Top 10 Harry Potter Characters

Throw on your invisibility cloak and memorize a good spell. In this video, counts down our picks for the top 10 Harry Potter characters. For this list, we're looking at characters found within Harry Potter's fictional universe, and are ranking them based on their popularity with fans, their inner strength and their magical skills. But, perhaps most importantly, we're choosing those characters which are the most layered and interesting. Now, grab your wands and practice your spells – it's about to get magical.
Special thanks to our users Mrmrjobo101, Jake Piper, Mattyhull1, Tommy Carr, Harry Negus-Ross, Leigh Silver, Omatthews2247, Andrew A. Dennison, RedAdventurer, lgcatalan23, ck292, Opst3r, gogmen10000, arimazzie, Pablo PeiroRecinos and Pablo PeiroRecinos for submitting the idea on our Suggestions Page at WatchMojo.comsuggest
#10: Dobby
The life of a house elf is spent in loyal servitude to a rich wizarding family. For Dobby however, this family just so happened to be the Malfoys – a group of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named’s most faithful followers. Proud purebloods and harsh employers, the Malfoys often mistreated and tormented Dobby – and, with his bulbous eyes and tiny voice, we don’t know how they could be so mean to him. When Harry Potter finally freed him from bondage, Dobby became his most loyal supporter and relished the opportunity to aid in Harry’s adventures.
#9: Minerva McGonagall
Professor of Transfiguration at Hogwarts, Gryffindor head of house and member of the Order of the Phoenix, Professor McGonagall is an austere, imposing woman with a strict sense of responsibility. She keeps her students in line with the threat of detention, but also has a softer side on rare occasions – and not just when she transforms herself into a cat. When push comes to shove, Minerva McGonagall is a formidable witch with powerful magical abilities, even facing Voldemort himself at the Battle of Hogwarts.
#8: Rubeus Hagrid
Keeper of the Keys at Hogwarts, Hagrid is the first magical person Harry ever encountered – although, he’s not really supposed to practice magic. Sent to deliver his Hogwarts acceptance letter on Harry’s eleventh birthday; the half-human, half-giant ends up breaking down the door and rescuing Harry from the Dursleys. Always genial and well-meaning, Hagrid can be a bit of an oaf. And with his unhealthy affection towards all magical beasts – dangerous or not – he occasionally causes trouble at Hogwarts. But even so, Professor Dumbledore trusts Hagrid with his life.
#7: Tom Marvolo Riddle aka Lord Voldemort
Better known to his Death Eaters as the Dark Lord, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is so feared by all witches and wizards; they dare not speak his name. Deadly, cold and evil to the core, You-Know-Who was previously Tom Riddle, an unassuming Hogwarts student with a thirst for knowledge, a passion for blood purity and a penchant for homicide. Though Dumbledore watch during his time at school, Voldemort eventually became history’s most powerful dark wizard – so powerful, seemingly nothing could stop him; not even death. That is, until Harry Potter was born.
#6: Ron Weasley
Every hero needs a sidekick and every group needs a clown: Ron usually fits that description – whether intentionally or otherwise. The youngest boy in a huge but poor family, Ron is often overlooked as the least special sibling – which forces him to prove his worth. Though not as talented as Harry or as smart as Hermione, Ron is loyal and brave – as long as there aren’t spiders around. By sticking around through thick-and-thin, Ron eventually becomes as legendary as his friends for facing Voldemort and his disciples.
#5: Hermione Granger
Hermione is the quintessential nerd: studious, socially awkward and a know-it-all. With Harry and Ron’s help, however, she quickly becomes keen to share in an adventure and always puts her brains, focus and encyclopedic knowledge to good use. Though she’s muggle born, Hermione may be the most magically skilled of the three, and can always think up a spell, charm, hex or curse to deal with the problem at hand. Even though she’s book smart, Hermione is formidable in a duel – even against much more advanced witches and wizards.
#4: Sirius Black
When we first meet Sirius, he’s a wanted criminal running from the law accused of killing Peter Pettigrew and a bunch of Muggles. Harry himself is convinced of his guilt when he’s led to believe that Sirius led Voldemort to kill his parents. And, coming from a snobbish pure-blood family like his with their veneration of the Dark Arts, can you blame Harry for thinking the worst? However, when the smoke clears and revelations are made, Sirius is revealed as Harry’s godfather and the two form a father-son relationship.
#3: Albus Dumbledore
Arguably the world’s most powerful wizard, and the only wizard You-Know-Who ever feared, Dumbledore chooses to lead a simple life as headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Little is known about him at first, except that he’s a formidable, perceptive, mischievous and infinitely wise old man who’s always willing to give a second chance. Readers soon learn that a good chunk of Dumbledore’s life has been dedicated to preventing Voldemort’s return and protecting Harry, and to learning about the most powerful kind of magic: love.
#2: Harry Potter
When the series ended, Harry was a man of many names: the boy who lived, the chosen one...etc. But when we first meet him, he’s a bullied and modest boy who gets no love from his aunt and uncle and seems perpetually downtrodden by those around him. From there, we see Harry grow into his role as the most important figure in the wizarding world by proving his skill, making mistakes and showcasing his strong moral fiber. Destined from birth for great things, Harry is our generation’s fantasy hero.
Before we cast the spell on our top pick, here are a few honourable mentions:
- Remus Lupin
- Fred & George Weasley
- Luna Lovegood
- Neville Longbottom
#1: Severus Snape
We all love to hate a good villain. That is, until they turn out to be the bravest hero of them all. Severus Snape started his literary life as Harry’s hated Potions master, and no matter what the circumstance, it seemed he was out to get Harry, delighting in giving him punishments and detention. However, when the chips were down and Voldemort came knocking, Snape proved to be much more than a vindictive teacher; he was a man driven by one thing alone: unconditional, unrequited love.
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