Top 10 Memorable Ugly Betty Moments

#10: Betty & Henry’s Secret Date
“Something Wicked This Way Comes”
After a turbulent year of highs and heartbreak, Betty and Henry decide to date on the downlow. For their first date, they finally go see the musical, “Wicked”. However, the pair soon learns that a Broadway show isn’t exactly the most inconspicuous setting for a secret date. Chaos ensues when their relationship is nearly exposed. Betty does her best to do damage control, but things continue to spiral downward, from jealousy to an unexpected fly-on part in the musical. Betty returns home crestfallen after her disastrous night, but Hilda urges her to follow her heart. We’re sure that this episode was very “Popular” among musical theater fans.
#9: Victoria Beckham Upstages the Bride
“A Nice Day for a Posh Wedding”
With Nico no longer attending the wedding, Wilhemina calls in a famous friend to take over Maid of Honor duties. Only, she soon regrets her decision when Posh Spice steals her spotlight. After several attempts to take back the limelight, she ultimately decides that maybe she doesn’t need a maid of honor after all. Beckham was offered a role after she met Eric Mabius, who portrays Daniel, at a London award show. Initially, they planned to put her in a fat suit, implying that she’d gained weight after the Beckhams moved to the States. Reportedly she was paid around $95,000 for her guest appearance.
#8: Betty’s First Day
How could we not include the moment that started it all? Betty’s first day at MODE is certainly a memorable one. We’re introduced to our adorkable protagonist as she’s thrust into the deep end of the fast-paced fashion industry. Apparently, America Ferrera tried on what she felt was like 200 pairs of glasses before settling on her look. We can only wonder how many ponchos she got through too. While Betty might be a fish out of water in the fashion world, she’s also diligent, kind-hearted, eager, and exactly the type of leading lady we can all root for. Eventually, even Daniel realizes that she’s exactly what he needed all along.
#7: Daniel & Alexis Call a Colorful Truce… Almost
“Bananas for Betty”
After the untimely passing of their father, Daniel and Alexis watch a video detailing the terms of his will--namely, who will get to run Meade Publications. Unfortunately, though, Bradford accidentally stops recording before revealing his successor. This reignites the feud between the siblings, much to their mother’s frustration. So, they take matters into their own hands, and it’s certainly a colorful approach to conflict resolution. One by one, their teams get eliminated until Daniel and Alexis are the only two left standing. It takes a little deceitfulness, but Alexis triumphs in the end. Maybe most of us don’t turn to paintball to solve sibling squabbles, but their rivalry has never felt more relatable.
#6: Justin Comes Out
“The Past Presents the Future”
This episode was praised for the way it handled Justin’s coming-out story. It also marked a historic moment for LGBTQ+ youth representation on television. After his soon-to-be stepfather catches him and Austin kissing, Justin worries he might ‘out’ him and turns to Marc for advice. Hilda ends up finding out too, and wants to show her support by throwing a coming-out party. But Marc convinces her to let Justin come out the way he wants to, in his own time. Mark Indelicato, who played the teen, told “Us Weekly” that this story was for “everyone out there that doesn’t have a person to talk to”.
#5: Marc Comes Out to His Mom
“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”
Before Marc could become a mentor to Justin, he had his own coming-out story to complete. When his mom, played by the legendary Patti LuPone, comes to town, it becomes abundantly clear that she has no idea that her son is gay. Marc does his best to keep up appearances by convincing Betty to pretend to be his girlfriend, but it’s only after his mom starts insulting the Suarezes--especially Justin--that Marc finds the courage to tell her the truth. Unlike for Justin, though, there won’t be any planning of coming-out parties. Marc’s mom unfortunately closes the door on their relationship. It’s a heartbreaking moment, but Betty offers him some encouraging wisdom: Sometimes, water is thicker than blood.
#4: Claire Is Found Inno-Scent
“Odor in the Court”
As Betty wakes up disoriented and handcuffed in Gio’s deli, we’re shown the events of three days earlier that led to this moment. Betty’s sudden and erratic change in behavior has everyone concerned, but it’s soon traced back to the perfume she was given by Claire… who was gifted it from Fey. Betty realizes that the poisoned perfume is the answer to proving Claire’s innocence. But, first, she has to get past Amanda. Fortunately, Marc steps in to convince her to do the right thing. With the evidence presented to the court, Claire is found not guilty by reason of temporary insanity. Finally, this unpleasant chapter is brought to a close.
#3: Alexis Is Uncovered
“I’m Coming Out”
Alexis Meade has been a strong presence at MODE since day one, even if we didn’t always know it. Until now, we were aware of a mysterious figure with whom Wilhemina was in cahoots, but we had no idea that the reveal would be this big or this fabulous. As Alexis emerges on the catwalk, the Meades learn that their family member's death was faked. This of course, makes Alexis’ earlier reunion with her brother one they’d probably both prefer to forget. Although it would have been nice to have an actual transgender actress play the role, the inclusion of a transgender character as part of the main cast was pretty groundbreaking for its time.
#2: Betty Gets Her Braces Removed
“Million Dollar Smile”
One of Betty’s trademark features is her adult braces, which is why this moment is so huge. Betty is so excited to finally have them removed, but an ill-timed fire alarm causes the procedure to get delayed. Later, after an accident leaves her unconscious, Betty has an “It’s a Wonderful Life”-inspired dream where she sees how life without braces might have been. Although she’s successful and stunning, she doesn’t like the person she’s become and tries to right her wrongs. But, when she abruptly returns to reality, her dream influences her actions and causes her to get her braces caught in a million-dollar bra. Only Betty could make something as simple as removing braces so hilariously over the top.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Justin Auditions for Broadway, “Granny Pants”
He Would Make an Excellent Billy Elliot
Wilhemina Takes on Wilheldiva, “Chica and the Man”
It’s “Shantay, You Stay!” from Us
Betty Meets Adele, “In the Stars”
Betty Says “Hello” to the Singer!
Justin Awards His Mother Hilda Homecoming Queen, “Backseat Betty”
He Finds the Silver Lining on the Homecoming Crown
Betty Meets Her Grandmother, “A Tree Grows in Guadalajara”
She Learns the Truth About Her Parents
#1: Do Betty & Daniel End up Together?
“Hello Goodbye”
Despite a rough start, there was always a subtle will-they-won’t-they tension teased between Betty and her boss. When Betty leaves MODE for London and, especially after Daniel doesn’t show up to her farewell party, it seems like things reach their final conclusion. However, their two paths cross once again when Daniel ends up in London, where she’s now thriving. He invites her to dinner and they exchange meaningful smiles but...that’s about it. Their prospective relationship is alluded to, at the absolute most, leaving us wondering whether or not they’ll end up together. The series was always about Betty’s journey and her life. Clearly, the creators planned to keep it that way until the very end. Unless… reboot anyone?