Top 10 House of the Dragon Characters

Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 “House of the Dragon” Characters. For this list, we’re looking at the most compelling players in HBO’s “Game of Thrones” prequel series. We’ll be talking general plotlines, so if you aren’t caught up, beware of spoilers ahead. Which of these characters tops your list? Head to the comments and let us know.
#10: Laenor Velaryon
Although we may have seen the last of him, Laenor Velaryon is almost instantly likable. Being the eldest son of House Velaryon, he grows into a fine soldier, aiding his father and Daemon in the War for the Stepstones. Learning more about his sexuality, we sympathize with Laenor in this very violent world. However, it’s his relationship with Rhaenyra that makes us like him most. The two are thrust into a tense situation, yet find an amicable way to make it work… if only they didn’t have to deal with everyone else. Laenor is shown to care deeply for Rhaenyra and their sons, despite them not being his. We wish him all the best with his new life in Essos.
#9: Larys Strong
“Compelling” doesn’t necessarily mean likable, and our next entry provides ample evidence. Larys Strong is a minor player in the first half of “House of the Dragon’s” first season. He shows a desire to climb in status, quickly allying himself with Queen Alicent. Though his notions are subtly manipulative at first, it isn’t until he plans the murder of his father and brother that we truly understand how power-hungry he is. As awful as that is, we can’t help but be impressed by his dedication. Larys is the same type of love-to-hate character that populates “Game of Thrones.” And while we’d love to see his downfall, we also cannot wait to see what twisted act he’ll orchestrate next.
#8: Otto Hightower
“House of the Dragon” features the same level of despicable, backstabbing grasps for power that “Game of Thrones” does. That element is personified in Ser Otto Hightower, the Hand of the King. Not long after the death of Queen Aemma, Otto instructs his own teenage daughter to console Viserys to earn his favor and become his next wife. To be fair, the Velaryons try to pass their own daughter off as well. But Otto’s plan is much more sinister as he pulls strings from behind the curtains. Operating in the shadows turns out to be Otto’s bread and butter; he consistently influences events and others throughout the season. Though he better be careful… even Alicent seems to be growing tired of him.
#7: Aemond Targaryen
The Targayen family has known its fair share of vicious members. While Aemond doesn’t come anywhere close to the savagery as some others (at least not yet), the violence bubbling underneath rears its head in some key scenes. At times sly and cunning, and at others ambitious and outspoken, Aemond is an amalgamation of clashing characteristics that we cannot help but find fascinating. Seriously, it takes a lot of guts to steal Vhagar right from under Rhaena Velaryon’s nose. Unfortunately, Aemond is more of a supporting character due to the first season’s structure. We’re eager to see what his characterization brings in the future, though what we’ve seen so far has been promising.
#6: Corlys Velaryon
Ambition, thy name is Corlys Velaryon. Saying that the Lord of the Tides covets the Iron Throne would be a massive understatement. However, at least he’s admirable. Despite offering the hand of his child daughter to King Viserys, Corlys is never one to connive. Of course, “Game of Thrones” has taught us that isn’t the proper way to play if you want to stay alive. Corlys brought his house the highest level of greatness through his voyages and demands the respect his family deserves. But he has to watch it crumble piece by piece, making him a character we can care and root for. We just want him and what remains of his family to be happy.
#5: Alicent Hightower
Although some events seem to paint her as a villain, Alicent is far too deep a character to fit so neatly in a category. She begins as Rhaenyra’s best friend before her father ruins it by coercing her into marriage. As she grows older, the confines of her situation begin to tighten. This plays a major role in increasing the divide between her and Rhaenyra. As Viserys consistently favors Rhaenyra over Alicent and her children, Alicent grows more impatient and vindictive. Yet, despite it all, she still cares immensely for her childhood friend. With the onset of war coming closer to a boiling point, Alicent craves a peaceful solution. She’s a flawed, complicated character, which makes her engaging to watch.
#4: Rhaenys Targaryen
Known as the Queen Who Never Was, it’s said by some that Rhaenys would’ve been a better choice as ruler than Viserys. Throughout the first season, that’s regularly shown to be the case. She’s incredibly wise, whether it’s informing Rhaenyra on the sad truth of the realm or lecturing her husband on how to run his house. She also knows the importance of a show of strength, sending a pretty powerful message to the Greens with her dragon, Meleys. While the men of the realm are constantly bickering or at each other’s throats, Rhaenys is logical and calm. Honestly, she deserves a lot better than what she gets.
#3: Viserys Targaryen
The first season’s king may not be perfect when it comes to decision-making, but he is nonetheless one of its most captivating characters. After inheriting the realm during its greatest time of peace, Viserys does his best to hold everything together. Unfortunately, there’s only so much he can do. His peaceful nature certainly rubs some family members the wrong way, though he’s shown to have his own form of strength. This is especially the case when it comes to his unwavering loyalty to his daughter, Rhaenyra. He’s a wonderful father to her, which is more than most characters in Westeros can say. Anchored by a phenomenal performance by Paddy Considine, he will truly be missed.
#2: Rhaenyra Targaryen
Arguably the main character of the show, Rhaenyra Targaryen is given more depth than most others. Both Milly Alcock and Emma D’arcy deliver stellar performances, each capturing Rhaenyra’s ideals and desires at different moments in her life. While adventurous and independent in her youth, Rhaenyra grows up to be steadfast with her own strong sense of justice. No matter the time period, Rhaenyra never fails to charm us, making us cheer her on through every dangerous moment. It’s no wonder Viserys lets her get away with so much. Still, as delightful as she can be, there’s also a determination in her we can’t help but admire. Given how the season ends, that should make her enemies very scared.
#1: Ser Criston Cole
What’s not to love about a whiny, entitled, murderous hypocrite? Everything? Yeah, let’s go with everything. And let’s get to our real #1.
#1: Daemon Targaryen
While some of the show’s staff were confused by Daemon’s positive reception, we simply can’t get enough of him. There are moments where he can be cruel, vicious, and unforgiving. But there are others where he’s shown to be passionate, caring, and, dare we say it, kind. That type of layered characterization is why we fell in love with “Game of Thrones” in the first place. All the while, Daemon is uplifted by an engaging performance from Matt Smith, who truly understands what makes the character tick. Every moment had us enthralled, from committing cold-blooded murder to a simple act of kindness towards his feeble brother. Here’s hoping Season 2 gives us plenty more Daemon scenes to gush over.