Another Top 10 Marvel Cinematic Universe Easter Eggs

You know you're a true believer if you can spot these hidden easter eggs throughout all the films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe! WatchMojo presents Another Top 10 Easter Eggs from the MCU. But what will take the top spot on our list? Will it be the inclusion of the Prowler and Miles Morales in Spider-Man: Homecoming, the Hitler punch from Captain America: The First Avenger, or the collector's collection from Guardians of the Galaxy? Watch to find out!
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Every MCU film is a gift that keeps on giving. Welcome to, and today we’re counting down our picks for Another Top 10 Marvel Cinematic Universe Easter Eggs.
For this list, we are looking at the most exciting hidden images, messages, and references from the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
#10: The Original Guardians
“Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2” (2017)
More so than perhaps any other director working for Marvel, James Gunn has a deep, deep love for the source material from which he’s drawing upon. While Peter Quill and company are the line-up that have seen the greatest success both in terms of comic book sales and in making it to the big screen, they are in fact the second group of oddball characters to use the label “Guardians of the Galaxy”. As a nod to Guardians who came before his, Gunn brought to life some of the original crew for one of his post-credit scenes. We got to see StarHawk, Charlie-27, Martinex, Mainframe, Aleta, and Krugarr. Oh, and let’s not forget the original Guardians’ first enemy, Taserface!
#9: Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S. and Project 42
“The Avengers” (2012)
The MCU is unlikely to run out of storylines anytime soon - a fact they like to remind us of with little easter eggs like this one. Within the MCU, Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S. is an advanced scientific research facility. In the comics, Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S. serves a similar purpose. After Loki’s big entrance destroys it in the film however, Stark receives a collection of files pertaining to his work there. Among them, is one labeled “Project 42”. For the uninitiated, that means nothing, but comic book readers will tell you that that’s a reference to the prison Stark and company built in the Negative Zone during Civil War in the comics. Will the MCU ever be getting its own interdimensional detention center? Who knows, but the idea clearly exists in canon.
#8: Journey Into Mystery
“Thor” (2011)
Given the long history of these characters, a lot of their sillier early adventures or characteristics tend not to make the transition to the big screen. And honestly, that’s probably for the best. But it’s still nice to see the filmmakers give a little nod to the humble beginnings of these larger-than-life heroes. Case in point, in “Thor,” a passing billboard advertises the New Mexico area as a “Journey into Mystery,” which just so happens to be the series in which Thor made his first appearance. In it, he fought the Stone Men of Saturn, also known as the Kronans - one of which he actually fights early on in the second film: “Thor: The Dark World.”
#7: Ed Brubaker
“Captain America: Winter Soldier” (2014)
Nowadays, no one stays dead in comics. If a character is killed off, they’re sure to make a triumphant return in a matter of months or years, probably with a complicated story arc detailing the means by which they cheated death. But that wasn’t always the case. In 1968, after 27 years of service at Captain America’s side, Bucky Barnes was retroactively killed off in World War II. And he stayed dead for nearly four decades. Then in 2005, writer Ed Brubaker revived Bucky and gave us the awesome character known as the Winter Soldier. Well, when Bucky came back from the dead in the MCU, Ed Brubaker did it again by playing one of the on-screen scientists!
#6: Tales to Astonish
“Ant-Man” (2015)
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again - it’s nice to see a character’s first comic book appearance get an on-screen nod. While Thor’s debut got a billboard, Ant-Man’s actually got some lip-service courtesy of the movie’s villain, Darren Cross, aka Yellowjacket. The original Ant-Man, Hank Pym, made his comic book debut in Tales to Astonish #27, which saw the discovery of the Pym particles and Hank’s first experiences with shrinking. It was 8 issues later in the same title that Dr. Pym would debut as a bonafide superhero, adopting the mantle of Ant-Man. In the film, after showing footage of Hank’s early adventures, Cross loudly proclaims “Tales to Astonish!” It’s quick, but a nice nod nonetheless!
#5: Selvig's Greater Marvel Map
“Thor: The Dark World” (2013)
Stark and Banner are both geniuses, but Professor Selvig could certainly give them a run for their money. Unfortunately, Selvig’s reputation took a bit of a hit after being rendered insane by Loki’s influence. During his time at a Mental Institution, however, he outlined some brilliant theories. Clear as day on Selvig’s chalkboard we can see a mention of the Crossroads, a dimension known to Dr. Strange. There’s also reference to “The Fault” from the Guardians of the Galaxy comic book, and, perhaps most excitingly, the “616 Universe”, which is the name given to the primary continuity of Marvel comics. In short, Selvig’s figured out that it’s all connected.
#4: "I Can Do This All Day"
“Captain America: Civil War” (2016)
You know that a cinematic universe is doing well when it’s expansive enough that it can start making references back its early films. In Civil War, Captain America’s third solo outing and fifth appearance in the franchise, he comments to friend-turned-enemy Tony Stark “I Can Do This All Day”. Does the line sound familiar? That’s because Steve Rogers is quoting a much younger version of himself from many decades back. Before undergoing the experimental treatment that turned him into the super soldier he is today, he uttered those exact words to a bully beating him up behind a theater. A lot changes over time, but not the fighting spirit and optimism of Steve Rogers.
#3: The Prowler & Miles Morales
“Spider-Man: Homecoming” (2017)
When Tom Holland donned the tights, he became the third big-screen Spider-Man, but the FIRST to join the MCU. He received a warm welcome from audiences and MCU devotees, but with Spider-Man: Homecoming, he also raised a few questions. Like... will Tom Holland be the only Spider-Man in this universe? Donald Glover played a small-time criminal known as the Prowler, who, in the comics, is none other than the uncle of Miles Morales - who took on the role of Spider-Man after Peter’s death in the Ultimate universe. Glover also happened to voice Miles on the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon, making this small moment truly fascinating.
#2: The Collector’s Collection of Easter Eggs
“The Guardians of the Galaxy” (2014)
Like we said before… James Gunn really likes to flex his knowledge of the source material. By including the Collector in his first Guardians of the Galaxy film, he got the opportunity to include a whole assortment of recognizable oddities to thrill his fellow comic book lovers. Amidst the Collector’s many cases we can spot Cosmo the Space Dog, who many will recognize from his time with the Guardians in the comics. Then there’s Howard the Duck, everyone’s favorite hard-drinking mallard. You can also spot a Dark Elf, and a Chitauri. What more could fans ask for?
#1: Hitler Punch
“Captain America” (2011)
This one isn’t exactly subtle, but hey, an iconic superhero punching one of the most hated men in history shouldn’t really be subtle, now should it? During his performance for the troops, Captain America winds up and throws a simulated punch right at the Fuhrer's face. Even without the comic book context, it would be a widely appreciated moment, but what makes it all the sweeter is the fact that this right hook is taken straight from the cover of Captain America #1, first published in March of 1941. Cap has weathered his fair share of changes over the years, so it was nice to see the filmmakers pay tribute to his fascist-smashing roots.