The Legend of Zelda is considered one of the greatest franchises of all time, with all of the games in the series considered receiving strong critical acclaim, and each game considered like royalty. The story has changed throughout the years but the staples have been the same, Link is a guy in a green tunic who has to either save or assist Princess Zelda to save the land of Hyrule. But the changes to each game gives them their own identity, Join as we countdown our picks for the Top 10 games in The Legend of Zelda franchise. Special Thanks to our users " Jaime Enrique Gutierrez Pérez" "TheDanTheManShow" "Spideyfan-0913" "pastelskittles" & "john.tonderys" and many others for suggesting this topic on our website WatchMojo.comsuggest! read more...
Top 10 Legend of Zelda Games
VOICE OVER: Dan Paradis