Top 10 Funniest Post Malone Moments!

He can make us laugh and he can make us cry, but he definitely does the former more often. Welcome to, and today we'll be counting down the Top 10 Funniest Post Malone Moments.
For this list, we'll be looking at rapper and singer/songwriter Post Malone and the many times he made us laugh with his aloofness, charms and quick wit.
#10: Getting Called Out for Morning Beers
It’s no secret… Post Malone has a real affinity for Bud Light. He is rarely seen without one in his hand - consistently brings a few cans of the stuff to seemingly every interview he does. He also takes a “Bud Light break” at the the start of the track “Yours Truly, Austin Post” from his album “Stoney”. When sitting down with the Ebro In the Morning show at Hot 97FM, his drinking habit was called out because, as Peter Rosenberg put it: “it’s 10:09 in the morning.” Without missing a beat, Post replies “it’s Light” - as if light beers are an appropriate morning beverage. But for the record, he’s not sponsored by Bud! Yet...
#9: His First Live Stream on Twitch
Given Post Malone’s massive success, it can be easy to forget how young he is. Born in 1995, Post is still in his early 20s, and like many young men, he’s a gamer. Seeing him livestream on Twitch for the first time however, was a hilarious exercise in humanizing the larger than life figure. He tries to get a feel for the service and how the chat function works, and makes little quips about his own fame and fan-appreciation over the course of the nearly 3 hour stream. But the best part is simply seeing him get into the game. He chirps, he rages, and just generally comes across as a hilarious dude to play with.
#8: Forgetting his own Lyrics on Mass Appeal
If you’ve listened to his album, you know that Post is more than just a rapper - he mixes it up with a little dash of country, folk and rock too. So when Mass Appeal caught up with Post Malone in NYC, they thought it only natural to take the young talent to one of the most revered guitar stores in the U.S. (if not the world) - Rudy’s Music. Post is his usual charming self, regaling us with tales of his guitar playing youth. But the laugh out loud moment comes at the end of the video when Post Malone is asked to perform his acoustic jam “Feeling Whitney” and he totally forgets the lyrics to his own song!
#7: His Cringey Breakfast Club Interview
Whenever Post Malone does an interview, he leaves a lasting impression. While many celebrities try to come across a certain way, you can tell that Post just goes with the flow, being himself and saying whatever comes to mind. When he visited The Breakfast Club in 2015 however, that attitude was tested. You can tell that co-host Charlamagne Tha God has issues with the young white rapper and tries to trip him up, but Post’s self-deprecating ways and genuine approach save him.The interview feels like one big troll, and though it gets awkward at times, the results are often also quite funny - especially when Post is talking about basketball, his dad’s job, or his girlfriend.
#6: Going Undercover for GQ on “Actually Me”
GQ has a fun segment where celebrities create new accounts on social media networks and online communities like Twitter, Facebook, Quora and Reddit, and then give answers to people’s questions about them. This series usually gets good results, but there’s just something about Post Malone’s honesty that makes this episode a cut above the rest. He’s just so candid; he doesn’t give a damn about creating a mystique or aura. The answers are so innocent and hilariously honest, we can’t imagine that any of the users actually believed the real Post Malone had responded.
#5: The People vs. Post Malone
In the Noisey series “The People Vs.”, Post Malone is asked to go through the comments on his “White Iverson” video. Whether he’s getting complimented, insulted or being hit with some sort of odd combination of both, he keeps a smile plastered on his face and takes it all in stride. Again, his honesty plays a big in making this video so funny. From his surprisingly lengthy thoughts on the character of Bolbi from Jimmy Neutron to the admission that, no, he did NOT actually sink that shot in the music video, Post Malone drops truths left right and center - all the while keeping it breezy - with the odd cussing out for good comedic effect.
#4: Having Dinner with Martha Stewart and Snoop Dogg
Martha Stewart certainly has reinvented herself, hasn’t she? Before her jail time, no one could have imagined her doing a collaboration with Snoop Dogg, or throwing such a hilarious jab at one of her dinner guests. Though this entire dinner segment is entertaining - and Post is a hoot with his many little quips and queries - Stewart steals the show when she asks what Post Malone is doing at their dinner if he only has one good song? Rather than bristle or get tripped up, Post just seems to love it. The more she rags on him, the harder he laughs. Then again, getting burned by Martha Stewart would make for a pretty novel experience.
#3: Brian Imanuel’s Mariachi Band Surprise
Much like Post Malone, Jakarta-born Indonesian rapper/comedian Brian Imanuel, known by his stage name Rich Brian, brings his own distinct style to the rap game. In 2017, at the Rolling Loud Festival, Imanuel hired a full mariachi band to surprise the “White Iverson” rapper with a full performance of his song “Congratulations”. Suffice it to say… Post freaking loved it. The Texas rapper is all smiles as he takes in the unexpected performance, sipping on a Bud Light and dancing along to this unique rendition of his track. By the end, it’s a full blown singalong. It’s funny, but it’s also just downright heartwarming. Of course, Post soon returned the favor.
#2: Why Don’t You Love Me?
So… this is a whole lot of something. It seems that before Post Malone dropped “White Iverson” and caught everyone’s attention in the world of hip hop, he was doing… whatever this is. Apparently he used to go by the name of Leon DeChino and had a partner in crime by the name of Jazzy Eff. Everything about this video is absolutely ridiculous, from the production value and music to the dance moves and insane get-ups. Rap might be the industry in which Austin Richard Post found success, but given his fun-loving attitude, we can understand how he first gravitated towards comedy music. So sit back, relax, and have a good laugh courtesy of a pre-fame Post Malone.
#1: Hot Ones
If you’re ever trying to pitch someone on Post Malone as not just a musician but a personality, and only have time to show them one video… this is it. First We Feasts’ series “Hot Ones” sees celebrities answering questions while eating increasingly spicy hot wings. As you can imagine, Post Malone’s perma-chill attitude pairs hilariously with this challenge. Over the course of the 19 minute episode he gives us such classic moments as “I don’t like it” and “I think I’m gonna steal his dog”. Hearing him try to talk about his views on sauce after tackling the spiciest wing? It’s pure YouTube magic. Post Malone… thanks for the laughs!