragic?
#4: Madara & Hashirama
“Naruto Shippuden” (2007-17)
As the defining shinobi of their era, none were more feared than the master ninja of the Uchiha and Senju Clan. At least until one decided to take a piece of the other for his own nefarious gain. After losing to his rival at the Valley of the End, Madara infused himself with the cells of his foe, which not only brought him back from the brink of death, but opened up a whole new world of jutsu for him to play around with, including the unparalleled power of the Rinnegan! And the only drawback was a creepy Hashirama face growing out of his body…eugh.
#3: Holactie the Creator of Light
“Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters” (2000-04)
Have to admit, not the result we were expecting. After all, this thing is the fusion of the Three Egyptian Gods! Grotesque and unstoppable in their destructive ability! So their combined form being that of a giant, radiant, mecha goddess certainly felt a bit out left field. Of course, her power speaks for itself, since with but a single attack she was able to instantly vaporise Zorc. You know, the guy who wasted Blue Eyes, Exodia and the rest of what Ancient Egypt had to offer. Mama Holacite knows how to throw down.
#2: Shoutmon X7 Superior Mode
“Digimon Xros Wars” (2010-12)
Bio-merging, fusion digivolution, the inhabitants of the Digital World have done it all. That being said, it was usually only between two beings, either a pair of Digimon or in a rare instance a Digidestined and their partner. However, Shoutmon over here is all about going big or going home, hence why in order to unlock his final form, he fused himself with EVERY good Digimon in existence, all culminating in a digital monster capable of one-shotting the ultimate bad with a single strike.
#1: Gogeta
“Dragon Ball Super: Broly” (2018)
Vegito is all well and good, but once he reaches his peak that’s about all there is. Gogeta on the other hand is a god of a Saiyan that bested a revitalised, reinvented and rampaging Broly at his pinnacle. While we’ve only been given a small glimpse as to what this Super Saiyan Blue Fusion can do, considering who he was up against, his strength speaks volumes. We have no doubt that if he ever got a second shot at fighting Fused Zamasu, this undisputed combo could well and truly wreck him! That Kamehameha of his was legendary in its own right.