Everything You Missed in the Rick and Morty Season 4 Trailer

WRITTEN BY: Nick Spake
It's been a long wait but we've finally been treated so some new Rick and Morty content, though its just a 2 minute trailer we'll take what we can get.
Everything You Missed in Rick and Morty's Season 4 Trailer
Everything You Missed in Rick and Morty's Season 4 Trailer
Rest in peace, Chachi. Welcome to WatchMojo and today we’ll be going through Everything You Missed in Rick and Morty's Season 4 Trailer.
For this video, we’re breaking down all the little details in the trailer for “Rick and Morty’s” fourth season, which premieres on November 10, 2019.
Arby’s Sponsorship
As per usual, Morty literally finds himself hanging on for dear life while Rick kicks back without a care in the world. Rick’s hover chair largely overshadows his fast food, but attentive viewers will notice the Arby’s bag he discards shortly before Morty’s “epic adventure” goes downhill. The show is no stranger to sponsorships, having plugged the Nintendo 3DS and Walmart in Season 2. Rick and Morty also shined a spotlight on McDonald’s discontinued szechuan sauce in Season 3 and even appeared in a commercial for Carl’s Jr./Hardee’s. Perhaps Rick traveled to another dimension to pick up an obscure Arby’s sandwich that’s no longer on the menu in his reality. In any case, Arby’s owes Rick some free stuff!
Skipping Out on the Family
At one point, Beth and Summer engage in a fierce altercation on an airport ramp. The jet bridge leading to the plane has a noticeable hole in the glass, suggesting that the mother and daughter fell through in the midst of battle. Given the location, it’s possible that either Beth or Summer was trying to run out on the family. Our bet is on Beth, as she’s continually expressed her desire to leave in past episodes. This would mean that Summer is trying to stop her, marking one of the first times she gets violent and the first time she physically combats a family member. Of course, it could be the other way around and Beth is attempting to prevent her daughter from skipping out.
Mutant Jerry Head
One of the most grotesque creatures seen in the trailer is a blobby, screaming head with what appears to be coral growing out of its scalp. Take a closer look at the head, though. Doesn’t its bulging, panicked eyes and triangular nose look familiar? It’s totally Jerry, right? His scream even sounds an awful lot like voice actor Chris Parnell. If this is indeed Jerry, how did he wind up in such a sticky situation? Did Rick or somebody else subject him to an experiment gone wrong? Maybe this isn’t Jerry himself, but a Jerry clone that didn’t come out right. One way or another, Jerry is likely in store for a world of pain in Season 4.
“Total Recall” Shout-Out
Rick’s lab coat might rip-off Doctor Strange, but that’s not the only movie referenced in this clip. As Rick and Morty crash an auditorium, one of the alien onlookers clearly possesses three breasts. Fans of “Total Recall” will immediately recognize this as a shout out to the 1990 Arnold Schwarzenegger flick. This isn’t the first time “Rick and Morty” has paid homage to “Total Recall,” as a Season 2 episode was playfully entitled “Total Rickall.” Honestly, a lot of the characters in “Total Recall” would fit in pretty well with the world of “Rick and Morty,” especially Johnny Cab.
Gravity Gun
In a showdown with a rock titan, Rick is flung against the wall and his weapon shatters. While we only get a glimpse of Rick’s weapon, it doesn’t appear to be a traditional laser or portal gun. It’s not a grappling hook either, as Rick uses one later in the trailer and it looks completely different. Plus, he has a perfectly good pair of grappling shoes. The gun actually bears a great resemblance to the supercharged version of the Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator, aka the Gravity Gun, from “Half-Life 2.” Could it be that Rick borrowed a page from Gordon Freeman? More importantly, has Rick been to a universe where “Half-Life 3” is finished?
New Laser Gun
The supposed Gravity Gun isn’t the only new toy Rick is breaking out for Season 4. When Morty transforms into a mutated creature, Rick pulls his trusty laser gun out of his lab coat and leaps into action. But wait! That’s not the trademark laser gun Rick has been using since Season 1. Granted, Rick has a wide arsenal, but we’ve yet to see him – or any other members of the family – use this particular gun. Has Rick officially upgraded with a new laser gun or is this weapon just for a special occasion? For that matter, is Rick seriously going to shoot Morty? What are we saying? It’s Rick, of course he is!