7 Hidden Secrets In Elden Ring

VOICE OVER: Riccardo Tucci
WRITTEN BY: Nathan Sharp
Part of what makes "Elden Ring" so much fun is uncovering its tantalizing secrets! For this list, we'll be looking at various secrets and gameplay mechanics that are hidden within “Elden Ring.” Our list includes the Face Under Stormveil, the Lord of Frenized Flame, Healing Against Revenants, and more!
Part of what makes "Elden Ring" so much fun is uncovering its tantalizing secrets! For this list, we’ll be looking at various secrets and gameplay mechanics that are hidden within “Elden Ring.” Our list includes the Face Under Stormveil, the Lord of Frenized Flame, Healing Against Revenants, and more! Did you discover any of these on your own? Let us know in the comments below!
Millicent’s questline is quite a pain in the butt, but it leads to one of the most important items in the entire game. After completing Millicent’s questline, she will give you the Unalloyed Gold Needle. Or, alternatively, you can kill Millicent and get the needle for yourself. You are then required to tear your hair out and beat Malenia, who will leave behind a giant red flower. Interact with this, and the Unalloyed Gold Needle in your inventory will be turned into Miquella's Needle. You then must go to the arena of Dragonlord Placidusax in Crumbling Farum Azula to use it. Doing so will reverse the flame of frenzy received from Three Fingers and prevent the Lord of Frenzied Flame ending.
And speaking of the Lord of Frenzied Flame ending, that in itself is a hidden secret. It requires you to traverse the serpentine Subterranean Shunning Grounds underneath Leyndell. You will eventually come across a boss named Mohg, The Omen. After defeating him, head to the back of the room and hit an illusionary wall. This will take you down another labyrinth and eventually to an odd door. To open the door, you must strip down to your briefs. Once that is done, the Three Fingers will infect you with the Flame of Frenzy, which in turn unlocks the secret and very dark Lord of Frenzied Flame ending. Word of warning - this ending is locked in unless the player uses Miquella's Needle to reverse it.
Forget Malenia. Forget the stupid Godskin Duo. Revenants could very well be the hardest enemies in the game. These things are highly aggressive, incredibly speedy, spit poison, teleport, and have tons of health. In short, they’re a bunch of BS, and many players have trouble with them. However, there’s one key weapon against the Revenants, and that is, bizarrely, the Heal spell. Using the Heal spell in the vicinity of a Revenant will cause it significant damage and might even stagger, allowing you to easily finish it off. How we were supposed to know this, we don’t know, but it certainly helps!
Even though it’s pretty easy, Rykard provides one of the most memorable boss fights in the game. This bizarre man-snake-thing looks awesome, and he even pulls a sword with the squirming remains of his enemies out of his own mouth. Just make sure that you return to his area after defeating him. After speaking with Tanith and returning to Rykard’s room, you can find her…um, how do we say this…eating his head. It’s a sight. With this, Tanith’s quest is completed and you are free to kill her. Should you do so, you will be invaded by her bodyguard. Kill him also and you will receive an incantation. But that’s not important. You just want to see the head devouring.
This game has a thing with creepy heads. Stormveil Castle is one of the first places that players will enter, being found in the northwest corner of the starting area. However, it’s very easy to miss one of its best secrets. There is a hidden underground passage located near the Liftside Chamber grace, and venturing down will find you face to face with a…face. Yes, a giant, unnatural, squid-like face is seemingly composed out of the roots. And the scariest thing about it is that it’s seemingly alive. What this is, we don’t know. Some think it’s a warped form of Godwyn, others think it’s a random demigod. Whatever it is, it is freaky. We thought we were playing “Elden Ring,” not “Bloodborne.”
Most people will go through the game with Melina as their finger maiden. She doesn’t really do much, aside from offer the player some interesting notes on the game’s lore. However, it’s also possible to turn Hyetta into your finger maiden, should you so desire. Unfortunately, it involves going down the aforementioned Frenzied Flame route. After giving her grapes, Hyetta can be found in the Frenzied Flame Proscription - the same area as the Three Fingers. After accepting the flame, you can talk to Hyetta and make her your new maiden. Unfortunately, this will cause her to combust and drop the Frenzied Flame Seal. And you will get the bad ending. Bummer.
George R.R. Martin helped write the game’s lore, so you best believe there are some characters who like to keep it in the family! Or, whatever this is, anyway. Queen Marika and Radagon were a couple who parented the likes of General Radahn, Godwyn, Rykard, and Ranni. You know, most of the game’s major characters. However, a hidden statue found in Leyndell reveals that Marika and Radagon are actually the same person! Marika and Radagon are the respective female and male halves of the same godly entity. They met each other and married, giving birth to twins Malenia and Miquella. These two were born with curses, which is likely the result of the forbidden relationship between their parents.
Miquella's Needle
Millicent’s questline is quite a pain in the butt, but it leads to one of the most important items in the entire game. After completing Millicent’s questline, she will give you the Unalloyed Gold Needle. Or, alternatively, you can kill Millicent and get the needle for yourself. You are then required to tear your hair out and beat Malenia, who will leave behind a giant red flower. Interact with this, and the Unalloyed Gold Needle in your inventory will be turned into Miquella's Needle. You then must go to the arena of Dragonlord Placidusax in Crumbling Farum Azula to use it. Doing so will reverse the flame of frenzy received from Three Fingers and prevent the Lord of Frenzied Flame ending.
The Lord of Frenzied Flame
And speaking of the Lord of Frenzied Flame ending, that in itself is a hidden secret. It requires you to traverse the serpentine Subterranean Shunning Grounds underneath Leyndell. You will eventually come across a boss named Mohg, The Omen. After defeating him, head to the back of the room and hit an illusionary wall. This will take you down another labyrinth and eventually to an odd door. To open the door, you must strip down to your briefs. Once that is done, the Three Fingers will infect you with the Flame of Frenzy, which in turn unlocks the secret and very dark Lord of Frenzied Flame ending. Word of warning - this ending is locked in unless the player uses Miquella's Needle to reverse it.
Healing Against Revenants
Forget Malenia. Forget the stupid Godskin Duo. Revenants could very well be the hardest enemies in the game. These things are highly aggressive, incredibly speedy, spit poison, teleport, and have tons of health. In short, they’re a bunch of BS, and many players have trouble with them. However, there’s one key weapon against the Revenants, and that is, bizarrely, the Heal spell. Using the Heal spell in the vicinity of a Revenant will cause it significant damage and might even stagger, allowing you to easily finish it off. How we were supposed to know this, we don’t know, but it certainly helps!
Rykard's Head
Even though it’s pretty easy, Rykard provides one of the most memorable boss fights in the game. This bizarre man-snake-thing looks awesome, and he even pulls a sword with the squirming remains of his enemies out of his own mouth. Just make sure that you return to his area after defeating him. After speaking with Tanith and returning to Rykard’s room, you can find her…um, how do we say this…eating his head. It’s a sight. With this, Tanith’s quest is completed and you are free to kill her. Should you do so, you will be invaded by her bodyguard. Kill him also and you will receive an incantation. But that’s not important. You just want to see the head devouring.
The Face Under Stormveil
This game has a thing with creepy heads. Stormveil Castle is one of the first places that players will enter, being found in the northwest corner of the starting area. However, it’s very easy to miss one of its best secrets. There is a hidden underground passage located near the Liftside Chamber grace, and venturing down will find you face to face with a…face. Yes, a giant, unnatural, squid-like face is seemingly composed out of the roots. And the scariest thing about it is that it’s seemingly alive. What this is, we don’t know. Some think it’s a warped form of Godwyn, others think it’s a random demigod. Whatever it is, it is freaky. We thought we were playing “Elden Ring,” not “Bloodborne.”
Hyetta as Finger Maiden
Most people will go through the game with Melina as their finger maiden. She doesn’t really do much, aside from offer the player some interesting notes on the game’s lore. However, it’s also possible to turn Hyetta into your finger maiden, should you so desire. Unfortunately, it involves going down the aforementioned Frenzied Flame route. After giving her grapes, Hyetta can be found in the Frenzied Flame Proscription - the same area as the Three Fingers. After accepting the flame, you can talk to Hyetta and make her your new maiden. Unfortunately, this will cause her to combust and drop the Frenzied Flame Seal. And you will get the bad ending. Bummer.
Marika & Radagon
George R.R. Martin helped write the game’s lore, so you best believe there are some characters who like to keep it in the family! Or, whatever this is, anyway. Queen Marika and Radagon were a couple who parented the likes of General Radahn, Godwyn, Rykard, and Ranni. You know, most of the game’s major characters. However, a hidden statue found in Leyndell reveals that Marika and Radagon are actually the same person! Marika and Radagon are the respective female and male halves of the same godly entity. They met each other and married, giving birth to twins Malenia and Miquella. These two were born with curses, which is likely the result of the forbidden relationship between their parents.