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top 10 good movies with bad scores on rotten tomatoes

4 2
Suggested by Swordmaster164

home alone franchise

2 1
Charlie Wolfe 6 years ago Report
The first two are Christmas movie classics and each are funny, entertaining, full of one liners, and leave you with a heart warming feeling at the end
1 0

top 10 good movies with bad scores on rotten tomatoes

Play Trivia top 10 good movies with bad scores on rotten tomatoes
Suggested by Swordmaster164

pirates of the carabiean dead mans chest

2 1
Suggested by Swordmaster164


2 1
Charlie Wolfe 6 years ago Report
If we are taking transformers one, it was good action movie and the reason it was better than the other transformers movies was 1) first time to see transformers so fights were NEW and UNPERDICTABLE 2) the cast was diverse and there were different groups interacting in the movie ( Sam and his girlfriend, the soldiers, the hackers, military higher u
1 0
Suggested by Swordmaster164

forrest gump

2 1
Charlie Wolfe 6 years ago Report
This movie did well with critics why is it here? It won oscars?!?
1 0
Suggested by Charlie Wolfe

The Last Samurai

1 0
Suggested by Swordmaster164

assassins creed

1 1
Suggested by Swordmaster164

top gun

1 2
Suggested by Swordmaster164

die hard with a vengance

1 2
Suggested by MatsLP

Independence Day

1 2
Suggested by Swordmaster164

suicide squad

1 3

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