Top 10 Biggest Republican Stereotypes

The biggest myths about Republicans in the United States are pretty easy to name: they love guns, the Second Amendment and war, they're anti-abortion, anti-science and anti-gay, and basically they're all angry, old, white Southern guys. What IS the difference between Republicans and Democrats? WatchMojo counts down ten of the most common stereotypes about members of the Republican Party (remember: it's all in good fun!)
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Top 10 Popular Republican Stereotypes
Hey, it must be the Grand Old Party for a reason. Welcome to, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Republican Stereotypes.
For this list, we’re exploring the typical stereotypes associated with the Republican Party in the United States. These are over-simplified categorizations and more “one-sided” accusations, and by no means do all of the labels apply to every person that identifies as a Republican. We’re steering clear of criticism that is leveled at both major parties, whether it has to do with their education (or lack thereof), financial responsibility (or lack thereof) or the amount of respect they have for the country’s history. And don’t worry: for the sake of balance, we’ve got another list for the Democrats.
#10: They Are Old, Angry, White Southern Guys
In the 2016 election especially, the Republican Party has been strongly associated with a seemingly steady supply of angry, old, white southern dudes. Of course, that’s the stereotype, but even so, at most GOP gatherings it won’t take long for you to find a grizzled and heavily accented man going to town on the liberals. There’s no doubt that such gentlemen may have important points to make, yet their exterior façade and manner of speech can occasionally turn people off. Are all Republicans just a bunch of intense rednecks? Of course not. It’s just that the ones we see on television don’t necessarily promote a multicultural image…
#9: They Are Against Social Welfare
It’s been said that Republicans work hard for their money. And when poor folks turn to food stamps, well, the right-wingers don’t always nod in approval. After all, it is undeniable that some people do consciously take advantage of the system. And perceived welfare abuse has a tendency to make many Republicans downright nasty. When you picture a Republican, chances are you're not picturing them handing out hugs and kisses. You're more likely thinking of one of their supposed rants, which undoubtedly makes for some thrilling YouTube content. Of course, not all Republicans hold the same viewpoints, and certainly Democrats sometimes lose their cool as well when discussing “the system.” Also, for what it’s worth, red states in America receive plenty of federal aid.
#8: They Love War
As mentioned, when you picture Republicans, you’re probably picturing angry white men sounding off on hot topics – like war. The stereotype is that right-wingers just love them some war, and that doesn’t bode well for other Republicans that follow a more peaceful path. So far, history has shown that you’re less likely to see many young Democrats on TV advocating the dispersal of American troops overseas. More often it’s a Republican making a steadfast case, whether he or she is supporting it with cold hard facts or appealing to a sense of patriotism – but that’s another story. Not all Republicans are perpetually calling for war, but when the party agrees that war is necessary, then it’s more likely that fellow party members will want to roll with the tide.
#7: They Support Traditional Gender Roles
Traditionally speaking, you probably won’t see many Republicans sporting “I heart Feminism” t-shirts. And there’s a good reason for that: it’s because Republicans hate t-shirts. Kidding, kidding. But strong feminist views tend to go against the cherished familial values that have been firmly in place for years. Men do the work, and women have the babies. Men bring home the bacon, and women cook up the bacon as part of a hearty breakfast. Not every Republican abides by a perceived code like this of course, yet it’s no secret that some gentlemen out there have a certain preconception of how women should behave. And when a female reaches the brink of success, there just may be a disgruntled conservative ready to cut her down a bit.
#6: They Are Bible Thumpers
Religion has a prominent place within the Republican Party – and more often than not, it’s Christianity in particular. This can be admirable, but sometimes such a public show of religion may seem like it’s blurring the line between church and state. Also, like most humans in general, some conservatives fall short of living up to the core beliefs they loudly promote. Of course, nobody’s perfect, and sins can most certainly be forgiven. But there’s no denying that sometimes those that thump the Bible the loudest fail to follow the strict set of standards they try to impose upon others.
#5: They Are Anti-Immigration
In the good ol’ USA, Republicans have been known to scoff at immigrant culture – and that’s putting it politely. The most obvious figurehead for this movement, of course, is Donald Trump. The conservatives’ rhetoric often involves fear mongering and finger pointing, which rejects the very idea that America was built upon: immigration and hard work. Obviously, the world is more dangerous than ever, and not everybody necessarily wants to work hard, so it’s impossible to discern the motives of each and every individual. However, there’s a vast difference between engaging in public discourse and proud, xenophobic boasting.
#4: They Are Homophobic / Anti-Gay
Since they’re champions of blue-collar masculinity and traditional gender roles, acceptance of homosexuality doesn’t always sit well with the far right. Despite the presence of Republican groups that support LGBT rights, the public association between the GOP and homosexual discrimination is intense. Anti-gay attitudes on the far right are sometimes so extreme that even the perception of homosexuality can be an issue. In other words, even metrosexuals are homosexuals in the eyes of some conservatives. Just as many racists deny their racism by saying they have a friend of a different ethnicity, homophobic conservatives do the same on gay issues. However, chances are they then lose credibility through public statements that seem out of touch with the times.
#3: They Are Anti-Science
While liberals don’t always get their facts right, conservatives often reject fundamental truths about science outright – and the issue of climate change in the 21st century is a shining example that highlights the differences between both parties. Less-informed individuals may find themselves embracing the official party line rather than partaking in conversation with those in the know. This stereotype is further exacerbated by those Republicans who insist on lending Creationism the same credibility as scientific fact – or at least say that it should be taught together with evolution in school. And then, when faced with scientific data on evolution, stem cell research and, of course, climate change – or global warming as they still call it – conservatives will sometimes take the “I’m not a scientist approach” rather than refuting modern scientists with factual evidence.
#2: They Are Pro-Life
Not every Republican is pro-life, but the party position most definitely is. The political basis for this viewpoint is the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution, which guarantees certain rights to Americans. Many Republicans adhere to a very strict interpretation of the ideas put forth in the Constitution in the 18th century, and the pro-life argument fits in well here. This all gives rise to the stereotype that Republicans are happy to consider fetuses as unborn children and give them rights while denying the rights of actual living women. After all, women don’t always choose to become pregnant, but even so, right-wingers have infamously passed judgment on them anyways. And that is another issue in itself.
Before we get to our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
- They Watch Fox News
- They Are Patriotic to a Fault
- They Idolize Ronald Reagan / View Him as a God
#1: They Love Guns
Since the advent of social media, details on gun-related violence are often spread across the Internet in seconds. The presumed Republican response to such incidents – that “guns don’t kill people, people kill people” - is what usually gives the impression that Republicans want their gun rights no matter what. Of course, Americans have the right to bear arms under the Second Amendment, which is a fact that liberals don’t always want to hear. And it is true that some people legally carry weapons to protect themselves, even if they never fire a single bullet in their lifetime. But what fuels this Republican stereotype even more are the conservatives that stock their basements for war or kill animals for the thrill, as opposed to those people that simply adhere to the law.
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