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20 Times LEGO Games MADE FUN Of Movies

20 Times LEGO Games MADE FUN Of Movies
VOICE OVER: Ty Richardson WRITTEN BY: Ty Richardson
Welcome to MojoPlays, and today, we're taking a look at the 20 Times Lego Games Made Fun of Movies! For this video, we're looking at the times Lego games poked fun at the stories they retold. Our list includes “Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga” (2022), “Lego The Hobbit” (2014), “Lego Jurassic World” (2015), “Lego Marvel's Avengers” (2016), “Lego Marvel Super Heroes” (2013) and more!
Script written by Ty Richardson

20 Times Lego Games Made Fun of Movies

Welcome to MojoPlays, and today, we’re taking a look at the 20 Times Lego Games Made Fun of Movies!

For this list, we’re looking at the times Lego games poked fun at the stories they retold. Which of these did you find the funniest? Let us know down in the comments!

Flexin’ Ben the Fanboy

“Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga” (2022)
“The Last Jedi” gave us so many horrible moments that shaped the characters we loved into absurd shells of their former selves (more on that later). But who remembers all the Ben Swole-O memes that cropped up after the movie released? TT Games certainly remembered and practically mocks this aspect of Kylo Ren’s character. In addition to teasing about his obsession with Grandpa Vader, “Skywalker Saga” shows Kylo working out or flexing almost all of the time, especially when he’s talking to Rey. It’s a hilarious look back on how much potential Kylo Ren had as a character and how he became as big of a joke as his grandfather.

Gandalf, Sleazy Magician

“Lego The Hobbit” (2014)
Both the “Lego Hobbit” and “Lego Lord of the Rings” games pack a ton of detail and references that will have Middle-earth fans grinning from ear to ear as we’ll see throughout the list. For now, we want to turn our attention to an achievement called “Conjurer of Cheap Tricks”. To pop this, you’ll need to startle enemies with one of Gandalf’s abilities fifty times. This is clearly a jab at the wizard and uses his own words against him, calling him exactly what he claims he isn’t - a troll.

Nedry Needs An Intervention

“Lego Jurassic World” (2015)
If there’s one thing you should know about Nedry (aside from him being a rotund pile of bricks fueled by greed), it’s that he loves his junk food. He even tries to hide his devious agenda by constantly offering food to his colleagues before slinking away to do his dirty work. One achievement in “Lego Jurassic World” makes fun of this part of Nedry’s character by tasking you with throwing a soda at another character. The name of the achievement? “Anyone Want a Soda?”

Got Enough Blades, Kylo?

“Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens” (2016)
Kylo Ren’s lightsaber has always looked a tad ridiculous. Come on, man, what are the two mini blades on the hilt for? Are you really that desperate to land a hit on someone? Even “Lego The Force Awakens” makes fun of its design, and it does so several times in its cutscenes. Kylo will often find himself jiggling with the lightsaber as the blades protrude from their incorrect spots. Heck, they even made fun of it when they announced the game back in 2015!

A Tasty Platinum

“Lego Marvel’s Avengers” (2016)
This one is more of a nod than a straight up joke, but it’s a funny nod nonetheless, so we’re counting it. If you’ve seen 2012’s “The Avengers” movie, you might recall the part after the movie’s climax where Tony Stark asks everyone if they’ve ever tried shawarma. A post-credits scene shows the whole team inside a restaurant eating - what else - shawarma. “Lego Marvel Super Heroes” references this bit by naming its Platinum trophy “Have You Ever Tried Shawarma?” It’s a hilariously dismissive question to ask the player after spending dozens of hours 100%ing the game, much like how Stark used it to shrug off the epic war he just experienced.

Anakin’s Eventual Turn

“Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga” (2022)
“Skywalker Saga” not only makes fun of Anakin’s manchild behavior - it even teases his imminent turn to the Dark Side. As we mentioned in our 10 Easter Eggs & References video (go watch if you haven’t already!), Episode II Anakin has an idle animation where his blue lightsaber briefly turns red. There are a few other allusions, though. Owning a Palpatine alarm clock that spouts “do it” on repeat is pretty suspicious. Then, there’s the fact that he colors at his school desk with a red crayon. We’re sure there are many more jokes about Anakin going bad, but we’d be here all day.

Goodbye, Thror!

“Lego The Hobbit” (2014)
Okay, this one is a bit darker than everything else on our list, but it’s worth mentioning. Just like in the 2012 film “The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey”, “Lego The Hobbit” shows us a flashback where Arzog fought Thrór during the Battle of Azanulbizar. Whereas the movie made Thrór’s demise dramatic and emotional, “Lego The Hobbit” makes it funnier than it probably should be. Instead of a decapitation, Arzog flings him in the air and smacks him away to Sauron knows where. The flashback carries on with its somber tone.

Palpatine’s InSIDIOUS Intentions

“Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga” (2022)
It’s no secret that Palpatine is the bad guy of the entire franchise. Even in the prequels, he was pulling all the strings, and looking back, it was painfully obvious. “Skywalker Saga” makes it even more obvious throughout Episodes I, II, and III. There are many shots where Palpatine is rubbing his hands in a devious manner, using Death Star merchandise, hiding dark robes and plastic lightning, and smiling a sinister smile when offering “advice”. He almost comes off as a troll, and it’s hilarious to see how everyone is oblivious to the obvious.

The Sinister Swordsman

“Lego Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures” (2008) & “Lego Indiana Jones 2: The Adventure Continues” (2009)
One of the best scene in “Raiders of the Lost Ark” was when Indy almost had to fight an expert swordsman. While a fight scene was originally planned, Harrison Ford was suffering from dysentery during production, and so, the fight was shortened to last one single gunshot. The “Lego Indy” games include this fight in both games and poke fun at in different ways. The first “Lego Indy” recreates the scene while “Lego Indy 2” makes it much more goofy and the swordsman’s fall more humiliating.

Yes, Really

“Lego Marvel Super Heroes” (2013)
The first “Lego Marvel” game was a fantastic launch for yet another line of “Lego” games, boasting a massive roster of heroes young and old, strong and weak, popular and obscure. One achievement, though, seems to direct a bit of resentment towards one specific character. Simply unlock Howard the Duck, and you’ll unlock an achievement called “Really?” This is very much a jab at the character, most likely due to his abysmal movie adaptation in 1986. Ever since that disaster, no one has given the duck any respect.

A More Charming Prologue

“Lego The Lord of the Rings” (2012)
There are many moments where the “Lord of the Rings” movies can get very intense. Leave it to Lego and TT Games to make things less serious. The opening to the “Lego The Lord of the Rings” game helped set that expectation quick. While the narrator retains the epic and dramatic tone of the story, there are a handful of instances where the characters mess up their shots and choreography. Nothing more than a harmless, playful tease towards the movies.

The Run-In At Mos Eisley

“Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy” (2006)
The Mos Eisley Cantina scene is perhaps one of the most memorable scenes in “Star Wars” history. For “Lego Star Wars II”, though, TT Games told it just a bit differently. In the movie, we see Luke confronted by two bar patrons before Obi-Wan intervenes and slices one of their arms off. This was changed to where only one of them confronts Luke. After his fall, the second patron quickly finishes his drink and bolts out of the bar. Yeah, we wouldn’t mess with anyone who looked remotely like a Jedi.

Burdensome Dwarves

“Lego The Hobbit” (2014)
When you really watch it again, the dwarves are quite a burden on Bilbo. They just come in and start throwing his stuff around and making a ruckus! Well, “Lego The Hobbit” leans into this heavily and basically reaffirms our impressions. Throughout the scene, you can see the dwarves carrying even more stuff and attempting to clog up more of Bilbo’s abode. …Say, when did they have the time to get zoo animals into his home?

Luke’s Blue Milk Obsession

“Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga” (2022)
This was the funniest jab “Skywalker Saga” has made, and considering how it changes Luke’s character, it was a perfect way to pay tribute to one of the worst character changes in the franchise. Between Episode IV, V, VI, and VIII, there are a few instances where you can spot Luke taking a quick guzzle of that disgusting blue milk or obsessing over it in some other way. For example, Episode VIII actually tasks you with finding his milk bottle in order to progress the story. It’s a painful yet hilarious reminder of what “TheLast Jedi” did to our noble hero. Look at how they murdered ma boi!

1960’s Batman

“Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham” (2014)
There is already so much love and appreciation for the 1960’s Batman TV series with the fight captions and characters singing their rendition of the theme song. The bonus level, on the other hand, hits different. You can find so many small details that poke fun at the cheap production value of the show and how movies and shows were shot back in that era. Regardless of what age you are, if you’re a Batman fan, you’ll greatly appreciate this.

Oh, the Memes

“Lego Dimensions” (2015)
Going back to trophies and achievements, “Lego Dimensions” packs in a playful joke towards the meme community, specifically the “Lord of the Rings” meme community. Upon finishing the level “Painting the Town Black”, you will pop an achievement called “Simply Walked Into…Metropolis”. This subtle joke is a reference to a “Lord of the Rings” meme where Boromir claims that “One does not simply walk into Mordor”. While that may be true, you really did just walk into Metropolis without too many problems.

Tragedy is Comedy

“Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga” (2022)
Okay, so we all know that the “Star Wars” prequels, as bad as they may be, have a redeeming quality in their cheesy dialogue. Just listen to how Anakin talks about slaughtering the Tusken Raiders who killed his mother. “Skywalker Saga” snuck in a joke vague enough to fly over most kids’ heads. When you talk to a Protocol Droid outside of one of the Tusken Raider camps, he’ll tell you about how not just men live here, but the women and children, too. We see you, TT Games! That was a good one.

Puny God

“Lego Marvel Super Heroes” (2013)
Of course, with the first “Lego Marvel” game launching so soon after the 2012 “Avengers” movie, there had to be some other reference than the name of a Platinum trophy that few folks will get to see, right? Well, there is one joke they pulled from the movie, and it is tied to an achievement. Set one player as Hulk and the other as Loki. Use Hulk to attack Loki until that legendary assault is activated. Enjoy the show as your trophy or achievement pops!

NO!! No More Sequels!

“Lego Jurassic World” (2015)
Steering into achievements one more time, “Lego Jurassic World” takes another swing at the movies in a playful way. This time, it’s pointing out the excessiveness of the franchise. Upon reaching 100% completion, you’ll pop an achievement called “Next Time, It’ll Be Flawless!” As we all know, in every “Jurassic” movie something goes haywire and jeopardizes the whole plan. Every villain thinks they can make “Jurassic Park” a thing, and every villain fails worse than the last. Clearly, this achievement was a bit of sarcasm and ridicule.

A Family Joke That Isn’t Family-Friendly

“Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga” (2022)
For our final entry, let’s squeeze in one more joke made at the expense of “Star Wars”. In “Episode VI”, Our ghostly mentor, Obi-Wan, reveals to Luke that Leia is in fact his sister. R2-D2 immediately sets off his alarms, aware of what has occurred prior to this knowledge. Luke’s reaction is priceless as he slowly tries to comprehend what he has done and how to handle this revelation. For once, the story of “Star Wars” finally acknowledged just how wrong certain things played out. And we’ll leave it at that.