Top 10 Best Free DLC of All Time

VOICE OVER: Dan Paradis
WRITTEN BY: Alex Slade
What's better than great DLC? Free DLC... that's great! Welcome to, and today we'll be counting down our picks for the Top 10 Best Free DLC of All Time.
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Top 10 Best Free DLC Of All Time
Free DLC this good makes you regret spending three dollars on that weapon skin. Welcome to, and today we’ll be counting down our picks for the Top 10 Best Free DLC of All Time.
For this list, we’ll be taking a look at the DLC that is offered to some of our games for free, whether they’re full of content, dynamically change the game, or are just a blast to play. We’ll be focusing on the DLC on its own merit, and not just the game. If you’re after games that offer the most free downloadable content, be sure to check out our list of the Top 10 Games With the Most Free DLC.
“The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt” (2015)
Please, we’ll take as much as of this game as we can get. We’d gladly throw our money at the screens for a bit more content, so the fact that this one is free just makes that feeling a whole lot better. While it’s only just a short contract quest, the quality we’d expect from the Witcher is still here. Your choices affect the outcome, the characters are well-thought out, and the storytelling keeps you on your toes. Are you merciful? Or do you slay every monster you find, no matter what? Play the contract to bring the true Witcher out of you.
“Mass Effect 3” (2012)
Mass Effect 2 is one of the greatest games of all time. Mass Effect 3 could have also been that if it didn’t render all your options from the previous games pretty much pointless. With a lackluster ending, fans were left with a sour taste in their mouth when the credits rolled. Thankfully, Bioware listened and gave us an ending that helped minimize the heartbreak we all felt. The extended cut gave us closure on Shepard’s story, as well as the fate of other characters, and was full of exciting action scenes, emotional moments, and scenes that made us feel both excitement and sadness together. The extended cut sent the series off on a much greater note.
“Overwatch” (2016)
A constant stream of free DLC? Yes, please. Of the most recent, was the gift of Blizzard World, a map in which you can roam around and see references to a lot of past Blizzard games. Just don’t let it distract you from your objective, and you’ll be right. With the Hearthstone Tavern, Heroes of the Storm Arcade, and sights from many other previous games, it’ll be like experiencing all the best Blizzard has to offer in one go… though you’ll probably be back for more.
“Steep” (2016)
While Steep had originally released these sports as paid DLC, players now have the option to pay for them or obtain them with in-game credits! We have base jumping, in which you, well, base jump. Rocket Wingsuit, which lets you zip around the map as if you’re flying. Then there’s Speed Riding, which is basically skiing with a parachute that makes every trick you do feel bigger and faster. Participating in these gets your heart racing. Calling this pack ‘Xtreme’ was the appropriate thing to do.
“No Man’s Sky” (2016)
No Man’s Sky was set to be an amazing experience from the get-go. The hype generated excitement around the globe, and the trailers took our breath away. The actual experience? Well, let’s just say it didn’t feel like a complete game. The Foundation Update is only one of the major pieces of content promised by Hello Games to be released for free, and each one hopes to make the game a more wholesome experience, but base building feels like the most significant addition to the game. Now, planets we discover can truly be made ours when we plop a giant base on it for the rest of the galaxy to see.
“Splatoon” (2015)
Splatoon is a fresh take on the team-based third-person shooter genre. With great and highly-stylized visuals and a wacky premise, Splatoon was sure to bring in many curious gamers and win them over almost immediately. With a ton of DLC being released for the game for free, one that stands out is the game mode Rainmaker, in which one team must move the rainmaker from the center of the map and bring into the enemy base. No super jumping while you have it, and your speed is reduced by 20%. Great teamwork is a must, and don’t be surprised if you get splatted... a lot.
“Grand Theft Auto Online” (2013)
Holy moly, this one’s big. Rockstar is consistently giving us free updates to its multiplayer component of GTA V, and the quality never seems to let-up. In fact, it continues to increase, and the Doomsday Heist is a shining example of that. It’s a massive, three-act heist, which brings about a plethora of new content, such as vehicles, weapons, property and even a new radio station. If you thought the Oppressor was crazy, wait until you see the Deluxo. Robbing all those banks is okay as long as we save the world, right?
“Street Fighter V” (2016)
This feels like a completely new game, rather than just an update. Free for anyone who owned the original Street Fighter V, Arcade Edition features new modes and gameplay changes. Of the biggest, is arcade mode - surprisingly missing from the core game – which makes a return. Unfortunately, if you’re joining Street Fighter 5 for the first time, you will have to fork out some dough, but it’s worth it. The original Street Fighter V felt like such a toned-down experience, and this update has helped to restore the franchise to its former glory.
“Titanfall 2” (2016)
This is the sixth free DLC for the game. Yep, don’t we feel lucky? The War Games adds two new maps, an execution, and a new game mode. The map War Games takes place in a simulation, while Traffic is a simple Live Fire map with two tunnels leading to each team’s side. The new game mode puts a spin on standard Free For All, in which players have to collect three batteries in order to call in their Titan. Aside from the new content, there was a ton of bug fixes and gameplay tweaks that make the game a much better experience as a whole.
“Shovel Knight” (2014)
When an entire campaign is released for free that’s just as long and just as good as the main game, how can it not be number one on our list? Following up the excellent Plague of Shadows DLC campaign, Spectre Knight’s abilities are vastly different from Shovel Knight, and the prequel story is layered, entertaining, and keeps us wanting to know what happens next. The setting and gameplay changes add a lot of variety to what we’re used to, making it feel like a whole new experience.
Free DLC this good makes you regret spending three dollars on that weapon skin. Welcome to, and today we’ll be counting down our picks for the Top 10 Best Free DLC of All Time.
For this list, we’ll be taking a look at the DLC that is offered to some of our games for free, whether they’re full of content, dynamically change the game, or are just a blast to play. We’ll be focusing on the DLC on its own merit, and not just the game. If you’re after games that offer the most free downloadable content, be sure to check out our list of the Top 10 Games With the Most Free DLC.
#10: Skellige’s Most Wanted
“The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt” (2015)
Please, we’ll take as much as of this game as we can get. We’d gladly throw our money at the screens for a bit more content, so the fact that this one is free just makes that feeling a whole lot better. While it’s only just a short contract quest, the quality we’d expect from the Witcher is still here. Your choices affect the outcome, the characters are well-thought out, and the storytelling keeps you on your toes. Are you merciful? Or do you slay every monster you find, no matter what? Play the contract to bring the true Witcher out of you.
#9: Extended Cut Ending
“Mass Effect 3” (2012)
Mass Effect 2 is one of the greatest games of all time. Mass Effect 3 could have also been that if it didn’t render all your options from the previous games pretty much pointless. With a lackluster ending, fans were left with a sour taste in their mouth when the credits rolled. Thankfully, Bioware listened and gave us an ending that helped minimize the heartbreak we all felt. The extended cut gave us closure on Shepard’s story, as well as the fate of other characters, and was full of exciting action scenes, emotional moments, and scenes that made us feel both excitement and sadness together. The extended cut sent the series off on a much greater note.
#8: Blizzard World
“Overwatch” (2016)
A constant stream of free DLC? Yes, please. Of the most recent, was the gift of Blizzard World, a map in which you can roam around and see references to a lot of past Blizzard games. Just don’t let it distract you from your objective, and you’ll be right. With the Hearthstone Tavern, Heroes of the Storm Arcade, and sights from many other previous games, it’ll be like experiencing all the best Blizzard has to offer in one go… though you’ll probably be back for more.
#7: Xtreme Pack
“Steep” (2016)
While Steep had originally released these sports as paid DLC, players now have the option to pay for them or obtain them with in-game credits! We have base jumping, in which you, well, base jump. Rocket Wingsuit, which lets you zip around the map as if you’re flying. Then there’s Speed Riding, which is basically skiing with a parachute that makes every trick you do feel bigger and faster. Participating in these gets your heart racing. Calling this pack ‘Xtreme’ was the appropriate thing to do.
#6: Foundation Update
“No Man’s Sky” (2016)
No Man’s Sky was set to be an amazing experience from the get-go. The hype generated excitement around the globe, and the trailers took our breath away. The actual experience? Well, let’s just say it didn’t feel like a complete game. The Foundation Update is only one of the major pieces of content promised by Hello Games to be released for free, and each one hopes to make the game a more wholesome experience, but base building feels like the most significant addition to the game. Now, planets we discover can truly be made ours when we plop a giant base on it for the rest of the galaxy to see.
#5: Rainmaker
“Splatoon” (2015)
Splatoon is a fresh take on the team-based third-person shooter genre. With great and highly-stylized visuals and a wacky premise, Splatoon was sure to bring in many curious gamers and win them over almost immediately. With a ton of DLC being released for the game for free, one that stands out is the game mode Rainmaker, in which one team must move the rainmaker from the center of the map and bring into the enemy base. No super jumping while you have it, and your speed is reduced by 20%. Great teamwork is a must, and don’t be surprised if you get splatted... a lot.
#4: Doomsday Heist
“Grand Theft Auto Online” (2013)
Holy moly, this one’s big. Rockstar is consistently giving us free updates to its multiplayer component of GTA V, and the quality never seems to let-up. In fact, it continues to increase, and the Doomsday Heist is a shining example of that. It’s a massive, three-act heist, which brings about a plethora of new content, such as vehicles, weapons, property and even a new radio station. If you thought the Oppressor was crazy, wait until you see the Deluxo. Robbing all those banks is okay as long as we save the world, right?
#3: Arcade Edition
“Street Fighter V” (2016)
This feels like a completely new game, rather than just an update. Free for anyone who owned the original Street Fighter V, Arcade Edition features new modes and gameplay changes. Of the biggest, is arcade mode - surprisingly missing from the core game – which makes a return. Unfortunately, if you’re joining Street Fighter 5 for the first time, you will have to fork out some dough, but it’s worth it. The original Street Fighter V felt like such a toned-down experience, and this update has helped to restore the franchise to its former glory.
#2: The War Games
“Titanfall 2” (2016)
This is the sixth free DLC for the game. Yep, don’t we feel lucky? The War Games adds two new maps, an execution, and a new game mode. The map War Games takes place in a simulation, while Traffic is a simple Live Fire map with two tunnels leading to each team’s side. The new game mode puts a spin on standard Free For All, in which players have to collect three batteries in order to call in their Titan. Aside from the new content, there was a ton of bug fixes and gameplay tweaks that make the game a much better experience as a whole.
#1: Spectre of Torment
“Shovel Knight” (2014)
When an entire campaign is released for free that’s just as long and just as good as the main game, how can it not be number one on our list? Following up the excellent Plague of Shadows DLC campaign, Spectre Knight’s abilities are vastly different from Shovel Knight, and the prequel story is layered, entertaining, and keeps us wanting to know what happens next. The setting and gameplay changes add a lot of variety to what we’re used to, making it feel like a whole new experience.